Power of Veto Veto players: Kato, Dina, Tamar, Joey, Natalie, Tom Power of Veto Winner: Tom Tom uses the Power of veto on Dina. Kato nominates Ryan. Tamar and Ryan are the two nominations. Votes for eviction Joey Votes to Evict: Tamar Tom Votes to Evict: Ryan LOLO Votes to Evict: Ryan Dina Votes to […]
Tag: eviction

Big Brother 20 Week 9 Summary and Live Eviction Results BATTLEBACK
Week 9 with still a month to go.. Holy cow these seasons are real marathons. Lucky for us for the most part this is a killer season. I’ll sum this week up in three posts titles..
Fes – If Sam goes home this week I look like a f*ing genius
Fes- “F**k Man! We suck at this game. You sent home Rockstar & I sent home Scottie!”
Haleigh to FES – “You can’t sleep for 48 hours”
It’s a pretty big night tonight we have Fes getting evicted followed by a Juror Battle Back and a Head of household. Should be a full weekend of getting foutte’d.
CBS sent up this.. confirming the head of household on the feeds..

Big Brother 20 Week 8 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Where does one start with a week like this.. Given how successful Haleigh’s HOH was the week prior I assumed Fes’ week will be as much or greater a shit show.. When Fes won the grueling 14 minute endurance I tweeted something to the effect, “so does this mean Haleigh gets evicted” well I was almost there. Fes is going to evict the only other person left in the Foutte alliance. go Fes!

Big Brother 20 Week 7 Summary and Live Eviction Results
THE HIVE! One of the most comical alliances in Big Brother history. I love the HIVE! Every week they make the same mistakes it’s too good to be true. How Does this happen? Haleigh wins the HOH but her side cannot secure the Power of Veto or Hacker power, couple this with tragic game play does not bode well for our once ‘great’ FOUTTE alliance. Haleigh’s Hive was too feeble to sway anyone in the house other than Sam (in the end she won’t flip either) The Level six alliance (+JC) ended up just toying with the HIVE all week. Rocks continued her same Schick attacking Angela with the same material she attacked Brett with. She also comes up with a killer speech that was way too much fun to type out.

Big Brother 20 Week 6 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Big Brother Spoilers – The week definitely had it’s ups and downs. We had the first house meeting with expected blow up! There was standard HIVE f* ups that we’ve all gotten use to by now. There was also some punishments given out along with the Hacker power. In what could be the funniest thing this season the HIVE still doesn’t know the vote flips and I never think they will.. lol.. “Rockstar thinks it was Scottie, Scottie thinks it was Haleigh, Haleigh thinks it was fes.. “

Big Brother 20 Week 5 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Kaitlyn was evicted last week by a vote of 9-1, She was given a 6 piece 3D puzzle to complete to re-enter the house but failed. Kaitlyn is now gone from Big Brother 20 and posting madness on Instagram. Bayleigh and Tyler still have their powers and nothing new was introduced into the game (thank god). Tyler has kept his quiet but Bayleigh told hers to Fes/Rachel. As of writing this Angela, fez, Kaycee, Tyler and JC now know about the power.

Big Brother 20 Week 4 Summary and Live Eviction Results
As we all know, Sam won the Head of Household competition. Her reign was a bit different than what we’ve had in the past this season. Essentially she put two girls up for being floozies then proceeded to do arts and crafts for the rest of her stay in the Big Brother house. This gave Kaitlyn time to run around hoping into whatever guys bed that will give her attention. It gave Haleigh a choice to decide what guy to share her bed with and It allowed Rockstar to show off her awesome campaigning skills.
It’s been a real whirlwind to catch up on all our posts here’s the daily break down of the week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Big Brother 20 Week 3 Summary and Live Eviction Results
HELLO Big Brother Spoiler fans. Before we start it will be endurance head of household competition TONIGHT! on the live feeds.. We’ll do our best to cover it but this might be a good time to try them out. Use are link pay the same and help us out!
Watch the Big Brother HoH competition play out LIVE tonight on CBS All Access with a FREE trial

This last week was a good pace even though the Veto wasn’t used there was still a lot of game played and positioning for the next week. Of course there was Kaitlyn drama, mad speculation about powers and votes.. Don’t forget more Big Brother OUTRAGE we’ll always have something like that. One last big thing to come out of this week is the slow decay of some of the stronger competitors game. Mainly Tyler.

Big Brother 20 Week 2 Summary and Live Eviction Results
When Kaitlyn won the Head of Household I sent Dawg a message “Buckle up we’re entering loony toons”. I was wrong the week wasn’t loony toons but the HOH sure the hell is. In Kaitlyn ‘s own mind the fandom is blown away from her move, it’s more like we’re blown away from her crazy. […]

Big Brother Spoilers “There’s a lot of little punks in here”
11:57am Swagz and Bayleigh
Swagz says he’s only talking to Scottie and a bit Tyler.
Swagz is worried about Tyler he thinks Tyler will get the BBapp power and not tell them.
Swagz go on about not trusting Tyler anymore..
Bayleigh – there’s a lot of little punks in here
Swagz – Winston is a b1tch… can you say that nicer.. no.. (a line he gave the DR .. lol)
Swagz – I think Kaitlyn will put up Winston and Kaycee..
Bayleigh – when Kaycee walked out of that room with Kaitlyn she was smiling..

“I want to b@ckdoor Swaggy this week that would be a cool move..”
10:30am Tyler and Kaitlyn HOH
Kaitlyn tells him how frustrated she is with Brett because she’s not giving specifics about the power.
Kaitlyn – Brett doesn’t have it
Tyler – I just found out.. Brett played up he had the power just in case this happened to be used as a deflection..
Tyler – I was under the impression he had it to
Tyler – Sam had the power she just told me
kailtyn – I f*ing knew it
Tyler – it’s after the votes are revealed the other person goes home
Kailtyn – perfect I’m putting up Sam and Swaggy
Tyler obviously doesn’t like this plan. no

“Tyler is scaring me .. I don’t want Tyler in this game for longer than 2 weeks”
1:14am Haleigh and ROCKSTAR
(Hard to hear them over the noise from the other room)
Haleigh says not very many people in this house like Swaggy.
ROCKSTAR says she really doesn’t like WINSTON and BRett.
They talk about Kaitlyn flipping. Haleigh says in 5 days whats going to be a totally different dynamic.
Haleigh – we’re safe this week
Haleigh – they are just going to blow the 5 to smithereens