11:50am – 12:20pm Aaryn heads out to the backyard and lays in the hammock with Jessie. Jessie brings him how what pissed her off about last night was when Kaitlin and Jeremy were having their fight Nick was just sitting in the back ground listening. Aaryn says yeah and what sucks is that the people like Nick who are floaters are going to stay longer. Aaryn says that she is annoyed that her and Jeremy are the only ones voicing themselves and we are the ones that will get targeted because of it. Jessie says that she understands but that she has to remain silent to gain information for our alliance. I have already collected a lot of information. I need you guys to trust me. Aaryn brings up how she can’t believe how Kaitlin and Jeremy say they aren’t in a relationship but that last night was some relationship sh*t. Aaryn says that she can’t believe how whipped Jeremy is .. if that were any of my ex-boyfriends they would have told me to fu*k off! David comes out into the backyard. He talks about having a speedo on under his swim shorts. Aaryn tells him that he better not take his shorts off. Please don’t let him take those off!! Aaryn gets up to head inside and tells Jeremy don’t let him wear the speedo.
Tag: David Girton

Judd says even if I had the physical ability to hang on for 3 hours, I just don’t have the mental ability.
9am – 9:30am Jessie is awake and up for the day. She is in the bathroom getting ready, then heads to the kitchen to make breakfast/coffee. All the other house guests are still sleeping. No wake up call yet. Jessie heads out into the backyard to drink her coffee and have a smoke.
9:30am – 9:50am She then lays her towel out in the middle of the backyard and starts doing some stretching. When she finishes she goes over to the dryer and starts folding towels. Jessie finishes up and lays out to suntan.
10:10am – 10:20am All the house guests are still sleeping. Judd comes out and she gets him to fix her microphone. Then both then lay out by the hot tub. Jessie asks him about what happened after she went to bed.

Jeremy says he could feels Kaitlin’s eyes on him earlier and it was scaring the sh*t out of him.
1:30am – 2am In the bathroom – Jessie is talking to Aaryn telling her that none of this involves her but that she isn’t scared to tell people where her loyalties lie and that she isn’t afraid to stand up for Aaryn. Jessie tells her that if Aaryn ever has a problem with her to just come and talk to her. Jessie says don’t you think the best thing for me to do is to go to bed. Aaryn says she can’t say, what one person would do is completely different to another, if you feel that is best then go do it. Aaryn and Jessie talk about Candice and the hat incident. Jessie wonders if it was all made up. Aaryn says that Spencer wouldn’t lie to her, he wouldn’t lie about that. Aaryn leaves and heads out into the backyard. Aaryn talks to Kaitlin in the hot tub about how Jeremy said that Aaryn was partially responsible and that Aaryn over reacts and makes things bigger than they really are. Aaryn says it doesn’t matter, none of this fu*king matters, she (Elissa) is still going home. Aaryn says that she watches this game and knows that some many people talk so much crap but won’t say it to their faces. I don’t fu*king care, I don’t need the money, I was fine before and I will be fine after.

Spencer and Jeremy are worried about McCrae “I came to this game to play ruthless .. Los Zetas”
POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27 POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 29th HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd MVP: Elissa Original Nominations: Candice, David, Jessie Current Nominations: Jessie, Elissa and David Last Evicted Houseguest ? Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen 9:31pm Cam 3-4 Beiber Fever acting bored on the […]

Big Brother 15 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery June 30, 2013
Big Brother 15 Screencapture Gallery. Images off the live feeds. If you have trouble viewing the images visit our Flickr site all the images from the past 4 season of Big Brother are archived there. At last count there was almost half a million. There’s over 5 thousands captures taken from today! Each photo produced […]

Comparing notes “McCrae has a kickstand” “Jeremy Isn’t that Big” and Elissa “can barely complete a thought”
8:16pm Cam 1-2 Hammock Jessie, Amanda and Andy
Jessie is talking about the day when her and Jeremy were flirting together and then she found out that night Kaitlin and Jeremy had slept in the same bed. Amanda pours fuel on the fire saying “I can’t believe she flirts with him in front of you”
Jessie explains that Jeremy told her he wasn’t interested in her and wasn’t looking for love on the show.
Jessie: “I still think he’s freaking adorable.. he’s a cutie”
Andy: “I just wish I had a ragan fox in this house”
Andy: ‘I think you are in a really good spot right now”
Jessie: “I just hope the house doesn’t put me up next week”
Amanda: “I don’t see that happening”

Big Brother Spoilers “This is my cup with the sticker on it nobody use it”
6:10pm CAm 1-2 Howard and Amanda
Amanda delivers Howard some cookies “Apparently this is the best thing I’ve made yet.. it’s hot”
Amanda asks him if he’s had a chance to talk to Candace. .he says no but he talked to “Spence” and “Spence” will handle it, “his plan is to wait for Tuesday or wednesday morning”
Amanda brings up how paranoid Judd has become. She retells the rat story (See previous post) Howard will talk to Judd because he’s seen Judd acting paranoid. Howard: “as long as he has his cigarettes he’ll be OK”
Howard says he’s talked to Andy he’s a bit nervous but he’s goo.

Kaitlin and Aaryn have it all figured out “Jeremy is a communications major.. he’s smart.. he’s very very smart”
4:22pm Cam 1-2 HOH Kaitlin and Aaryn
Kaitlin: “Amanda is getting overprotected of McCrae “
Aaryn: “Why”
K:” I don’t know.. the reason Amanda snapped at Jessie the other day was because Jessie was like MCRae is the sexiest pizza boy she’s ever seen.. She felt Territorial because she was moving closer to McCrae”
Aaryn says that Jessie is really weird around the guys always flirting with them even when they have girls in the house.
K: “I don’t understand what she’s doing.. it shouldn’t be awkward for me to touch the guy I like in front of people.. why is she doing this when she wants to be our friend”
Aaryn: “Dude how weird is it that we’re in the Big Brother house looking at our pictures on the TV” (They’re looking at the HOH spy screen which is on the memory wall)
Aaryn: “this room is so relaxing one of us have to get”
Kaitlin: “Jeremy is going to get it..

Big Brother Spoilers The Moving Company Causing Chaos “We’re about to make History”
3:20pm Cam 1-2 HOH Candace, Spencer, Elissa and Howard
Random conversations.. Spencer says he’s missing his girlfriend back home. Tells them she’s a sweet little girl she’s only 5’1″ or 5’2″. Spencer complains a bit about having to work out with Helen.
Chatting about Dresses.. Candace leaves to go “Pee”
Spencer says he auditioned in maine. Elissa: “I just think it’s so impressive that they find all these character’
Spencer: “And a$$holes”
Elissa: “Are you guys still on board about keeping me in.. (Spencer nodes).. Ohh that’s so awesome”
Spencer says that he’s not going to be mean to her but they need to keep their distance. Howard agrees./
Spencer: “Were you MVP”
Elissa: “Ya”

Kaitlin says Jeremy has the wrong idea of what’s going on. I just got out of a relationship, I have no attraction to the pen!$!
1pm Out in the backyard – Amanda now has black garbage bags and is cutting them up to make the slip and slide. Amanda gets called to the diary room and comes back a few minutes later. They ask her if they can’t do the slip and slide? Amanda says they said they are going to get us duct tape. Kaitlin and Spencer are talking on the backyard couch. She is asking questions about his girlfriend. He says she has an old persons name Marilyn Frances Boswell. Spencer tells Kaitlin that she has her whole life in front of her. Spencer and Kaitlin talk about Elissa and how she is always working out. Spencer says that she has the personality of a wet blanket. Aaryn comes out and asks if Jeremy will rub this on her back. Did you get it?! (Referencing how Jessie had David rub lotion on her back yesterday which upset Aaryn.) Jeremy and Kaitlin comment how they got it, it just wasn’t funny.

Candice laughs I’m the Mad Hatter, I sit on peoples hats! Amanda Yeah the one with the Biggest Ba-Donk-A-Donk!
11:15am Candice and Amanda are in the bathroom talking about the hat incident last night. Candice says that she didn’t mean to sit on her hat and that she apologized. She says that Aaryn just flipped out. Candice says I work so hard for my things , I appreciate peoples things. Candice says I am the mad Hatter, I just sit on peoples hats! Amanda tells Candice not to worry about it, its okay. Amanda laughs that Candice the one with the biggest ba-donk-a-donk is in the house to sit on peoples hats. Candice says how annoying someone starting sh*t over that. Spencer joins them. He tells her you can’t reason with it, just ignore it. Spencer tells Candice that she can’t win the argument so just ignore it. Amanda asks Spencer what he’s doing. Spencer says just waiting for the mad hatter to get out of the shower. Spencer tells Candice to just lay low and don’t be confrontational with her. He tells her that in the next 30 minutes there will be another argument and people will forget all about it.

Amanda calls Candice the annoying jet setting b***h.. but she’s not that bad, we’ll keep her around for a bit.
9:20am Elissa and Helen are in the Havenot room talking about last season with Ian Terry and Dan Gheesling. Both Elissa and Helen think that Ian was cute. Judd joins them and they talk about how uncomfortable the seats are to sleep on. Elissa comments that today is her 9 year anniversary with her husband. They all congratulate her.
9:30am In the bathroom – Helen and Andy are talking about the plan and how they are good. Out in the backyard – Andy, Howard and Judd are talking. Judd and Andy talk about Jessie. Judd says that Jessie is hot but she is spacy. Howard says that when the plan goes through there is going to be fire. Andy says the plan will go through. Howard says again when the plan goes through just remain calm and don’t react.