“I think Matt had the power and he used it to save you.” **updated**

America says they both have told Izzy information that wasn’t supposed to go anywhere but it still did.
America – I feel like you, Blue and Corey are my unit.
America stresses she doesn’t trust “Them” (The stunts)
Jag – I am telling you right now I am not mentioning anything
America – the other side the other group I’m on eggshells when talking to them. I know they don’t trust me. I didn’t want it to be 10-0.
America – I think matt had the power and he used it to save you. He was being honest with me when we were talking about votes
America stresses she has no power with the other group. “I have no pull in what they decide to do”
America says she talked to every single person on the other side about telling Jag he’s getting evicted and they all said no.
America says the other side is a large group, it’s a loyal group and for now they have to play along and go on with whatever it is they say.
America – I am not working with them.

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JARED WON Head of Household! Jag “The tide has turned! Life sure is sweet!”

10:19pm /The live feeds return from being blocked for the live eviction episode where Jag was evicted but then saved by Matt with his super power. Everyone including the out going HOH Cameron played in the HOH competition.

Matt and America are in the bathroom chatting about New Orleans. Matt says he knows Swamp People. Matt – I was going to call people out and then I called Julie, JULIA. America – its okay, its okay. Its because I am thinking about what I want to say and then I am getting nervous. America – oh brother. Matt – next week I just have to get it right.

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Blue “You know what they say, its easier for me to just pack so I can move into the HOH room tomorrow.”

Bedroom – Blue and Jared.
Blue – Bowie told me that I am good. I told her that I am going to throw the comp tomorrow. I said that I am going to throw the comp if I stay because I don’t want a bigger target on my back. Jared – Red is under the impression that you’re going to come after him. Blue – I am sure he is. And then when Cameron pressed Cirie about it she told him that I am throw the comp. And then Bowie was like oh like I don’t think has mentioned you and Jared. I think you guys are good. Jared – things change hourly, damn near daily. I want to talk to Cameron. I don’t even know if I should bother talking to Red. I might as well. I don’t know. Jared – Cameron is one thing, but I would be more focused on Red because you’ve already covered with Cam. But if you talk to one you should talk to the other. I would definitely talk to Red because he can play next week and could win. He (Cam) can’t vote this week and Red can. Jared – Now I’ve got to see you pack.

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Cirie – “He [MATT] has to let them know tomorrow morning what he’s going to do.” **Updated**

4:03 pm Cirie and Jared
Cirie – I’m not sure what to tell Matt to do.
Jared – you have to figure out exactly what it is again.
Cirie – I know what it is. If he uses it to save Jag
Jared – Before the votes
Cirie – no.. I don’t know when.. he has to let them know tomorrow morning what he’s going to do. If he saves Jag and we all voted for Jag then Blue don’t get no votes then Blue and Jag stay. If he saves Jag and we voted for Blue then it’s unused and he can use it next week.
Jared – that’s confusing

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America “If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie & Izzy or Felicia & Izzy on the block. I don’t care!”

11:45pm Backyard Hammock – America and Cory
Cory – I am telling you the burrito thing. I went upstairs because I thought he was going to talk to me and there was like nothing. Cory – but like no one sees that they just see you walking up to the HOH room. Like the story you say is true and the story they say makes more sense. America – I know .. I just wanted a burrito. I mean f**k them .. whatever! The 7 .. is so f**king stupid! Its so fake and you telling me that its like real is so dumb. Like no they’re loyal to their four and that’s it. Five including POO. But like we’re not in on or I’m not in on it at all. Like I am walking into the storage room at 8am to change out my batteries and its Felicia, Cirie, Meme and Izzy and they like disperse like ants. Like at 8am in the morning what the f**k can you be whispering about!? Its just annoying! That was this morning..

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“This is us taking the first shot but is it worth taking the first shot just to save Jag?”

7:42pm – 7:50pm Storage room – Cirie and Meme
Cirie – I can’t keep talking Red off a ledge. I can’t keep putting my neck out on a ledge for somebody that ain’t really in my core alliance. So I am 1000% about the Brown Sugar Babes. Although its sad I can’t save you. I can’t save you. Meme – I really love Izzy. Cirie – I really love Izzy but you keep doing stuff. Meme – you really got to stop doing stuff Izzy. Cirie – I tried to tell her. I told her like four times! Meme – I never said to America ohhh.. I hate Bowie.. You can’t!! I mean whoever it is. Cirie – I know! I told her 1000 times! I said stop talking to these people about these people!! Meme – because they’ll sit up and kick you. Red said last night if we can’t resolve it, I want to dissolve it. That was the only reason I was like hold up. Hold on! Lets not get crazy. Let me go get here and you guys work it out. But I told her last night .. I am not doing that no more. I am not going to keep putting myself in the middle. I don’t have nothing to do with this and I don’t want nothing to do with this. So if she do it again and they like whatever.. it is what it is. Yes it is one of our numbers but it can’t keep costing us. The chaos is causing them to be like oh I don’t know if I want to do this.. They are just looking for a reason to take that shot..

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Jared – “you are not a fan favorite. You don’t have the greatest personality for people to like.” **updated**

12:20 pm
Jared – who do you think the four is, Blue, Jag, Cirie and Felciai.
Corey -that makes sense.
Corey – I think it could be Felicia, I don’t see Blue I don’t see Cameron
America – it could be you
Jared – Definitely NOT you I think it’ll be MATT
Corey – why are you so confident it won’t be me. I don’t think it’ll be me
America – it could be you

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“I will rank who I trust in order: Number 1 [Red], Number 2 is a Tie between all of them”

10:13 am Red and Cam
Red is saying America is out to get him. Cam says all that is coming from Corey.
Cam – he’s the one pumping it.. I’m telling you man
red – As Chillers we are safe with him we are not safe with America
Cam – OH America and Blue gotta go
Red – he’s gotta go
Red says MEME is very selfish “It’s part of her upbringings she’s a only child and it SHOWS”

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Felicia – “We have to keep Jag” **updated**

6:51 pm MEME and Big Momma Felicia
Felicia – I don’t know who is playing who. She’s making it seem like she really likes Corey that’s what she seemed like Last night. He’s saying that she’s bullshitting corey to get information.
Felicia – Either way he has no intention in putting her a$$ up.
MEME – Absolutely
MEME – what we need to be aware of is part of our seven the for real for real alliance at this point when we make the decision to keep JAG and not keep Blue there will be 2 of 4 that will vote for her.

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“The next two up will be Blue/America or America/Blue I don’t care but the next one out has to be Corey.” **updated**

Cam goes on how “f***Ing nuts” it would be if Red won HOH this week and he turned around and won veto.
REd – did they hear both their convos? Ohh you’re so intelligent You’re this you’re that
Cam – I heard Jag’s specifically.. Blues was like whatever.
Cam – Blue was talking she wasn’t pumping you up with anything she was just being Blue taking the spotlight sorta thing. Jag’s was more well directed.
Cam – nothing weird today? Normal shit? it’s pretty calm we kinda calmed everything down.
Red – I did pull Izzy over to the side and said ‘do you feel better now’
Cam – She’s back to her annoying self already
Red – yup. She’s the one that will incite unrest in our group If it’s going to happen. I’m doing my best to keep her tolerated.
Cam – she kept looking at me..
Red – she said ‘ohh I’m Nervous before every Veto’
Red – NO NO you’re not.

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