8:30am – 10am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Donny is also up and in the kitchen getting out slop for breakfast. Christine and Victoria are getting ready for the day in the bathroom. Victoria says that last night she felt sick in a bad way but ate more knowing that she could be havenot in a couple days. Christine heads into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Caleb joins her and she says good morning man who can eat! Caleb says I am man who can eat! Caleb grabs a cereal box and finds ants all over it so he sprays it with the raid. He spays it inside the box and then sets the box back down on the counter.
Tag: Donny Thompson

Cody says I said I love you to her and she said something to get this kid off my case. I’m married!
In the kitchen – Derrick and Frankie are talking. Derrick says can you just reiterate with Caleb later. I told him about the skittles but he wasn’t really listening when he was smashing things on his face. When he goes to Donny tell him that the 4 were picked. And then Caleb knows to tell Donny no matter who wins he is winning the POV and Victoria is going up. Victoria is the target this week because that way if he does win, that’s what he thinks. Because he wasn’t paying attention. Frankie says not at all. Derrick says that’s how the plan gets blown up! Frankie says we’re the parents. Derrick says you put us in the house with a bunch of 21, 22 year olds and this is what you’ve got.

Zach in the BOB “if there’s a chance I’m going to win it.. in a moment I might F***ing win it”
10:40pm BEEHIVE Zach and Derrick
Zach what if it’s a competition I can’t throw. Derrick wants to call a meeting for tonight to figure it all out.
Derrick – There’s 6 of us and 2 of them.. this is the point we’ve dreamed about.
Zach – we got to get there to get there
Zach – IF I can’t throw it and I end up winning between you and me Christine has to be on the other side..
Zach – obliviously I don’t want to go on the block.. if there’s a chance I’m going to win it in a moment i’m going to win it
Zach – Why can’t we put up Victoria on one side an Donny on another side.

Frankie/Caleb suggest nominating Cody/Christine “going to be some fireworks I promise”
7:43pm Bathroom Caleb, Frankie and Derrick
Frankie wants Cody to volunteer to go up he’s not been nominated yet.
Caleb – Christine /Cody, Zach/Donny
Frankie and Derrick make don’t care who wins HOH whoever get to pick first will put up Donny/Zach.
Derrick leaves.. Zach comes in for a second.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 7 summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results
- Double evictions Sees Jocasta and Hayden evicted
- New twist reveals that one of the evicted house guests will have a chance to come back into the game
- Post Double eviction the house is in chaos Frankie is seen as the enemy of the house, Alliances crumble and are reformed many times over

Zach “It was getting real bad. I started to have an attack & I started punching myself.”
1:12pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the HOH lock down. In the kitchen Christine comments on how that was a nightmare of a lock down. Donny asks Zack if he slept at all? Zach says not really. Zach says to Derrick its getting real bad. Will that come out of my stipend? Derrick says that’s why they asked for your medical card. Big Brother blocks the feeds. They come back and Zach says to Donny that it was getting real bad. I started to have an attack and I started punching myself. Big Brother blocks the feeds again. When they come back – Caleb is making slop. Christine heads back to bed.

Derrick says the reason guys are still here is because girls are catty and run their mouths.
1:45am Up in the HOH – Caleb, Derrick, Frankie and Christine are trying to memorizes the announcements. Caleb comment on how he was annoyed that Donny was sitting there when Zach was going through the announcements. Christine is worried about Donny doing well at it. Frankie reminds her that Donny isn’t that good at memorization competitions. Christine wonders if the competition will have a question about them guessing how long their competitions had been. They start guessing the length of the competitions so far. Christine comments on going to bed. Big Brother calls her to the diary room. Frankie says she’s not even competing tomorrow.

Nicole “we should have listened to you about Cody.. that was the wrong move in this game trusting him”
9:57pm Cam 1-2 Nicole and Donny
Nicole – Christine told me Frankie’s next two target are you and Victoria.
Donny – “That 4 is locked in so tight I wonder how they are lying to each other”
Donny – Frankie think sit’s him and Christine, Cody thinks it’s him and Christine . Cody thinks it’s him and Derrick..”
Donny – they all think they’re finals twos
Nicole cannot believe how close Christine and Cody are and people don’t see them as a that. Donny says the only people he trusted was Hayden and Nicole. Nicole – I hope Hayden comes back
Nicole – we should have listened to you about Cody.. that was the wrong move in this game trusting him

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Jenga – Jenga – Je-Je-Je-Jenga!
5:30pm Derrick and Caleb
Derrick brings up Zach pulling him aside with Nicole. It was very suspicious, He thought it was just Zach at first but Nicole was in the room.
Derrick says Nicole is a big liar she’s going around last night spreading rumours.
Derrick says he was pissed that Zach and Nicole did that “I don’t want to be in closed door meetings”
Frankie joins them
Derrick was playing pool and Zach said came to him said “ I want to show you something” dragged him into a meeting with Nicole.
Caleb asks if Zach is trying to keep Nicole

Big Brother Spoilers – “I probably shouldn’t even try to stay” Nicole
3:40pm Have Nots Zach and Nicole
Nicole wants to know if Anything was said last night.. “Did they respond at all to keeping me”
Zach says they never gave an answer “I dunno they just… I dunno”
Nicole now knows that they don’t want to keep her (Cody/Derrick) “If they don’t want to that’s fine.. I stated my case.. I have nothing else to say.. it’s so frustrating”
Zach says everyone is talking in circles..
Nicole – not definite yes or no.
Zach – no definites.
Nicole – Have you talked to Christine

Donny says if they keep waking me up at night I’ll kick the d@mn door down & leave myself.
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Donny and Caleb are in the kitchen. Caleb says man those people stayed up till 5 or 6am. Donny asks playing Jenga? Caleb says I don’t know what they were doing. Donny heads outside with his breakfast. Donny goes to the bathroom. Nicole says good morning. Donny asks did you go to bed late? Nicole says yes. I saw our suit cases.. scary! Oh well.. When I went to bed there were still a lot of people up. Donny says good lord. Nicole says I think you’re good here, like you’re not going anywhere. They 100% want me out to the point that it get awkward last night. Donny asks really?

Zach says you’ll have an opportunity to kiss Hayden this weekend! Nicole says you’re such an A$$!
1:30am In the bathroom – Derrick talks to Christine. Derrick says she asked me if I should just give up, like I have no chance. I told her I am not telling you to give up like you have no chance. In the conversation that I did have with her I explained the pros and cons she was like, Christine was like yeah. Nothing bad, but she didn’t say anything good. No not really. She was like I know its probably impossible but I refuse to go home and give up. I told her that’s great. I am just letting you know that it’s not looking great. And she was like I know her and Cody are close and maybe Cody can convince her. I was like okay. Christine says he tried.