6:04pm HOH GM and Candice
Gm : “Hi sweetheart”
C: “That was pretty harsh GM”
GM: “I’m sorry I think you are a cool person.. I hear things.. err.. don’t believe rumors but you told Elissa about what we said in the bathroom” GM explains that when her Kaitlin, Amanda and Aaryn were in the bathroom talking about Elissa Candice ran up to the HOH and told Elissa that they were talking bad about her and GM wasn’t. Gm doesn’t like people that spread rumours around. The truth of it was GM never said a bad thing about Elissa during that conversation.
GM: ‘People have their own personalities and their own game play I don’t like rats not saying you are .. you are beautiful and a good person”
GM points out that candice has big fights with people then the next minute she is buddy buddy with them again that makes it hard for GM to trust her.
Gm: “no hard feelings.. JUDD and McCrae.. I promised them I wouldn’t put them up. cause they never put me up.. . Andy is cool with me and I promise McCrae I wouldn’t put Amanda up when we’re in the HOH competition… the only last resorts were you and Jessie”