Britney jokes says they are keeping Frank and targeting Shane so that Danielle can be with her one true love Frank. Britney tells him that Frank is all over Danielle he called her “Sweet Cheeks”. Danielle explains that Frank is flirting with her he walked up to her called her sweet cheeks and said ‘You can take that any way you want”
Shane: “You want Frank out right”
Danielle: “Absolutely.. Frank is so Creepy”
Danielle says Frank doesn’t know about her and Shane so he’s playing the flirt card with her. (About her and Shane?)
Britney: “Frank will give you s$x for a vote.. He’ll give you some pleasures.. are you desperate for pleasures..”
Danielle: “OH MY GoD no.. Frank is a sleazeball”
Britney: “If the next HOH requires you to lick Franks abs would you do it… how about kiss his nipple area”
Danielle: “He stinks.. he smells bad.. he doesn’t wear deodorant”
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