9am Big Brother starts blasting music in the BB house and then shortly after they switch the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. When the live feeds return – Jessie, Helen and Kaitlin are in the bathroom. Jessie comments that she went to Dubai in her dreams. Kaitlin says I went on a weird, weird date with someone from Dubai and I do not suggest anyone ever doing it. Helen says I don’t think I have ever met anyone from Dubai. Kaitlins says I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. He wouldn’t keep his hands off me. I would not suggest dating anyone from Dubai. She says they are actually super intelligent though.
9:30am In the kitchen – Elissa is asking David about different areas of California. She asks him how far way from Palm Springs he is. He says 3 hours. Amanda says its the gay people and old people capital of California.