The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Enzo Palumbo

“if winning competitions makes you a good Big Brother player than this shouldn’t be called Big Brother”
12:35 pm Nicole planing her finale speech (She does this for hours)
Nicole – I will overcome whatever is thrown in my direction in this game and I think I’ve proven that to you guys this season.
Nicole – if winning competitions makes you a good Big Brother player than this shouldn’t be called Big Brother
Nicole – theres so much more than comp wins..
Nicole – I was only safe one week this season.. one week and I’m still sitting here.
Nicole goes on that making people believe she’s terrible at this game was her strategy (How convenient)
Nicole – I’m not terrible at this game at all I am very good.
Nicole – there’s things I went through in this house that no one will understand and I can’t talk about and that I dodged so in my heart I know that I deserve this win and my social relationships helped me a ton ohh that’s another thing I Was going to say.. I knew I couldn’t rely on competitions to get me through this game.

“you can’t turn it off in here, I just can’t. in the final 2 and then like.. being attacked like I was the first time”
1:57 pm Cody and Nicole
Cody says he’s getting stressed.
Nicole – Because of your speech?
Cody – you can’t turn it off in here I just can’t. I’m like nervous because like IF I’m in the final 2 and then like.. being attacked like I was the first time was like.. .
Nicole – you’re not gunna get that again
Cody – it’s a very uneasy feeling
Nicole – I know. the passive-aggressive questions ARE too much
Cody – it gives me this weird anxious feeling
Nicole – I’m being as a friend to you there is nothing they can say to you this season that’s passive-aggressive and rude
Cody – you just don’t know. YOu wouldn’t have thought that about Derrick but people took jabs at him as well.
Nicole – that’s true they did

“I don’t want to win the competition. I would rather someone else do it for me.”
4:15pm Bedroom. Nicole talking to herself about the jury questions / her final speech. Its going to be like .. I feel like you hid behind people all season long? What moves did you do? It will be some bull crap like that. I have to be prepared to answer that. We feel like you just hid behind Cody all season. Ok!? And I don’t think that is a bad situation ..If Cody or I were on the block I think he would have been a lot more appetizing to take out. And I had to play completely separate games. We knew that people might think that we were working together because we played on the same season. So I was not seen with Cody hardly at all. When the person yelled over the wall that Cody and I were playing everyone ..

CODY WINS Part 2 of the 3 Part HOH! “I sh*t the bed!”
6:34pm – 10:42pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for Part 2 of the 3 Part HOH Competition. Cody beat Enzo in Part 2, he will now move on to compete against Nicole in Part 3 on the Finale.
Nicole and Cody are playing chess on the kitchen island. Cody is teaching Nicole how to play chess. Its obvious that Part 2 HOH ended awhile ago and the feeds only just came back.

“He got muscle relaxants 6 times a day” “massages twice a day”
12:16 pm Nicole and Enzo
Enzo explaining why Christmas was pissed at him.
Nicole goes on about wanting Christmas to come to her wedding.
Nicole says the only reason she said things about Christmas is because she was pissed about her voting against her.
Enzo impersonates Christmas thinking that Nicole was going to backdoor Cody.
Nicole – I was never going to backdoor Cody.. that good we convinced him
Enzo impersonated Memphis saying he thinks Nicole will backdoor Cody.

PART 1 Of 3 HOH Winner: NICOLE! “A girl won the 1st part HOH! I’m as shocked as you are!”
10:36pm The live feeds return. Enzo talks about how the spinning really got to him. That moon made fall into sit down. Cody – hitting that thing spinning 180 miles an hour every single time .. why is he just grazing it and I am getting dragged by this thing. Enzo – what was that thirty? Thirty five minutes!? Cody leaves to shower. Enzo to himself – That’s it! I have to move to comp two! Enzo – This is it. This is my destiny now. This is my fate. I’ve got to beat Cody. Enzo leaves to shower next. Nicole and Cody chat about the comp. Cody – you won the first HOH. If I was in your spot I would be f**king hyped!

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 11 review and eviction results
Enzo won the Head of Household Nominated Nicole and Christmas. Cody won the veto and will have the only vote to evict tonight. He will evict Christmas. Final 3 will be Enzo, Nicole and Cody. (My opinion is unless Enzo wins final HOH he’ll get cut) (Dani continues to lust for Cody ) Memphis joins […]

“on guys you’re only supposed to powder so the shine is gone.”
3:10 pm Cody and Nicole
Nicole says Christmas is annoying her
Cody – she was like Kevin has said he will vote for her. like she has her relationships
Nicole wonders how Christmas knows this but not her she feels that is something Kevin would have told her.
Cody – she’s like I think Ian will definitely vote for her because I think he’ll have time to settle down
Cody – I’m like it’s very possible
Nicole – she’s going hard. His messy gameplay has already taken her too far
Cody – no her lucky gameplay has taken her too far she’s been on the block with people that needed to go over her

Enzo “I’m having way more fun this time around.” Nicole “Yeah, it’s way more fun to not have a showmance.”
7:05pm Kitchen. Christmas Cody, Enzo and Nicole.
Enzo – I just feel like I am having way more fun this time around. Nicole – yeah. I think it is way more fun to not have a showmance. Enzo – oh yeah? I never had a showmance. Christmas – I thought I was your showmance. Cody – yeah you and Christmas were getting pretty intimate today! Nicole – were we? Cody – yeah. Christmas – you and Enzo were too! Cody – yeah that was a little much for me. Enzo – I would have given him a whole face thing but he didn’t want me to. Christmas – you weren’t taking it serious. Enzo – I was definitely taking it serious.. you weren’t. Cody – no you weren’t.

“do I have enough friends in the jury house to beat Cody.. Did I do enough jury management to beat Cody?”
2:22 pm Enzo alone
Enzo – Yo I gotta win a comp Yo that’s what this all comes down to YO. Win one of those comps and be in the questions and at that point I’ll figure out who the f** I’m taking to win. Nicole isn’t sweeping nothing YO.
Enzo – Nicole has 500K on her head YO she’s ain’t sweeping sh1t YO. Nicole will get 2 or 3 votes if that. Nicole has not done enough to win this game what the f* (You never saw BB18 I guess)
Enzo – you made it to the end because most of us carried you here.

Christmas “I would be thrilled for second place”
9:40pm Bathroom. Cody and Christmas.
Christmas – I am going to spell it out for you. I know you will win the endurance comp and if you take me I know I will win the second comp and then its me and you in that final one. If you win it, great. If I win it, great! I take you. Take whoever the f**k you want! Like I am not asking tit for tat. I want an opportunity to do what I didn’t get to do last time. Cody – yeah totally! Christmas – and that is to go the full distance on my own merit. And I hope that from our conversation last time, that I didn’t promise anything or do anything that I didn’t intent to keep. And just to clarify with the vote with Nicole, it was real.