Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says that his farts are nothing… Brendon just farted and it almost made him throw up..

12:45am Jeff, Rachel and Porsche are in the bathroom talking about acne and how to get rid of it. Rachel says that she has a bug bite or something on her cheek but says that it’s not going down. Porsche tells Rachel about a product that you can use to remove blackheads after putting a hot cloth on your face for a few minutes first. Jeff asks Rachel if she sneezes when she pulls out eyebrow hairs. Jeff says that he just sneezed from pulling some out.

Rachel says yes that sometime it happens. Rachel asks Porsche if she wants to come with them and hang out in the HaveNot room. Jeff tells Brendon and Rachel that Rachel and Brendon are going to win the power of veto. Jeff says that then they can make a deal with Dani for a week to keep them all safe. Brendon says that Dani blames Brendon and Rachel for telling Jeff about Dani and the plan to back-door Jeff. Jeff and Rachel complain when Brendon farts. Brendon says that it was Jordan. They start talking about slop and how it makes you fart. Rachel says that it sucks in the HaveNot room because there isn’t any airflow. Jordan says that production asked her about how smelly her farts are… Jordan comes back from being in the diary room and says that America is going to think that she’s the most disgusting person ever. Jeff asks why? Jordan says that the diary room just asked her just how bad are your farts? ..Right then Big Brother cuts the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen.. When the live feeds come back, Jordan smells a fart and asks who did that? ..It wasn’t me! Jordan tells Brendon that between the two of them, they really stink the place up. Brendon and Rachel are now alone in the HaveNot room.

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Brendon Sketching Out, Jeff: “The best thing to do now is be cordial we played the f*ck you.. your mothers a wh*re card and that did nothing for us” **Updated**

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10:03pm HOH Dani and Kalia They talk about Lawon siting around them always starting at them. Dani says Lawon came up to her and said he really wants to play for POV and win it he wants to prove himself to the alliance. They laugh, Dani: “He said The Alliance”
Kalia says that she never thought that she would be the hated girl in the house, “I’m actual more hated than you” Dani :”Hey wait” they start to laugh.
Kalia starts hating on rachel a bit “you’re such a little whiny BLANK.. it’s really easy to play this game when all the shit is in your favor.. but once it’s not your a wreck”
Jeff gets called into the DR
Kalia: “I swear if Jeff some weird power and uses it i’ll go insane”
Dani: “in a period of 6 hours he’s been in the DR 8 times”
Kalia: “he must be really good in the DR”
Dani: “I think he’ll have a lot to talk about seeing all went on this week”
They go over what the house will be like after the POV.
Brendon and Racehl will cry and be BLANK
Jrodan and JEff will be cuddle buddies and just lie low
Lawon is going to be creeping around us
ADam will be the joker
Porsche will just be with Rachel comforting her.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Jeff Made a Deal to be Safe this Week “If I win HOH deal off Dani’s getting backdoored”

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8:11pm Purple room Jordan and Jeff Jordan talks about the POV and what it will be like. Jeff: “If I win HOH i’m putting her up (Dani) ..I’ll back door her.. the deals no good”. Jeff says if he goes up theres a chance he will go home if Jordan goes up theres no chance. Jeff: “If either of us go up against them (BR) we’ll stay”. Jordan is kinda pissed about her being the one to go up, She isn’t sure that she has the vote. Jeff says he’ll go tell Dani to put him up then. Jordan says nooooo. Rachel walks in “What a BLANK week” she leaves and goes into the havenots to cry with Brendon. Jordan starts farting under the covers says she’s got a dutch oven… Jeff: “Ohh man ”

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says Dani just back stabbed and betrayed 4 people.. twice, she is not getting our jury votes! From the Penthouse to the Outhouse..

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6:35pm Brendon and Rachel both tell each other that they would rather be here arguing and fighting with each other than be apart. Brendon tells Rachel that if he can he will win POV and take her off the block so that she can stay and fight. Brendon says that he couldn’t do that for her last year but he will this year. Brendon tells her to BLANK up! Brendon and Rachel both tell each other that they respect and look up to each other. Rachel says that she doesnt think she can do it without him. Brendon says yes you can! Brendon tells her to play to win ..and to not let her emotions get in the way …think about what you are going to say before you say it. Brendon tells Rachel that it is time for her to start believing in herself …that she can do it with or without him. Brendon tells her that he is here for her even if he isn’t here. Brendon tells her that she is doing it for them. Rachel tells him that she wants to marry him right now. Brendon says that he is happy he is here with her …he says that he is happy to play with her …do you know how many men and women can’t play with each other. Brendon tells her that she can do it without him. All you have to think about is your goal. What is your goal. Rachel says to get married. Brendon says but that isnt going to get you to win this… Rachel says to think about the 500 thousand. Brendon says that he wants to marry her too …just not in the big brother house. Brendon says that he is going to find the cure for cancer, patent it and make money for the rest of our lives. Brendon tells Rachel that she can trust Shelly.. she wants to work with us. Brendon tells her that if Dani wants to work with her ..just be nice to her so that you can get ahead.

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Big Brother Spoilers Crocodile tears edition – Brendon and Rachel Nominated

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6:15pm Feeds are back have nots Brendon and rachel rachel is crying because she was put up on the block by someone she trusted. brendon says that Rachel is staying in the house he’s a PhD student he’s prepared for hardship. He tells her that she’ll stay in the house and she’ll knock Dani out. It was Rachel idea to come into the house and he’s glad he was able to come in her and spend the summer with her. rachel knew she would eventually be evicted but not this soon… He’s going to spend the week preparing her so she can send Dani home
rachel: “Ohh i’m so much better with you we work so much better as a team.. ”
Brendon: “Yeah I know that why we are getting married.. you go great I promise I pormise.. I’ll watch you every night.. I want you to talk to me”
rachel: “I’ve never done this without you”
rachel: “She trying to make it sound like a big game move.. She was someone I trusted.. You’re the best player in big brother Brendon.. you’re a allstar”
Brendon: “Not in a million years I’m just a guy that likes to play and win”

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Big Brother Spoilers – Rachel pitch to Dani: “I’m 100% team take out floaters lets do this as a 5 person alliance”

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3:20pm HOH Dani and Adam
Dani tells Adam that he was BR target last week before they tried to make their big move and backdoor Jeff. Adam knows that, he asks her to not backdoor him at least let him play POV. Dani tells him that he is not anywhere on her radar. Adam says his first goal this year is to get into the jury and be able to decide who the BB13 winner is, he understands this game and will pick the winner based on game-play. Dani says that is the way she will be in the jury, She mentions that they are both big fans of the game and they know true game players should be rewarded not the people who are the most popular. Dani points out that during the HOH comp few people were cheering for her and it really should her how many people disliked her in the house. Adam says him and shelly said some things. Dani remembers hearing him but also adds that the were drowned out by the others. Dani says she isn’t going to stay up in the HOH and tell people to throw the comp and bully them into doing what she wants this week. She wasnt Adam to make his own choices and to fight for the comps if he feels he needs to. Adam makes a comment that he respects that and he knows they are both straight shooters. (oh man she’s a straight shooter now to)
Adam: “If you are here next week you are not the target for me”
Dani “Cool thanks… Your the best” They hug and Adam leaves.

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Big Brother 13 – Sardines and Seaweed for the havenots and Porsche is on to Shelly

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2:07pm Backyard Shelly and Jordan Jordan is eating slop with the same pissed off look on her face. Shelly is saying she thinks Dani is under the impression that Shelly is on her side. Shelly plans on using that and if Shelly wins HOH next week she’ll put Dani up. Shelly isn’t worried about Jeff and Jordan she says that they are the strongest competitors. Shelly adds her only goal this week is to make sure that Jeff is safe and she thinks she can do it. Shelly adds that Rachel is very easily manipulated and Dani is probably going to take out Brendon and see if she can work with Rachel. Jordan wonders if Dani is thinking about taking Rachel to final 2 because she thinks she’ll win against her.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff, Brendon & Adam talk about how Dani better not win the POV. Jeff says yeah if you have two tattoos on your hip you win.. *Updated*

11am Lawon, Shelly and Brendon talk about real estate and the cost of renting. They talk about other random things, no game talk. At 11:20am Big Brother tells the houseguests that the lock down is over. Shelly yells YES!!! It’s OPEN! Brendon goes to tell Rachel. Adam heads out side to have a smoke. Shelly starts sweeping up in front of the door saying she doesn’t want all the dirt tracked inside. Jordan wakes up and goes to change her batteries and then heads to the bathroom. Adam, Lawon and Brendon start working out and stretching in the backyard.

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11:25am – 11:50am Brendon, Adam and Shelly talk about how the competition last night was made for short and fat people. Brendon says that all Kalia did was stick her ass on the wall. Muffin top! Brendon says that last season they made two competitions that benefited short people. Shelly tells Brendon to not let vengeance get in the way of his game. Brendon says that he knows how to separate it. Shelly says that last night Kalia came into the bathroom and said now everyone knows how strong I am! Brendon laughs. Adam says you got to give it to her, she used what she had to her advantage. They talk about wanting to play for the POV. Shelly asks if everyone will be individual and that 3 other players will be drawn. Brendon says that he will be pissed if the offer Dani a Pandora’s box or a Diamond Power of Veto or something. Brendon asks doesn’t that piss you off?!

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says she was shocked that Kalia didn’t go for the money.. and wonders if maybe her life story isn’t the truth..

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9am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Lawon and Shelly are sitting in the kitchen in silence, while all the other houseguests are still trying to sleep. Lawon says that he went to bed about 5am. Shelly says 4 or 5 hours of sleep ..max! Lawon says that it’s the coffee that keeps him going. Lawon tells Shelly that he likes what she said last night… that she is playing a totally different game than anyone else. Lawon says ..and you know what’s strange ..thats exactly how I am playing … not lying ..only telling people what I want to tell them. Shelly says that she should have been more creative with her story. Lawon says like a bounty hunter. Shelly says that’s a good one … FBI. Lawon says yup like a bounty hunter. Lawon says cuz some of these stories I was like ..what ..girl?! Lawon says I think Keith though a good one… and you found him out. Shelly says Cassi had a good one too.. she got all that off the internet. Lawon says that when he found out about her family ..he knew that would be their connection .. that he and she love their family. Lawon says take away the game …everyone has something special to bring. Shelly says yup. They talk about how Adam will get to spend his birthday in the house and that it couldn’t have happened to a better person. Shelly’s says that she will have to look for something to make for him. The conversation changes to talking about Shelly and Lawon’s families. Shelly and Lawon talk about the HOH competition last night. Lawon says that he liked it because it taught him that his upper body isn’t that strong. ..then he says it it.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel tries to make a deal with Dani ..without Brendon.. Dani gets mad when she threatens her with jury votes..

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1am Jordan and Kalia are talking. Jordan is telling Kalia that no one hates her. Jordan says that people are mad because they know that if they didn’t win they would be the ones going home. Kalia says the newbies are too. Kalia says that she doesn’t want it to be wierd now. Jordan says that is how it is in the big brother house. Kalia and Jordan start talking about Dominic. The talk about how from how loud the crowd cheered people must love him. They talk about Dominic’s speech. Kalia says that it was mainly directed at the newbies. Jordan says that everyone has a chance at winning the competitions. They talk about how tomorrow they will be on lockdown and about how the POV is going to be tomorrow night. The conversation changes to talking about random stuff and diets..

1:30am In the bathroom Rachel and Porsche are talking. Rachel is wondering if she should go talk to Dani to make a deal. Porsche tells Rachel to talk to Brendon and then says that Brendon doesn’t want her making deals without him. Porsche says that Brendon and Jeff didn’t want to make any deals. Rachel isn’t sure what to do. Porsche says that one will go and that there will still be 6 of us left. Rachel doesn’t agree and says that Jeff said the deal is none of us go up and that if one of them goes home … Dani is BLANK. Porsche tells Rachel again to talk to Brendon and not to make deals without him. Rachel says that she didn’t think they meant no deals. Porsche says yeah he did and that they all needed to talk about together. Porsche tells Rachel she can’t be making deals or Jeff will think you aren’t making deals for the alliance. Porsche warns Rachel to be careful and that it’s better to talk to Brendon first…

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Big Brother Spoilers – Pacer and Rachel have a plan they’ll get Dani to put up Lawon and Kalia

10:51pm Have nots Porsche and Rachel

Rachel is going to try and convince Dani to put up Lawon and Kalia
brendon comes in asks them what they are doing.
Porsche: “We’re trying to think bette not harder”
Rachel says that she’s going to offer Dani 1 week of protection from BRJJ if she puts up Lawon and Kalia. Dani told her to talk after she gets her HOh room. Rachel says she can’t stand Kalia so she’ll take her out next week when she wins HOH. POrsche is asking if she should go make a deal with Daniele. Brendon thinks she should. Rachel comments that

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani wins HOH.. Dani says: “And She’s back in the Game Folks” **Updated**

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9:31pm Inside the havenots Brendon, rachel and Porsche are Sad. Porsche tells them that Brendon and Rachel will most likely go up and Dani will do a deal with Jeff/Jordan. Porsche recommends that BR should go socialize, Brendon: “Dani is dead to me”. Neither of BR want to hang out with any one in the house. Rachel is saying somthing about Dani playing an emotional game, “She wants to be the one that Takes out Brendon and racheL”. (this is gettign good these are the B/R We knew to HATE from last season, When JJ are playing it cool these 3 are boiling over with hate)

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