9:10pm The live feeds return to the final three talking in the kitchen. Kaycee – I’m feeling that champagne. Not even tipsy, just relaxed. I am so glad we got that over with and to know that we don’t need to know the days or the faces. Tyler – hopefully! F**k! JC – so part 3 is live right? And I wait for you guys here? (Kaycee won part 2 of the 3 part HOH) Or do I sit outside seeing it? Tyler – I bet you get to watch. If its live. JC – I bet I know what its going to be .. its going to be physical.. why not everything else is physical. F**King, F**king swimming pool with sharks! Kaycee – great, I f**king lost.
Tag: Faysal Shafaat

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “She’s banking on the fact that everyone talked sh1t about Sam”
2:15pm Brett and Tyler
Brett – dude, noms are locked
T – deuces
Brett – JC wants one of the girls out
Brett – JC wants us Final 3 final 4…
they laugh taht JC just wants the girls out
T – he just doesn’t like females”
B – he hates females..
T – I think even if Sam put one of us up next to Angela the target is Angela
T – yeah that is what I am thinking
T – Angela and Kaycee 100% want us in final 4
B – I don’t know dude I just had a moment today where I got really f*ing nervous.. Halegih started laughing and Kaycee got really nervous
T – yeah skaycee got nervous

JC “She is one ungrateful b***h is what she is! To give me looks!! Seriously?!”
9:19pm Backyard. JC and Brett. JC – Haleigh is asking me about this week. Brett – she hasn’t said anything to me. JC – I think she is waiting till tomorrow. Brett – Kaycee’s going to keep noms the same right? JC – she’s not that stupid. She doesn’t want to do anything to piss off Angela or stuff like that. But she is about to explode. She is the new Rockstar. Brett – I keep thinking about hypotheticals and like f**k dude, I hope they don’t do something crazy. JC – we’re fine. We make it through nominations and then we do damage control. Worst case scenario is Angela wants to make a move to take you out. We could work out the votes.

Big Brother 20 Videos From Home & No More Havenots!
2:10pm Kaycee gathers everyone in the living room. Kaycee reads the card. “This weeks havenots are….. NOBODY!!!” Congratulations the havenots are over for the summer!! LETS GO!!!!! All the house guests cheer! Sam – I think I might keep the big saucer as my bed. Is anyone opposed to that?! Haleigh – you don’t want your bed? Sam – no. It gets darker in there. Kaycee – we made it guys!! Sam to JC – why aren’t you happy? Oh you just woke up? JC nods. They joke about how funny it would have been if JC was named havenot again this week. Kaycee – you know what I was thinking about that they do some seasons… home videos.

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I know I did really bad”
*** updated ***
3:08am Tyler and kaycee
They talk about the plan being Haleigh, Sam then JC.
Tyler doesn’t like the confident JC has thinking that he has BRett.
Kaycee agrees notes that JC doesn’t have brett at all.
Tyler – I’m telling you if JC F*ing wins.. He’ll try whatever he can to get two of you up there..
Kaycee doesn’t think JC will win on Thursday.
Tyler about JC ‘He literally thinks he’s control everything”
They agree JC has been on the right side of the vote but it’s them that control everything.
Tyler says JC will be pissed when he finds out about level 6

“we have 5 outta 6 percent odds here. That’s like a 84% chance.. she goes home..”
12:41pm Just chit chat…
Haleigh asks him where is a spot they take girls on dates..
Brett – I almost always go sushi never met a girl that doesn’t like Sushi
Brett – I’ve never met a girl that goes No I don’t like sushi.. .it’s the perfect first date.. it’s clean it’s little..
Kaycee – and if they don’t like sushi this isn’t going to work
Brett – that to
Brett doesn’t want to go for spaghetti and ribs on their first meal
Brett – sushi every time .. then we’re going dancing ..

Big Brother 20 Nomination Results! “We’re going to get f**ked by a twist!”
Bedroom. Brett and Tyler. Tyler – we’re going to get f**ked by a twist! Brett – I just keep running hypothetical through my mind like what is going on. Like everyone is too hunky dory. Haleigh – goes whats the point of me even unpacking? I’m like, you’re right. Tyler – still got a veto. Brett – one of has win this veto tomorrow. Tyler – I’m going to. Sh*ts crazy. Brett – we have to start practicing days too. Tyler – agrees.

“It’s so shitty.. but how do I not.. . The vetos there.. you know” – Kaycee
2:15pm Haleigh and Kaycee
Haleigh – do you want to talk before nominations
K – I haven’t really been talking to anyone.. It’s getting harder and harder..
H – yeah
Kaycee – Obviously like .. there’s not a lot of people left in this house and to get the least amount of blood on my hands.. I’m sure you know what I have to do
Kaycee hopes Haleigh understands, “it’s hard but how to I not? do you know what I’m saying.. to get the least amount of blood on my hands.. ”
Kaycee – it was the same thing with you get the least amount of blood on your hands put me up the second time.. you know what I’m saying
Kaycee – it’s so shitty.. you know I care about you it’s shitty.. but I mean.. the vetos there.. you know
H – the Veto is always there
K – I don’t have any targets I really don’t

“You can all su*k it, except for you Tyler because you’ve been getting that Hilton Head.”
7:09pm Kitchen. All the house guests are chatting. Brett – Damn and Scottie told us all to suck it on his way out. Haleigh – he also ..when he jumped he flipped us off. Tyler – he did! I am pretty sure he did it. Haleigh – he did. Brett – I didn’t see him flip us off. Haleigh – he did. Brett – he was like you all can suck it! Angela – Wow! classy! Sam – his hair looked good! (LOL) Tyler – he said I don’t know if I am going to be evicted because everyone’s been d**king around. Angela – welcome to big brother. Haleigh – I don’t know how he thought that would be helpful. Tyler – I feel like they will probably be pretty upset with him about that.

“Haleigh sprayed me with a hose and I said Scottie is winning my heart right now”
JC joins them..
Brett – I am literally at the point of voting her out
JC – we can do it.. you want to do I’ll do it.. (NICE)
Brett – B1tch you are on the f*ing block and you feel comfortable enough to spray me before eviction.. then I make a joke and you get mad..
Brett – I was truly kidding while I was out there..
JC – I am dead serious… sleep on it..
Brett – she’s up there ranting and raving like she’s in a position of power…
Jc – if you are going to make a move like that bring in Scottie..
Brett – I know..
Brett – I was completely kidding then she turned this into a thing
JC says for Brett to wait how he feels in the morning.

Sam “I would honestly feel like I couldn’t take it over you” Tyler “That’s not up to us”
1:58pm Bedroom. Tyler and Sam. Sam – What is supposed to happen? What do you want to happen? Tyler – I don’t know. Sam – you’re not going to tell me what to do? Tyler – I don’t know. You have to ask like Kaycee and JC. Sam – why? Tyler – I know what I want to happen but I don’t know what everyone else wants to happen. Everything is different so.. Sam – Oh well then what is it? Tyler – I think I want Scottie to stay but I don’t know if he is going to stay. Sam – Why because Kaycee and JC don’t want him to? Tyler – well not them specifically but I don’t know I think everyone is just scared of Scottie because we already voted him out. You’ve got to win the HOH next week.

Angela “You can say it all you want but unless you get HOH next week, you’re going up.”
8:53pm Bedroom. Brett and Angela. Brett – Sam just gets on her tangents. Angela – oh my god, she drives me nuts. Brett – I feel like I haven’t hung out with you guys in ages. Angela – I know. Has Scottie pitched to you? Brett – he thinks he is the pawn so he thinks 100% he has you and Kaycee because he thinks you and Kaycee will do whatever Tyler wants. So he thinks he’s confident there’s two votes and all he needs is mine. He is also pretty confident will have Sam. Angela – yeah. So he didn’t really pitch it that hard because he thinks he is good either way. Angela – I think so too. Brett – I think he thought that he didn’t even really need mine.