12:45pm Nicole joins the others outside by the pool table. and watches from the side. She then heads inside and starts to cry. Victoria hugs her. Victoria and Nicole head into the havenot room to talk. Nicole says I am trying to be strong its just hard. Victoria asks do you want to talk to Christine? Nicole says I don’t even know what Christine is talking about. Victoria wonders if its what she said on Thursday. Nicole says the only thing I can think of is that she thinks I tried to get Caleb to throw the BOB but it wasn’t my idea.
Tag: Derrick Levasseur
Big Brother 16 Winner. Generally thought to be one of the better Big Brother players of all time. Also known to be the most boring.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “She’s going to be all over you like a wet slithery cond*m!”
Up in the HOH room – Cody is hugging Christine. She says that was so awkward! Christine says I don’t know what to say to her. Cody says honestly you could just say to her that you found out that she tried to backdoor you. Christine says thank you so much for coming up here with me! That was a rough one huh?! Caleb gave me the thumbs up though. Cody asks does it even matter if people know that we’re working together? Christine says no. Not until it gets down to just the bomb squad then they might come after us. Frankie joins them and tells Christine she did so good.

Donny asks How can I ask someone to volunteer to sit beside me and then send them home?!
6:20am – 9:45am Victoria is awake and in the bathroom getting ready for the day. She heads outside to tweeze her face and then goes inside and continues to pluck. She then heads back to bed. Big Brother wakes up the house guests at 9am. When the live feeds return from being blocked only Donny and Frankie are awake. Frankie changes his batteries and goes back to bed. Donny heads up to the HOH room and tells Frankie that they called him to the diary room and asks us to decide if we are going to do it or not. Donny says well that aint going to happen how could I get someone to volunteer to go up against me. We had the opportunity to get someone to volunteer before the nomination ceremony but since that didn’t happen we have another opportunity today before the veto ceremony.

Caleb says You’re eating like crazy! Are you pregnant?! You’re eating like a cow!
2amDerrick and Cody are playing pool while Christine is watching. Derrick says its good for you if though because if she did pull a rabbit out of a hat and wins one, you would be safe. Derrick tells Christine that if she (Victoria) won one she would probably put up Frankie and Zach. She don’t trust Frankie and Zach’s been mean to her everyday. Caleb plays Derrick next. Victoria comes out and asks Caleb if they’re off slop on Wednesday. Derrick says no if you went on it on a Friday then you get off on Friday. Victoria says ohh.. Derrick says Victoria was probably conjuring up that for the last hour and now is sad she’s wrong. Derrick and Victoira head inside. Victoria comments that she (Nicole) thinks Christine is pissed at her.

Caleb to Christine “If you put Nicole up she’s going home All of us guys are sticking together”
11:27pm Zach and Christine HOH
Christine – I swear on my life I didn’t put you up Maliciously..
THey both act like they “had no idea” what happened last week.
Zach – now it’s a clean slate.. I don’t want you out of the house.
Christine – I don’t want you out of the house.. I was so happy you won VEto..
Zach says he’s going to find out if Frankie would win the Veto Nicole was going to put Christine up.
Zach – Obviously I was down with it.. The plan was Caleb and Frankie were going to lose.. if Frankie were to win the veto

Big Brother Spoilers – “Frankie thinks he’s a celebrity he literally acted like one the whole entire night”
9:40pm Christine and Victoria
You can tell he’ sued to the celebrity life biggest diva ever
Christine – Caleb was actually awesome
Victoria – like Caleb now that Amber has left.. he’s conceited but he’s genuine..
Christine says Frankie told production I need a coffee get me a coffee i don’t care if theres suger or not I need a coffee
Victoria – what did sean say
Christine – Margot got him a coffee.

Zach – Christine/Frankie are pathological liars. every time they open their mouths it’s a lie
7:00pm Backyard Donny, Zach and Nicole
Nicole asks if Frankie and Zach are cool. Zach says Frankie things they are.. “He literally collaborated a plan to get me out”
Nicole – I tried telling you that
Zach – He was like But I saved you
Nicole – you wouldn’t have had to be saved
Zach – Exactly
Donny – now you saved yourself.

Big Brother Spoilers “lets be honest the cards are exposed it’s down to winning comps”
4:19pm BEEHIVE Cody and Derrick
Cody tells him Christine started an alliance with Nicole and HAyden week two but Christine never trusted HAyden right off the bat..Hayden also never trusted Christine.
Cody – Christine and NIcole are super tight but Nicole was tighter with Hayden and that pissed Christine off .

Nicole says Frankie is probably telling Christine 100 times today to put me up!
2:55pm – 3:15pm Out in the backyard – Nicole is talking to Donny in the backyard. Nicole says that Frankie is probably telling Christine to put me up 100 times today. I hope she doesn’t. Christine said that she wouldn’t put me up. If she doesn’t then the whole house is going to go after them. If she does the I will tell her that she gave me her word. At this point I don’t think there is anything I can do. If she does then her intention is to get me out because she knows how angry I would be if I was left in the house. Donny says it doesn’t seem like Derrick is going to let Victoria to go because they’re the voters. If she does go up then they want me out.

Caleb says I want to wear something nice just in case I run into Kim Kardashian.
9am – 9:40am Up in the HOH room – Caleb is asking Christine what shirts to wear for their NFL trip out side the Big Brother house. Caleb says I asked Donny if I should wear the overalls with one strap down… Christine and Frankie both yell no! Caleb says but I could be like its beast mode cowboy! Caleb says yeah would wear those around the house but I would want to wear something somewhat nice just in case I run into Kim Kardashian. Caleb asks what goes good with red shorts. Frankie suggests a few things but then when Frankie finishes his shower he comes out and tells Caleb he loves what he’s wearing right now.

Zach “I’m taking food out of your daughters mouth and I’m stealing books from kids in Africa!”
2am Nicole and Christine are in the HOH room. They’re watching the spy screen watching the living room where Caleb, Derrick and Cody are sitting on the couches talking. Nicole and Christine know that the guys in the living room just heard them try to open the door to listen. Christine and Nicole want to leave but know they’ve been busted. They pretend to talk about past season competitions as they leave the HOH room make the guys think they were up in the HOH listening or talking about them.

Victoria finds out about Derrick’s alliances – ” I can’t look at him in his face he disgusts me”
10:56pm FIREROOM Victoria and Nicole
Victoria says she’s been lied to this entire game she feels so stupid
Victoria – oh my gosh I don’t know what to say or do .. I literally want to punch him in the face
Nicole says she thinks he’s lying to protect Victoria he’ll keep her as long as he can
Victoria – That is not what our deal was.. He was lying to me I don’t want to be in this house I don’t stand a choice unless I win HOH