2:25am Kaitlin and Jeremy are in the lounge still talking. Kaitlin starts going through the votes. She says that she thinks Elissa would have Andy and Helen. Kaitlin says that she doesn’t think anyone would vote against David. Jeremy says that he hopes so because he needs him there. Kaitlin says that she thinks David threw that POV because he felt safe. Kaitlin says that she thinks without a doubt Jessie will be going home. Kaitlin says oh my God, McCrae is going to be so upset. Kaitlin says if they vote against Elissa and she stays, then we’ll be huge targets. Jeremy wraps his hand around Kaitlin’s throat. Jeremy says that Judd freaks him out. He says that Judd won’t talk to me about anything. Jeremy says that he can’t understand Judd. Kaitlin asks how can they keep Elissa in this game? Jeremy says she’s a pawn for an extra week. Kaitlin says that she is worried that Elissa could win POV so they need to back door her again. Jeremy says that he will win POV so she can’t do that. Kaitlin says you’re so cocky. She laughs. Jeremy tells Kaitlin that she can’t tell anyone. Kaitlin agrees and says that people can’t even handle their sh*t now. Helen comes by and says goodnight. When she leaves Kaitlin says she is such a fucking snake. Kaitlin wonders if they should switch their vote. Jeremy says that they need to just vote Elissa out and hope for the best.
Tag: David Girton

GiGi protecting her man “I see the way she looks at you I’m going to smack that b!t*h in the face”
10:40pm Cam 1-2 GIGI and Nick
GiGI: “Ayrn saw Elissa, Andy, Helen, Amanda and she walked by and someone said to Andy Shutup.. They are working together”
GiGI: “Amanda is a sneaky fuck.. Jessie flirts with everybody..
Gigi explains that earlier in the day Jessie rubbed lotion on David and Aaryn got pissed. Gigi understands that she thinks the same way as Aaryn.. “If someone messes with my man I beat the B1Tch “
GIGI tells them that Andy, Elissa and Helen are in an alliance they all talk. Gigi has noticed that Amanda and McCrae are very close and she thinks that spencer is a floater.
Gigi can’t “Fu**ing stand” Elissa, Candace, Amanda but she likes Kaitlin and Aaryn.
GiGi: ‘It’s going to be Candace and Amanda up next..”
They start running the votes..

Big Brother Spoilers Amanda to McCrae “my boyfriend is going to kill me but you’re my only comfort”
POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27 POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 29th HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd MVP: Elissa Original Nominations: Candice, David, Jessie Current Nominations: Jessie, Elissa and David Last Evicted Houseguest ? Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen 8:11pm Cam 1-2 HOH Amanda and Elissa FYI you […]

Big Brother Spoilers Spencer about Elissa and Candace “they are on the outs it’s like toxic waste to us”
POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27 POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 29th HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd MVP: Elissa Original Nominations: Candice, David, Jessie Current Nominations: Jessie, Elissa and David Last Evicted Houseguest ? Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen 6:40pm Cam 3-4 Backyard couch assortment of houseguests just […]

Spencer: “If we keep this together we’ll be the most dominate bada$$ alliance that’s ever been”
6:11pm Cam 3-4 Jeremy and Spencer Hammock
Rehashing the Moving Company’s plan. Jeremy says he was a bit worried about McCrae and Amanda. Spencer explains that McCrae is trying to shake Amanda but she’s all over him.
Spencer: “If we keep this together we’ll be the most dominate bada$$ alliance that’s ever been”
Jeremy: ‘No doubt in my mind”
Jeremy asks if Elissa is the next one to leave after David. Spencer says it’s Amanda.
Spencer tells Jeremy he has to play dumb and just make sure Spencer, McCrae and Howard are safe and they will make sure Nick and Jeremy are safe.
Jeremy is a bit worried that he’s losing a person from their side but if it’s good for the cause he’s all game. Spencer points out that they are taking out a strong player.

Amanda: “We have too many alliances.. nobody will put us up we’re too much of a threat”
3:52pm HOH Andy, McCrae and Amanda
For the last hour they’ve been talking about how “Solid” and “Awesome” their alliance is. Jeremy is the target after David goes home. Amanda wants to make a final 4 with Andy, herself, McCrae and spencer. Andy is up for it.
Elissa joins them and the talk continues about how solid their group is.
Elissa tells Elissa that if they stick with their plan they are safe for a solid month and a half. Amanda wants Jeremy then Kaitlin gone.
Elissa says she’s thankful for Rachel’s fans.
McCrae: “that f**** saved us”
Amanda mentions how skinny Elissa has gotten while being in the house. Elissa: “I’m on the Survivor Big Brother edition.. to survive the mean girls”
They start bashing Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jeremy a bit..
Amanda: “We’re set.. there’s no cracks.. worst case scenario is we’re all in Jury together”
Elissa leaves..
(Amanda is the most annoying person in the house.. her and McCrae never really leave the HOH room)

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery June 29, 2013
Big Brother 15 Screencapture Gallery. Images off the live feeds. If you have trouble viewing the images visit our Flickr site all the images from the past 4 season of Big Brother are archived there. At last count there was almost half a million. There’s over 5 thousands captures taken from today! Each photo produced […]

Big Brother 15 – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
1:30pm When the live feeds come back we learn that McCrae used the Power of Veto in the Veto Ceremony. He used it to take Candice off the block and nominated Elissa in her place. Out in the backyard – McCrae, Amanda are talking about being the HOH is a blessing and a curse. Amanda asks if he is even able to take photos. McCrae says no. I didn’t even know we were supposed to bring photos. Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. The cameras then switch to the kitchen. Helen looks around in the kitchen and says I want to eat this, this and this can of chicken of the sea. Elissa asks is that chicken or fish? Helen says its tuna.

Amanda tells Jessie that she needs to stop flirting with other peoples boyfriends.
12:25pm Out in the backyard – Amanda tells Jessie that she needs to stop flirting with other peoples boyfriends. Jessie asks what do you mean. Amanda says that Aaryn is annoyed that you were getting David to rub lotion on your back. Jessie goes inside and tells Aaryn that she is sorry it was harmless. Aaryn says whatever its okay, it’s just the first thing that I saw this morning and I had to sit there and watch. Jessie says that she is sorry and that it didn’t mean anything .. I just thought we were all friends. I will think more about my actions in the house. Aaryn says its okay I don’t want to start stuff and I am more mad at David, you asked but he didn’t have to do it. Amanda comes into the bathroom and tells Jessie that she wasn’t trying to be a sh*t disturber, that just rubs people the wrong way. Jessie says no pun intended. Amanda says you need to just watch what you are doing because you did it with McCrae too. You need to be good with the girls because we are the ones protecting you. Don’t even look to the guys. Jessie says okay I will think about my actions more. Sorry.

Andy asks Gina – What did you wake up on the wrong side of the cl!* piercing today?
10:15am In the kitchen – Candice is making omelets for a bunch of the house guests. Jessie is doing the dishes. (Both trying to suck up before the veto ceremony.) Meanwhile in the living room – McCrae, David, Amanda, Andy and Spencer are talking and joking around. Big Brother tells Jessie to stop singing again. The living room group talk about Big Brother getting after them. McCrae says that he wishes people would get punished for breaking the rules. Gina joins them. Andy asks her how she’s doing? Gina groans. Andy jokes that she is out this week, I’ve been working all week to get you out. Andy asks did you wake up on the wrong side of the cl!t piercing today? David tells the others that he accidently
farted when a girl was giving him a blow job. He says that she thought it got in her eye.

Elissa says I think something is wrong with Aaryn, like mentally she isn’t all there.
8am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Elissa and Helen are in the have not room complaining about how loud Big Brother blasts that music in the morning. Big Brother stop talking about production. Helen comments on how neat Andy is. She questions if Judd even sleeps in the have not room because she never sees him in there. Meanwhile in the lounge room – Howard gets into the photo booth and does a morning prayer.
8:15am – 840am Up in the HOH room – Judd tells McCrae that Spencer and Nick were out in the backyard talking for another hour and half last night. McCrae says yeah I don’t know.

Andy’s talks about a scene from a shock movie he had to watch for a university class..
2:15am Gina says she wants to be on the TV show Dancing With The Stars. She tells Jeremy and Kaitlin about how Brendon and Rachel were on the Amazing Race after Big Brother. She says that they didn’t make it very far though. In the kitchen Helen, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Spencer, Andy and Nick are all talking and eating pizza. Out in the backyard – Judd, Howard, McCrae. Elissa, Amanda on backyard couches talking about sleeping on the havenot airplane seats. Elissa wonders which day they will be off of HaveNots. Amanda is talking to Elissa and tells her that after the veto ceremony she needs to come clean about being Rachel’s sister to the people that are saving her.
3am Out by the hot tub – Kaitlin and Amanda are talking with their feet in the hot tub. They are discussing there being a unanimous vote to evict Elissa. Amanda comments that someone will probably throw a random vote in the mix for drama. Kaitlin laughs and says that by a vote of 11-1 then Elissa walks up and talk ends. Judd, Amanda, Spencer, Nick, McCrae and Nick are all in the backyard – talking about random things like movies.