Boogie just pitched his plan for them to put up Janelle and roll with him. Danielle tells them that she trusts Boogie ore then Janelle. She knows how 2 face Janelle is. Britney wants Dan’s take on the Boogie offer because she’s thinking it sounds pretty solid. Danille and Shane are very much liking it also. Danielle: “I don’t trust Janelle at all.. she keeps telling me she’s going after different targets.. Last night she said she’s going after Joe, Wil and Ian now they are not after Joe and Wil.. Wil told me to my face they are working together ”
Britney: “100% chance if Janelle or Wil win HOH they are putting up 2 of our people”
Danielle and Shane are pretty sure they will go up if she wins HOH. Britney tells them Janelle has said a hundred times she wants coaches to make it to Jury so they can vote for each other.
Dan is just worried that if they keep Frank they are keeping Boogie and Boogie is dangerous.
Shane: “I know the rest of the houseguests want the coaches out.. he thinks that Danielle, Frank and him can keep them safe” (Shane and Danielle are really thinking they are competition Beast.. it’s true)
Britney says the scary thing is if Ian wins HOH and Dan is up on the block Boogie can do the same thing he just did to them. Walk into the HOH throw a name out and get the power to flip. Britney: “he could just as easily throw one of our names out there” Danielle believes that Boogie tells the truth about the deal.
Dan: “Boogie and truth do not belong in the same sentence”
Dan reiterates how dangerous to Keep Boogie and Frank in the house.. if it was Ian and Boogie he would on board. Dan explains to them that 2 hours ago they were dead set on taking Frank out now they are talking about Sending Janelle out the door. Danielle says she’s always disliked Janelle. Britney says that Boogie and Frank will not put them up she can’t say the same about Janelle.