Izzy “Cam told me that he loved me. I said we don’t have to go that far. I ain’t going to say it back!”

4:15pm Games Room – Cirie, Izzy and America
Cirie – Jag said that Cam said next week, you’re not my target. America – why would he tell him that? Cirie – I don’t know. That’s what Jag to me. I think that people should be limited to a certain amount of time. Its a long time with 12 people.. 12 hours that’s all day. America – its long conversations too. Cirie – like oh my god! Talk, talk, talk, talk! America – I mean I would like to discuss it with everyone but Red is beefing with me. I have nothing against Red but if we can guarantee that he isn’t going to come after me as a target, then I am okay with him staying. Right, but its the fact that he seems to have this resentment towards me. It just doesn’t sit well with me. Especially when he doesn’t know me and like we’ve had conversations before and I don’t know why he would come to the conclusions he has like calling me names or like you know?! Its just mean and I don’t like it. So if it comes down to him and Jag .. obviously I am down for Jag to go. I voted to evict him last week. Cirie – so the only thing is ..

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Cory “I don’t think we need to call in the Avengers to get Cam out.” Jared “If Cameron wins HOH, I am f**Ked.”

11:52am Upper Level. Jared and Cory.
Jared – if we put up America next to Red and vote out America.. Cory – This week?! Jared – yes this week. Cory – oh Jared! You got to explain it to me. Jared – if we were trying to keep competitors moving forward to move against Cameron ultimately, I would definitely pick Red and Jag. Cory – yeah of course but.. Jared – but in that theory who would have to go home? Cory – okay but I don’t think we need to call in the Avengers to get Cam out. You know what I mean, he is a threat to win a competition but.. Jared – Dude has been putting on every time his back is against the wall. Cory – I don’t even want to entertain that. This is something I just need you to trust me. That like you’re my number one and America is not. I have been telling you everything that she has been telling me. And I am sure you feel the same way about Blue except yours is probably easier because yours is a non-factor. There is no world where her (America) leaving this week makes any sense for you or me. It doesn’t. Its all to make sure Cam doesn’t win HOH? Jared – if Cameron wins HOH, I am f**Ked.

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Red “I suppose its a bit serendipitous we’re in this pool where Chillers started because I recon we’re going to have to put it on ice.”

7:40pm Backyard Hot Tub – Red and Cameron
Red – there is a lot of weird sh*t that goes on in this place. Cam – shouldn’t be between you and me. Should not be between you and me. Red – exactly! Cam – you know where my head and my heart is. You can’t let those weird a$$ thoughts get a head of you because ain’t nothing bigger than me and you. Ain’t nothing around here. Ain’t nothing like that. You see who’s crying right now don’t you? That’s what I was working on. I knew if I could get one of us down and then get the third biggest target (America) up… we both stay. That’s what I was working on. Red – Well.. Cam – do you have a different thought? Red – no, I mean that’s always been the situation. It ain’t got nothing to do with that. Cam – well what is it then. Red – well…. just a bad week all together. Cam – personally or between me and you? Red – I think a little of both I recon. Cam – well I don’t understand what the me and you part is. Do you need to fill me in on something because I don’t know what is going on. Red – You should.. you should. I mean.. you should. I’ve just accepted it.

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Jared “Losing your sh*t like that makes you expendable! I would be lying if I said I did not consider you.”

4:05pm HOH room – Jared, Blue and America continued.
Jared – you become a consideration if you ain’t someone’s plus one or you ain’t part of what they got going on. .. then you should probably start expecting to be that. Like sh*t I don’t know where I stand with certain people if they win next week considering I made this move this week. I am sure it probably rubbed certain people the wrong way.. and I just got to deal with it. I am not about to sit here and go crazy and go to everybody and say that I am expendable.. like that’s just crazy… because that makes you expendable. Losing your sh*t like that makes you expendable! America – I am walking into a room and they’re talking about putting me up though?! Jared – yeah but.. America – in what world should I feel safe with them!? You know what the situation is. I thought I would be able to trust them. I’ve talked to Izzy before and other people in that group and they’re like we got you. You’re good. And at the first turn or the first opening.. I am the first one up? Jared – who was in that group?

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CAMERON WON The VETO!! “Don’t you want to pull Red off for his birthday?”

Bathroom – Izzy and Cory.
Cory – I think it would be a waste of time. I think he is arrogant. Izzy – I know but wouldn’t it be a nice gesture for his buddy? After f**king stabbing him in the back to move forward with him? Put Jag up? That was your original target. Don’t you want to pull Red off for his birthday? Cory – I am sure when Cirie was pitching this originally it sounded like it would not work. Izzy – I thought it immediately, why don’t we try and convince him not to use it? Cory – I .. I mean its a long shot but why the f**k not? You know what I mean? Izzy – that’s what I am saying. I think Cirie is talking to POO right now. Cory – we’re about to have some replacement nominee conversations. And I know who the nominees are… So what is this really Bowie, Jag and America? 3 names. Izzy – yeah but I don’t think Bowie is in the running. Cory – well at least she didn’t throw it at least. And I will tell POO that. It was either going to be her, him or Matt. You know? That’s who was doing this. She didn’t throw it. Cory – oh my god. Just f**k. Izzy – MMMmmmHHmmm.

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Jared “I Don’t think she’s [America] the R-word I slipped up obviously” **Updated**

9:28 am Jared and Corey
They are going back and forth about America throwing competition. Corey says she hasn’t been throwing all of them.
Jared – She can throw any other f***ign competition she wants this one I need her to f***ign play
Jared – Nobody trust her she does not have a side
feeds flip When we’re back.
Jared – I don’t need anybody in here that is literally threatening me and them. That’s my problem it’s not about her winning or losing if you don’t try you are not trying to help me. You know what the plan is you know who I am trying to get out. (Did Jared throw the pressure cooker)

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Jag about America “she’s lying to everyone she’s gotta go”

1:25 am Jag and Matt
Jag asks him how he’s doing
Matt – Good
Jag – the house in general we’ve been here for a month now
Matt hopes they can get to the final 7 with their group. He thinks they’ll get there as long as they don’t create another mini alliance inside of the 7.
Matt – once this 7 start to make a 5, 3, 4 or 2. This breaks and this 7 will never make it to the final 7.
Mat t- if we start doing this now we’re
Jag – F***ed
Matt – it’s dangerous. If it blows up now we have no safety.
Jag – right now we’re only 7 outta 13. After this week we will be the majority which is good.

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Cam “If you make this move without telling a sole.. You’ll be a legend! You’ll be a f**king hero for this!”

10:24pm HOH room – Jared and Cameron.
Cam – getting America out will strengthen both of our relationships with Cory. Jared – I know. Cam – I don’t want to keep her around. I don’t. I don’t want to keep her around for another minute because I don’t trust her at all. The only thing different than me and Red is Red says this sh*t. You will get a lot of steam behind that… That will level the f**king house. I am not talking about blowing it up.. I am meaning that will settle the house. Jared – even it out. Cam – because she is in every f**king pocket in this house. Jared – I have been wanting to bring this up to the mama’s so bad but I am like they are going to f**king scorch me if I do so I never proposed the idea to them. Cam – I wouldn’t bring it up to them, I wouldn’t bring it up to Blue either. But I if I win that f**king veto or if Red wins that veto.. and you turn around and put her a$$ up there you will get round the clock handshakes! Jared – you think so? Cam – 100%! Jared – the only reason why I didn’t think about it..

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Cameron “I am going to whoop your a$$! I don’t blow smoke, I don’t bullsh*t!”

5pm HOH room – Jared and Cameron.
Jared – first things first, I completely understand if you’re mad at me and if you’re upset but I really do .. like I said in my speech. I really do hope that when I said people I mean you who can trust me and you do trust me and that you understand what my decision was and that I hope that I can prove that to you with this whole veto situation and whatever f**King happens with that. Regardless I know like its going to feel like bitter but I think you know exactly why I did what I did because I told you exactly why I did what I did. So there for its hard for me to sit here and make up some bullsh*t and try and f**k around and beat around the bush because I know that’s not the type of person you is. Cam – yeah. Jared – And that’s really not the type of person I am. I really respect your loyalty towards your best friends and I really do consider myself as one of your best friends.. even if that hinders that. I hope it don’t. I am a person of understanding and I don’t hold grudges and even if it was, it is what it is. My decision was made out of respect for your loyalty towards people who you probably consider brothers in this house.

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Jared – “Reds hate for America is DEEP like DEEEEEP” **Updated**

11:41 am Jared and MEME
Jared going on about how they can take a breath of fresh air now.
MEME says Cameron is more dangerous than Red. He is the glue that brings together REd/Bowie. She adds that Cameron is also actively trying to recruit America, Corey and Matt.
Jared Says he can’t wait to get rid of America and Bowie. Then they can get rid of Blue and Matt. Last would be Izzy then they can “Brown sugar it”
Jared – Reds hate for America is DEEP like DEEEEEP
Meme – we all know America does too much she lies and she talks too much why is it so DEEEEEP
Jared – you know why
MEME – cause she don’t flirt with him?
Jared – mmmmhmmmm, I don’t want to say it.

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“They [Cirie/Felicia/Izzy] are working with everyone. They are whispering with everyone” **Updated**

9:21 am Matt and Jag
Jag – of course there’s the three. Me and you we’re 100% right?
Matt – for sure Obviously I saved your a$$
Jag- we can’t trust Cirie 100% because the same way you have me 100% we are not her 100% she has other people. This stays between us. The whole thing about this power you have there’s somehow.. The only people that know you have a power are who? you, Me?
Matt – Cirie
Jag – yesterday Jared came to me and said something about there’s a power that can save me and BLue and he was like I’ve had some conversations BLah blah Blah.

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