6:22pm HOH Gm getting her hair coloured by Elissa. Helen and Aaryn on the couch talking about hair, Make up etc etc
Aaryn tells them how Jeremy and Kaitlin were strategizing against Aaryn when she was in the bed right beside them. Aaryn tells them tthe poem Jeremy made up for Kaitlin. “Roses are red your eyes are green when I think about you it’s just like a dream.. Something something unreal..”
Aaryn tells them that Jessie was saying the name of the game is to keep “Princess Elissa” and “Princess Amanda” happy. They all start bashing Jessie. Aaryn tells them Jessie is trying to get her to go against Elissa and Helen.
GM says a lot of guys probably f*** Jessie then “Bounce out” Just random bashing