Jason and Danielle are nominated for Eviction Danielle says it’s harder to stay in the block with Jason than Shane. Jason misses his friends and family.. thanks the house guests for a unforgettable experience. Justin Votes to Evict Danielle Morgan votes to Evict Danielle Kryssie votes to Evict Danielle America Votes to evict Danielle Danielle […]
Tag: Danielle Lickey

Justin “No matter what.. whatever my care package is, I’m using it on you” Kryssie “I trust you”
9:45pm – 11pm HOH room – Morgan & Shelby. Morgan – well we know who Kryssie is going to target if she’s HOH. Shelby – probably me. Morgan – yeah it probably would be you but now Jason will have an excuse to go after me as well. Shelby – Jason will probably still want me out if he’s smart. Morgan – see that’s the thing they’re not freaking smart! I can honestly see them be like … yeah Shelby has won more comps but lets get Morgan out because she’s going to want revenge for us getting Alex out.

Veto Meeting Results “If they vote for me over Danielle I’m going to flip out”
12:45pm Morgan and Kryssie
Morgan – Alex was my sister.. so… that was a big twist.. Jason got out my sister I’ve been targeting him.. that is why I want to be HOH..
Morgan – even if I go home.. I want to do something on a game and personal level
Kryssie – ok
Morgan adds that she broke her word to Kryssie earlier in the season and she’s hoping with coming to Kryssie with this truth now she can mend things.
Morgan is planning on talking to Justin as well.

“People are probably going to try to convince me to use it (veto) another way but I will just laugh in their faces”
8:30pm Morgan and Shelby made up a game tossing balls into pots. Meanwhile Danielle, Jason and Kryssie are sleeping. Jason and Kryssie start talking. Kryssie – I didn’t even say anything bad. That proves they don’t listen. Jason – its not about whether its good or bad. They probably think it was bad because I […]

Big Brother Over the Top Power of Veto Results Dominoes
Morgan is America’s Nomination The Nominations are. Power of veto order Competition Jason Answers = Jeff, Veto For Sale, Veto Vault Shelby Answers = Jeff, Perfect shot, Veto Vault Justin Answers = Paul, Perfect Shot, Veto Vault Kryssie = Answers = Jeff, Perfect Shott, Balance of Power Danielle = Answers Jeff, Perfect Shott, Veto Vault […]

Kryssie “I can’t believe those b***hes tried to take f**king group pictures without us!”
7:40pm Backyard – Shelby, Justin and Morgan. Justin – this is crazy. Morgan – its close enough that people can see the light at the end of the tunnel. No point in going home now, we have 20 days left. If things go as I’m thinking .. which they normally don’t. Justin – no they normally don’t. Morgan – We worry about the veto tomorrow and then figure out a plan for Wednesday. Justin – I don’t like the way she tried to manipulate y’all to think I wouldn’t work with y’all.

“This will be the most Awkward Safety ceremony ever “
2:45pm Danielle Cam 3-4 Danielle – people think I have it easy.. Because of the circumstances in my life I share a room with my 3 year old son.. I want 6to be the one that give him his own space Danielle – I want to be the one that gives it to him… ME […]

Shelby “You better prepare for another temper tantrum from me if I go home [next week] Big Brother.”
8:25pm – 10pm HOH room – Justin, Shelby and Morgan. Justin – this has been a wild and crazy week. The last thing I expected was for Alex to go home. If you would have asked me … I would have told you. Morgan – yeah and I figured. After the blow up fight .. it was everyone just exploding. Justin – I was just like C’est la vie, C’est la vie! I don’t like none of that sh*t. I don’t like all that confrontational sh*t. I’m going to go kick it down stairs.

Justin – “Straight up I’m cold hearted right now in this game”
12:31pm Jason and Danielle Jason – these b1tches itch (nicotine patch) Danielle – it’s like you have a weave 12:34pm Justin and Kryssie Talking about Jason or Danielle leaving this week. Justin – one of those are leaving this week Justin says even if Danielle wins the Veto and MOrgan goes up as a pawn […]

Shelby “What if we don’t put you up, vote Danielle out and give you the care package?!”
9:30pm HOH room – Shelby – we would not be in a good position if I didn’t win HOH. We would have zero bargaining chips right now. Morgan – like I literally don’t know what we would preach to Jason. We have nothing to leverage with .. no care package. Shelby – we would have nothing but Justin and Kryssie. This is just the power to make sure one of them gets care package. Plus a final four deal isn’t terrible. I think it works out great for all of us.

“There’s no way I’m f***g you over, over Jason … F*** Jason “
Justin joins them.
Shelby – it’s best we put them both up .. so they can’t pull the other down
Justin – Ohh ya.. I’m feeling it.. I know this is a serious matter because all I care about are my muscles.
Shelby – my plan is for us to do this final 4 deal
Kryssie- I’m here to win
Justin – that’s my girl
MOrgan joins them.. “I’m on the same page”

“I would be down to promise, shake on deals, pinky promise. Lets tell these b***hes what they want to hear.”
9:30pm Living room – Danielle, Jason, Shelby Kryssie, Morgan and Justin are sitting around the living room chatting about random things. At 10:35pm Shelby gets her HOH room. All the house guests head to check out her room. Shelby is happy that she got photos of her family and mom. Shelby reads her letter from her mom.