9am – 9:20am In the earth room – Caleb is complaining that he can’t sleep with the leaves. The leaves are poking my nuts and my @nus. Cody says I had a s*x dream last night and now I’m pissed. Zach asks why? Did you j!zz your pants? Cody says no, because I woke up without a girl around me. I had two dudes beside me. Caleb says yeah and one hald n@ked dressed in leaves. Cody tells Victoria that she was letting them rip last night. Lady farts. Zach says disgusting. Zach, Cody and Caleb are goofing around. They try impersonating characters from Family Guy. Zach brings up how she is the voice of Meg Griffin. Zach says can you imagine having s*x with Mila Kunis?!
Tag: Derrick Levasseur
Big Brother 16 Winner. Generally thought to be one of the better Big Brother players of all time. Also known to be the most boring.

Quad Squad is Formed “I said last week I would love to back door Frankie”
9:38pm Cody and Derrick
Cody – I’m so beyond sketched out with Frankie.. he went to Hayden and Nicole to link up with them
Derrick has been sketched for awhile.
Cody says they have to make up a name so Nicole gets excited about it.(Hayden, Nicole, Derrick and Cody alliance)
Derrick says they got lucky with Hayden if he wasn’t there bro they would be the ones going up this week.
Nicole comes up

Beastmode Adam and Princess Eve – “guys have to get together you have to procreate”
(They have to wear this for 48 hours. Originally Victoria wanted to wear her wedges but they said said she couldn’t. Caleb was giving her a hard time with this saying “You think MOses wore nikes”)
Caleb My name is Beastmode Adam
Victoria – I’m princess eve
Frankie keeps saying how hot they look
Hayden – you guys have to get together you have to procreate
Christine – its in the fine print.
Victoria says it doesn’t matter if they shower together as long as they wear their bathing suits underneath.

Big Brother Spoilers Zach – “I’m sweating bullets right now… it costs to be the boss”
4:17pm Rockrom Zach and Caleb
Zach say worst case is if Donny wins the POV and pulls Jocasta down. That means someone from their alliance has to go up. I’m sweating bullets right now”
Caleb says the sacrifices he made for winning the BOB, Shave his head eat slop for 2 weeks.
Being attaches to VIctoria isn’t that bad. Caleb says when he has to go to bed he’s going to bed, “SImple as that”
Zach says it’s going to suck when she wakes you up at night saying she has to go to the toilet
Zach what happens when you have to take a sh1t

Big Brother Spoilers Week 5 Battle on the The Block Results “I blew it Donny”
POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 2nd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 4th HOH Winner 1: Donny HOH Winner 2: Nicole Battle of the Block Winner Caleb/Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB Aug 8/Aug 1 Original Nominations: Donny’s Noms (Victoria & Caleb) Nicole’s Noms (Zach & Jocasta) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots ? POV Players ? […]

Nomination Ceremony Results! “You want to play cat & mouse? I’m coming for you Nicole!!”
The live feeds return – In the bathroom Derrick tells Nicole that her speech was good. Nicole asks it wasn’t bad was it? Derrick says no, you took an innuendo from his book and used it on him. It’s not bad that I said it was a strategic move to nominate her (Jocasta) is it. It’s what it is. Frankie joins them and tells her she did good!
In the kitchen – Zach says she wants to play cat and mouse.. well she looks like a mouse and I’m as swift as a cat and I’ll bite your head off. I’m coming for you Nicole!! Zach ask Frankie do you think they (Nicole & Donny) worked together to do that. Frankie says I don’t know, does it matter.

Nicole “I’m just trying to figure out what to say.” Donny “Say Froot Loop, say CoCo Pebbles!
>8:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. UP in the HOH room – Nicole, Christine and Donny are waking up. Donny is looking at his HOH photos. He comments on what the world he was thinking in one of the photos. Christine leaves the HOH room. Donny asks Nicole if everything is still copasetic? Nicole says yeah… I am just trying to figure out what to say. Donny says say froot loops… say Coco Pebbles, it don’t matter. Donny looks at his photo and says I look so fat …goodness. Donny says it would be nice if you’re people dethroned me.

Zach says please, listen I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it. I’m so f**ked! Victoria we better win tomorrow.
1:20am In the earth room – Caleb talks to Christine. Caleb says that Donny might put up me or Cody. OR Maybe both which would be stupid. Christine says that would just be stupid. Caleb says Donny said if Nicole is putting up the two weakest people then I might have to.. that’s why I said you need to put it in Nicoles head that she needs to put up Jocasta and with Zach because he put her up. Christine says I haven’t talked to her but I am hoping that’s what she does. Caleb says if she does then I am hoping Donny would put up Me or Cody with Victoria.

Big Brother Spoilers “The ideal way.. If Frankie is against Zach, Frankie is going home”
11:23pm HOH Hayden, Nicole and Donny
Donny – I have talked to everyone or at least listened. Donny tells them at first Caleb didn’t want to go up on the block but now he might be ok about it. Caleb understands that he put Donny up so it’s only fair.
Donny wants to put up Caleb and Victoria
Nicole – it kills me to put up Jocasta..
Donny – it would kill me better
Hayden agrees with Donny think Jocasta should go up by Nicole.
Nicole feels bad but will do it, says she would put Jocasta and zach

Big Brother Spoilers “I’m ready to make a big move. Frankie does nothing for my game”
8:05pm Nicole and Derrick ROck room
Nicole says she didn’t feel safe with the people left in the competitions (Caleb and Zach) She didn’t want to throw a competition and go home
Caleb rolls by says if he goes up he wants to know he doesn’t want to be lied to. Nicole says she was talking To donny but all he said was he had a bad day today. Caleb leaves.
Nicole complaining how hard it is being HOH because you want to talk to people…
Nicole says she didn’t feel safe this week.. she says the two people left in the HOH competition were the two people coming after her (Caleb and Zach)
Nicole – I hate this BOB crap

Zach – Who is your target Boy or girl.. I can keep my mouth shut , Nicole – Please
7:30pm Storage room Nicole and Zach
Nicole says she does have a reason to put him up. She tells him she has a target and it’s not Zach but some guys have to go up this week, “It’s all been girls so far”
Zach says he knows 4 people she’s not going to put up he thinks he’ll be one of the 3 options she says because Donny will have 2 people he wants up for sure. “I expect you to put me up”
Nicole – I could put up Victoria and Jocasta
Zach – THen you will stay HOH

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 5 summary of Events and HOH/Eviction results
- Brittany is evicted by a vote of 10 – 0 Zach and Frankie win the HOH
- Lots of plans are thrown out there and every single combination of pawns is considered. Zach goes full wildcard (here, here and Here ) says he’s putting up Christine and Nicole, He calls Christine a floater says she does nothing for the alliance. She lays around giggles and cuddles Cody.
- The target is ultimately decided to be Caleb, Amber or Jocasta depending on how the BOB and POV play out