9:35am Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel are up in the HOH room talking. They talk about what was said earlier about hearing that Jeff/ Jordan and Brendon / Rachel are turning on each other. They talk about how Dani has the best position in the house. They say that Dani complains that shes in the worst position because she can’t play for anything. Jeff says that he would love to be in that position. Brendon say that they are trying to plant seeds and make us fight. They talk about how the others want them to fight so that they can skate through while they fight. Rachel says that the others notice that we have a rift between us because of last week and this week. Brendon says that we should let them think that, that we are fighting when we really aren’t. Rachel says that she thinks Shelly would nominate Rachel and Brendon if she HOH. Brendon says that Shelly is planting seeds here and there. Jeff ask how would they… production tell you that we are plotting against each other?! Right then Big Brother cuts the live feeds.
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When the feeds come back, Jeff talks about how Dani is in the best position because the newbies are gunning for BR & JJ and we are gunning for the newbies …and Dani is sitting pretty playing both sides. Jeff says not once since the beginning of the game as any one …not once brought up taking out Dani…. just watch she is going to skate to the end. Jeff says that he purposely asks Dani and others questions to set them up …knowing what he thinks they are going to say …and what benefits them and not the vets.
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