5:52pm JUDD and Jessie
Jessie whispering I think she’s talking about Ginamarie eating all the slop balls. She’s pissed because GM isn’t even on slop why doesn’t see just eat a pizza or something.
Jessie giggles: “I want to beat her up.. should I beat her up”
JUDD: “No”
JUDD tells her to talk to GM and say that the slop balls take a long time to make. Jessie says they’ve done that already you would think she would stop. Jessie told Amanda and she wants them to start something about it so that Amanda isn’t the last person to yell in the house.
Jessie kisses JUDD on the shoulder and he kisses her on the cheek. (Jessie has a smile on her face finally she has the showmance she always wanted)
Jessie goes to the chess board where Helen and Elissa aree playing. She tells them about the slop balls being eaten. Helen offers to make more