“I had multiple opportunities to take shots at you & I didn’t. You had one opportunity to act on it and you did.”

10:28pm Comic Bedroom – Matt, Jared and Cirie
Matt – when I told the other person it was for good intentions, it was not for a selfish move. Jared – yeah but what did I .. you were sus’d about me .. so listen to what you’re saying. Matt – not that I was sus’d about you. I just didn’t want people knowing about this power. Jared – I get it but you lied to me about it period! Cirie – we’re just talking in circles so I just wanted to checking in and see like was it something I did or.. Matt – no but its not fair because you guys can’t say I had mistrust because the only alliance I had was the Seven Deadly Sins. No I am not accusing you but you guys had alliances with other people. Jared – we didn’t .. so look I never once said there was mistrust there. That is why I was blindsided. Cirie – no I didn’t not trust you. Jared – I picked you to play in veto because I trusted you. Matt – no, I know. Jared – Then I came in here after and looked you in the face and said you my bro, you can trust me. I am not here to come at you.

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Cory “If Cirie wins and we think it is going to be us, I am throwing anyone under the bus.”

8:30pm Bedroom – Cory and America
Cory – the way I see it we’re doing a pretty good job.. all things considered. This week we were both nominated. Last week you are the reason I made any move. We got the worst outcome and we’re both going to survive. 90% HOH outcomes we’re both going to survive. America – again she was telling me how she can’t put up Cirie or Jared. Cory – I understand that, I don’t understand Cirie. America – because of their final 3. Cory – but then it becomes you’re protecting your spot, not you’re protecting your boyfriend. Like that is her trying to play the middle not trying to protect her boyfriend. America – that’s because she knows she would piss off Jared. Cory – Like for me, I don’t want to nominate Felicia because I feel like I am good with Felicia and Meme. I am still going to f**king nominate Felicia if I have to. That’s how this works. America – we’ll get to that if she wins. Cory – I want to nominate Blue and Jared. And I want Blue to be okay with it… and she might go for it honestly. I don’t want a battle back.

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New final 2 “Mythical creatures the Sirens.. we be talking to our men we be using”

4:44 pm Blue and America
America – Anything between Us I want to stay between us.
America – I want to be here as long as I can whether that is with or without Corey as long as I can be.
America – I’m not going to give up my game because we are cuddle buddies
Blue – Us being in a situation with a showmance is good for us. We are not seen as the target. It’s also frustrating
America complains that she’s on the block because she’s seen close to COrey and Corey got in a fight with JAred.
America says she hasn’t been campaigning very hard this week. “Corey is going hard”

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Cory “She’s just being realistic.. odds are I’m going to lose it so why not guarantee everyone.”

HOH room – Blue and Matt.
Blue – I had a small talk with Cory and America and Jag. And I told them like I know for ya’ll the target is Jared. But for Felicia, Meme and Bowie I think their target is Cirie. So I told them like listen, I know ya’lls target is Jared If that’s your target, that’s your target. I still want to potentially work with ya’ll. Like you still want to work with me. I am not going to tell them anything but please understand if I win HOH I cannot put them on the block. They seemed to understand. They’re like we get it. I didn’t tell Cory that if I win HOH I .. Matt – its the thought.. I know, I know its hard. Its good that you said that though. You have to communicate about that. I’ve only met with them one on one. I met with Cirie in the storage room. I think she is solid with us. She really wants to win. I was like I want to win. She was like if you guys win I’ll still be chilling. I was like yeah, yeah for sure automatic jury. I just let her know that if I win my targets are going to be Cory and America. Blue – but what are you going to do if you actually win? Matt – I know, I know.

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“Nobody is really talking game to me at all.. If I don’t win [HOH] I’m in a lot of trouble” **updated**

4:07 pm Matt and Cirie
Cirie – how are you feeling?
Matt – I feel like I have to win next week.
Cirie – me too
Matt – everyone is scared to win next week too
Cirie – Scared?
Matt – yeah! everyone likes OHH I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to be smart and just win it because I know what my plan will be.
Cirie – I hope you win it.
Matt whispers that he’ll target Corey and America
Matt – put up Bowie.. Why?
Cirie – nobody is really talking game to me at all

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Cirie “I know, I could tell he [Jag] had shades on tonight so I know he’s up to something.”

7:09pm – 8pm Bedroom – Jag, Blue and Matt.
Jag – okay if we’re moving forward with the 3 of us .. or especially with the 5, eventually someone is going to have to take a shot at everyone else. You know what I mean!? Including Jared, so specifically with Jared because of your proximity to him what does that look like. What does taking a shot at him look like? Blue – I already told you before. I already told Jag before in the beginning.. if Jared is getting out of this house its because of me. I am taking a shot at Jared. I’ve told him this from the beginning. One way that he is going to leave this house is under my HOH. So whenever that is, its going to be my shot. But if someone takes a shot before hand and it makes sense, I am not going to be like pause. You know? Jag – yeah. Blue – because also if we get Cirie out earlier, Jared is going to come to us.

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Corey – “All I need for next week is Cirie to not win” [HOH]

Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Jared Nominees: Corey Cameron and America POV Players: Corey, Jared, America, Bowie, Jag, Cameron POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Veto was used on Corey. America and Cameron nominated Havenots: ? Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results The situation -> Veto was used. Cameron is up. Cameron […]

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“I’m done with that sh1t… If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie and Jared on the block”

9:45 am Felicia and MEME
Felicia – Cirie is out there with F**ing Bowie Jane now. It’s
Felicia – She’s out there lifting weights with Bowie jane at 9:30 in the morning. She wanted to get out there early before everybody else so she can talk to her. I told Corey and America you guys have to get close to Bowie Jane. We have to pull bowie jane that gives us 5 people.
Felicia – I honestly believe based on how those two guys are acting we can get Matt and Jag t push over and drop Cirie and Jared. They saw what they did last week. They already know they can’t be trusted.
Felicia says Cirie and Jared were going to be the reason for her demise and they were grinning at her all week.
Felicia – I’m done with that sh1t .. for what? I haven’t done nothing for either one of these fools. I’ve been in my head protecting them.
MEME – same.

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“The game is gaming.. Sh1t happened last week it was eye opening the game is gaming” **updated**

1:30 am Jag and MEME
They are talking about what happened on Thursday with all the fake alliances getting exposed. There was alliances on both sides they didn’t know about. MEME didn’t know about 7 deadly sins and Jag didn’t know about 4 real for real.
Jag – One of the eye openings things.. the fact that we didn’t know about this.
MEME – I’ve spent the last couple days processing.. What does movement forward look like for me.
Jag – This whole season I was thinking why am I such a big target what did I do?

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Jag “Low key ..I f**King hate that guy [Cam]. I need that dude out of the f**king house.”

5:45pm Havenot room – Jag, Matt and Blue.
Blue – so obviously we’re using it, that’s not even an issue. Jag – we’re using it. Matt – Right, right. Jag – one thing is he mentioned to Jared when I make a deal I honor our deals or something like that. Matt – it sounded like they had something going on. Blue – I don’t know if you saw it .. he said that twice and each time he looked at you. Jag – to me? Blue – MMMmhhhmmmm. Matt – he made a deal to get you out or something? Blue – oh I don’t know about that. Jag – I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to put Jared on the spot. Blue – Cameron kept looking at him (Jag). Jag – cause he said don’t use the veto or something and Jared can attest to the fact that I honour my deals. Blue – something like that. And when he said something about you.. Like I don’t go back on my word and then he literally looked at you. Obviously what he said in the past like you and him made a deal to get you off the block the second time. Jag – so you don’t think he made a deal with Jared? Blue – not that I know of. What I’ve heard and Cam said this was … BB switches the feeds.

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