Cam “I just don’t understand why it isn’t a slam shut case?! Break up the duo! Guess which duo is next?!”

12pm HOH room – Jag and Matt.
Matt – how was your talk with Jared? I thought it was about Cory and America who Jag – they really don’t care. Jared doesn’t care and Blue doesn’t really care. Matt – yeah I didn’t think they cared. Jag – my thing is this .. I am going to let Cory and America decide. If they come to a decision.. Matt – I know America thinks she should come down because she says its your fault Cory. But it doesn’t really matter. Jag – Here is what I am thinking. by default if they don’t decide I am taking Cory down because I was his house guest choice. Matt – yeah that is respectable. Jag – unless they both agree I should take America down, then I’ll do that. Matt – I think with America up it goes both ways really .. with America up people want her gone already. So that gives Cameron’s best chance with America up still because people could go oh we want her out now. Jag – I think its the opposite. That’s what Jared said. Jared said there is a .1% chance that Cam stays but America probably survives over Cory.

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Blue “Me, you and Jag need to throw it [next HOH], but he [Jared] can’t know it. Matt “We need Cory & America to win it.”

8:10pm HOH room – Blue and Matt.
Blue – me, you and Jag need to throw it. But he (Jared) can’t know it. Matt – we need Cory and America to win it.. if we’re going to do a move like this but look what they did today. They’re not doing good in comps. It scares me because they haven’t won a single game yet. Blue – yeah. Matt – like today they didn’t even make it close so are they going to win next week. Blue – yeah. Matt – they rely on us to win. Blue – ohhh.. this is scary! Matt – that’s why I am scared because f**k what am I going to do. That’s something we 3 need to plan. Blue – we need to get ahead of it. What I am nervous about is if Meme or Bowie. Matt – I don’t think Bowie is going to win. She is going to throw it. She is not ready to make a move. Blue – That is true but what if Meme wins, who is Meme putting up? Matt – Meme is close to Felicia. Blue – yeah so she is not going to put up Felicia. I don’t think Meme is going to put up me. Jared comes back.

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JAG WON The VETO! America “You must have been cock a doodle zooming!”

Bedroom – America and Jag.
America – I knew you got it. We’ll talk later about what you want to do but we’re good. Jag – yeah. That was a fun a$$ comp. America – you’re good. You’re amazing! I love you! We’re going to make it through. Thank you so much! Thank you! Jag – when I saw Cam’s name and 6 minutes .. I was like I know I cooked that time!! America – You must have been cock a doodle zooming! They leave the room. America goes to Cory. America – We did it! We’re good, we’re good! Cory – we’ll talk about details later.

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“Don’t f***g go back to them don’t make this season about them playing us”

2:00 am Matt and Jag.
Matt – how are you feeling about everything in general?
Jag – after all this I’m leaning more towards Core and america how about you?
Matt – I can go both ways
Jag – who do you think is being honest?
Matt – with Corey and America I am at the bottom of it. I just don’t talk to them a lot.
Jag – Corey, America, Me you is what they want..
Matt – Okay thats good
Jag – It’s me/you, Me/you/Blue, me/you/Corey/America/
Matt says if they win next week they have to backdoor Jared. “Get him out as soon as possible. He’s the biggest threat”
Matt – Done the road Felicia will target us

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Matt “Cam told America if you get HG pick for veto I would love to play for you.” Cirie “She be crazy, she might do it.”

7:14pm HOH room – Matt and Cirie
Matt – everyone knows that Cam is the main target but.. Cirie – what if he gets picked and wins the veto. Matt – that’s what I’m saying then they (Cory and America) have to campaign. Who would you pick? I don’t even know. Cirie – that’s a toss up. Matt – I think America is scarier than Cory. Cirie – yeah .. but I think Cory would be out for revenge.. Matt – Oh he will.. but America will the same way though. Cirie – right. Matt – and we didn’t put them on the block. If America goes Cory will definitely come for revenge. Cirie – yeah you’re right. Matt – but he hasn’t won anything so.. Cirie – I think for the votes Bowie Jane would probably evict America. Jag would keep America. She would have Jag and Blue. Matt – I feel like Meme doesn’t have a preference. I never see those two talking. Cirie – oh I do. And then that would leave me, you and Felicia. Matt – I think they’re just sneaking by. What is scaring me is that America thought it would be jury so she was like I am ready to make a big move..

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Corey – “What I thought going into this week is me and America, Cam backdoor.” **Updated**

11:50 am Corey and Jared
Jared says Corey never accomplished what he was going for yesterday.
JAred – Regardless of what happens I’ll still f*** with you regardless outside of here.
Jared – I don’t give a shit about this game after this game.
Corey – you know I’m on the same page as you.
Corey – There’s a very short list of people that can go on the block right now. I don’t know who’s going up or if you are sharing that information. Does anybody know?
Jared – I think it’s pretty obvious at this point. Regardless of all that bullshit that happened yesterday I couldn’t care less.
Jared says all he needed to know from their argument/blow up yesterday was to find out who is voting for IZZY and he accomplished that. (LOL)

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Jared – “The ultimate Goal is to get Cameron so I’m hoping one of them [noms] goes down.” **updated**

9:35 am Jared and Cerie
Jared – Who do you think should go up?
C – I was thinking COrey and America
J – and then Jag
C – I was thinking Either Jag or America
Jared – I was thanking Jag and Corey
Cirie laughs “Jag just said he wants to meet with the 7”
Jared – I bet you do
C – he just said I think it’s a good idea if the remaining 7
Jared says Jag told him “I’m locked in with the 6 Bro we really have to meet”

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“I expect America to come after me, I expect Corey to come after me, I expect Cameron to come after me.”

12:30 am Blue and Jared
Blue – can I trust Cirie? What was a point of a final 4 if Izzy was saying all this stuff
Jared says he had no idea Izzy was saying shit to Corey.
Jared – the only reason I knew Izzy was getting too close to Corey and America cause when I told they needed to go she damn near SPAZZED on me talking about they can’t. I’m like BRO I told Cirie day one when Izzy went on the block.. The was the first day she came off the Kayak.. YO, I’m not going to lie Izzy did some sh1t last night that scared the sh1t outta me.. She told me she needed Corey and America for her personal game. Even though she knew America was saying she would put her up. That was dangerous.
Blue – wait sorry what?

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Blue “I’ve always promised him [Jared] it was going to be me taking his a$$ out so next week that is going to be my goal.”

9:50pm Games Room – Blue and Cory.
Blue – I don’t give a f**k about him at this point that bridge is burned. Cory – I got you. Blue – its gone… with that being said I think we’re in a really good position because I still think overall his goal is going to be Cameron. Because he is the biggest target to him especially because he can’t play next week. Cory – and because he doesn’t think I can win a competition. Blue – exactly. Cory – so the way I think it has to be then .. like we know Jared. He is very headstrong he does what he wants. I think it would have to be a backdoor on Cameron. Blue – yeah, yeah. Cory – I think the reality is its me and Cameron on the block. So my guess would be me and America or Me and Jag. And me and Jag probably makes more sense because one of us probably have a better shot at winning the veto. Blue – I think it was going to be America and Jag.. but after what happened today.. Cory – oh trust me I am living in the present.

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