10:50pm HOH Room Janelle, JOJO YO, Britney, Jen, Kara
They are joking around why Wil won’t hang out with them and drink. The general consensus is that Wil feels bad if he drinks while the other guys get to feel miserable in the Kitchen. JOJO points out that Wil has a P*** that’s why he’s not drinking with them. Talk drifts to Ashely and how she’s been felling bad lately. Jenn says Ashley is on her period and is a Have nots, “she’s not in a good place right now”. The girls are getting rowdy especially JOJO. they start asking each other who would they like to sleep with in the Big Brother House. JOJO says no one in the house, she didn’t come onto the show to be in a romance. She then jokes, JOJO’s type of guy is a “Bad boys with the big cocks” FEEDS CUT when they come back she jokes “Bad boys with a good heart”.
They start playing never have I Ever.. JoJO starts “never have I ever Fu****d your boss”. Ian walks into the room.. they change it to Never have I ever Had S$X on the first date. .. Ian Leaves.
11:10pm Arcade Room Dan and Danielle Dan is talking game with Danielle. He Brings up Britney being a catty girl. Danielle doesn’t like Britney she calls her a liar. Dan is really building her up saying she’s a strong player, smart
11:40pm Dan and Kara are in the Stereo room talking. Kara and Dan are talking about the girls being on their period. Dan asks Kara to tell him when they are on it so that he knows.
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