POV Holder: Victoria Next POV July 26th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 28th HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2: Cody Battle of the Block Winner Jocasta/Amber Next HOH/ Next BOB July 24/July 25 Original Nominations: Brittany/Victoria(Cody) Jocasta/Amber (Frankie) Final Nominations: Brittany & Donny Have Nots ? POV Players Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach […]
Tag: Donny Thompson

Houseguests get Booze and Zach tells Brittany to call a house meeting
8:45pm HOH Zach and Cody
Zach – Crisis Averted bro
Zach — “I went up there and said listen I’ve been thinking about it and if this plan backfired I don’t want to be the reason for you going home. I think you got it.. just do what you are doing let’s enjoy the night”
Zach – “She said Zach I love you thank you so much.. you are the hardest person to read when Derick was HOH we were such good friends now you distant you know.. “

Brittany campaigns “what can I do lets make a deal.. Dude I’m not doing bl*w j*bs”
7:04pm have nots Room Brittany and HAyden
(This is her standard campaign speech)
She tells him if she wins HOH she‘s going after people that don’t deserve to be here.
She kicked the soccer ball because she wanted to prove to them all that she wants to be in the game, “I almost broke my ankles and toes”.
Hayden – That was amazing that was unreal
Brittany wants him to tell her what she can do for his vote “Dude I’m not doing blow j*bs”

Big Brother Spoilers “They have bull sp*rm in them.. all energy drinks.. I drink 2-3 a day” Caleb
3:40pm HOH Cody and Caleb
Waiting for the sun to come down to work out. They both agree they don’t want to be staying up late again. Caleb – “I’m going to lose 5 pounds from now until the comp”
Caleb starts talking about when he had 4% body fat. Cody plays along like he hasn’t heard the story 12 times already.
Caleb starts talking about training and his food intake 6 weeks before a competition.
Caleb says the perfect meal is a protein shake and a banana, “have that in the morning.. You’re golden till 12 or 1oclock”
Caleb says he drinks 2-3 white can Monster drinks a day, “Aspartame is the only thing in them that can really harm you”

Cody says if we get Caleb out.. then Amber is going to solidify into you and me.
1:30pm – 1:50pm Up in the HOH room – Derrick talks to Cody about how Brittany is going around saying that me, you and Caleb have a lot of pull in the house. Derrick says that Nicole said that you and I are trusted in the house and Caleb is feared. Derrick says that Caleb hasn’t said who his target is. Amber has. Why do you think Caleb wants to keep Brittany. Cody says because Amber wants it. Derrick says if theres a double eviction Caleb is going home. If its a regular eviction we need to be careful. Derrick says someone else needs to win HOH. I am tried of it and want someone like Hayden or Zach to pull one out. Derrick says that Frankie is on board with us.

Donny says Cody once told me he would never nominate me. I think someone else was behind it.
10am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Donny heads outside to eat his cereal. He looks up and waves to the live feeders. Donny tells Cody that he and a lot of other people want Brittany gone and that he only put me up because I am such a likeable person and no one would want me gone. Its a pretty nice thing if its true. Jocasta says she heard the same thing and thinks it could be true. Donny says its risky but I hope its true. Its best just to hide and say nothing till Thursday. Jocasta says that Brittany thinks she has Amber, Caleb and I can’t remember the other person. Thats the same thing with Pow and it wasn’t true. Donny says when you have nothing else to believe you have to believe if for a little while.

Zach says You best believe! I am going to scare the f**king sh*t out of you!
1:15am – 2am Up in the HOH room – Caleb, Amber, Derrick and Cody are talking about Brittany going home and what they need to tell her. Caleb says if Brittany asks me I am telling her that I am going with the house. I can’t put a target on my back. Caleb says I feel like the whole alliance is voting to evict her. Caleb says that Nicole, Christine won’t vote for her to stay either. Amber says Victoria might vote to keep her but it doesn’t matter either way which way she votes. Caleb says there is no hope in keeping her. She is going out on an 11-0 vote. Cody says people were saying why did Caleb feel so safe in the veto to take the money over the veto.

“Nicole/Christine setting themselves up, developing wedges, you know old school strategies
9:34pm Hammock Derrick and Cody
Derrick – this is for Hitman only nobody else.. we got to be more tight lipped.
Cody – I love it
Derrick tells him Christine and Nicole told Victoria that Derrick and other people knew Donny was going on the block. “If that gets out it’s horrible it makes us look bad and them look good”
Derick says they cannot be too trustworthy now., “Let it die it won’t hurt us”
Derrick – “Dude this is why we can’t have a 5.. 6 person alliance because only two people win money”
Cody – why would they do that”

It’s time for people to get doing something before we don’t have the numbers to do something -Donny
7:24pm Backyard Nicole and Donny
Donny tells her if he survives this week they name names. Nicole agrees tells him she will do everything she can to keep him safe. She will make sure of it he survives the week. Donny thanks her says he’s planning on keeping his mouth shut.
Donny tells her they need to start “doing something if things keep going the way they are going they won’t enough people to “Do something”. Once 4 people go they don’t have the numbers anymore. Donny points out flipping the house and taking the

Donny “theres a leader somewhere dictating all this.. Cody wouldn’t have put me up”
4:35pm Backyard Jocasta and Donny
They agree the house is going through the people just like Devin was saying in order.
Jocasta – That’s the largest Alliance that i’ve seen in the game
Donny says they probably don’t meet all together like a group of 8 they are a group of four with people on the side.

Cody “Thanks a lot Victoria you just had to use it! You were sh*tting bricks up there!”
1:15pm Donny tells Frankie and Caleb I need to come up with a good speech like Devin. Frankie says I would just do your whistle and sit back down. You’re going to stay with flying colours. Donny says I hope so. Caleb says well Cody’s duties are done. Frankie says up. Brittany is up there talking to Cody, I don’t even know what she is talking to him about. Even if she tries to flip the script on Donny no one will fall for it. Caleb says its probably more personal. Frankie and Caleb start talking about 9/11 and how messed up that was. Frankie says it was crazy how well organized all that was. Caleb says I know that was enough to get me turned up.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! If he puts me up next week FRANKIE I’m going to kick you in the nuts!
11:20am – 12:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that Cody didn’t do what we thought he said he was going to do minutes before the ceremony. Up until the ceremony Cody decided on who to nominate this through the course of the morning from having his diary room sessions, looking at the photo of his brother and speaking with Brittany and Donny. Cody realized that the best decision and only decision was to nominate Caleb as the replacement nominee. HOWEVER during the feeds being blocked he nominated DONNY instead of Caleb.