10:22pm CAm 3-4 Elissa and NIck
Elissa wants Nick to just be a nice guy and do the right thing which is join up with her. She says Nick has lied to her twice and she is taking the risk trusting him again. Elissa offering Nick a deal to work with her if he keeps her in the house. “OUt of good faith you should make a deal with me”
Elissa explains that she has the votes to stay and nothing is going to change that. Elissa: ‘You are screwed either way so you should just make a deal with me” (LOL priceless)
Nick: “If I’m screwed either way I should just keep the course than.. right”
Elissa: “No you need to build trust with me.. then you are not screwed.. you are not going up”
Elissa tells him to throw the Veto comp, “Why don’t you make a two week deal” .
Elissa: “Do you condone men bullying woman”
Nick: “No”