9:55am Hot Tub room – Jared and Kelsey head out to the hot tub. Kelsey says we need to really decide whether we keep Cassandra. Jared says I know. I’m leaning more towards yes. Kelsey says its just some of the stuff Loveita told me. Jared says we have a couple days to decide. Kelsey says I do love Christine and Cassandra. I could see myself being friends with her outside of here. Jared says I am really annoyed with Cass asking everyone to do everything for her. She doesn’t even clean up after herself. Kelsey says she’s having a rough couple weeks. Jared says she was babied to much at home.
Tag: Dallas Cormier

Big Brother Canada 4 March 14 Evening Live feed updates
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 19th POV Used No POV Ceremony March 21th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live outside of […]

Nikki, Tim and Ramsey Pranking the House Guests! “Who’s j!*z do I have on my a$$!?”
2:25pm In the storage room – Tim and Nikki are talking about what pranks they can pull on other house guests. Nikki wants to put something brown on the toilet seat. Tim tells her they should put saran wrap on the toilet seat. Ramsey says they already tried that and it didn’t really work. Tim suggests they put Vaseline on the toilet seat. Tim thinks they should put dish soap in the mouthwash. Ramsey brings Nikki a dish with Nutella. Nikki says it looks great. It looks like burning diarrhea. Ramsey says to put BBQ sauce on the pool cue or on door handles.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “Everyone needs to stop sucking on her t!t”
By the Pool – Loveita says I want to puke right now. Dallas says don’t stress about it. It was just an idea. Don’t think they’re not going to finish what they started. This gives you the chance to hit them right back in the chin. I’m a lot less intimidated without the alpha male still here on that side. Loveita says whoever is here next week would have the same opportunity. Dallas tells Loveita that if she wants to keep it the same he won’t use it but we could wipe them out next week. We could do Jared this week and Raul the next.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 13 Evening Live feed updates “this would be the best backdoor this season”
9:06pm Maddy, Loveita and Dallas pink room CAm 3-4
Loveita – Are you planning on using the ‘VEAT’
DAllas – no
Lovetia – Ok i just want know so that i’m… prepared
DAllas – that was my plan if it’s all good it’s all good.. CAssandra going home. (They high five)
Dallas adds that he would like to do a bigger backdoor.
Loveita – do you want to come into my office

Big Brother Canada 4 – Dallas, Maddy, Joel and Loveita Watch the Allegiant Movie Première!
5:35pm In the bedroom – Jared tells Raul about his talk with Loveita. Kelsey asks what are we going to do about Cassandra? Jared says we’re going to try and keep her off the block. Kelsey asks do you think we should continue to trust her? Kelsey tells them about how Cassandra told Loveita if she won the veto she wouldn’t mind if she used it and put me up. Is she just working every angle? I want to trust her but AHHhhh.. She switches sides with whoever is in power. Do we keep her and trust her? Jared says I could careless if we keep her.

Phil “People said that you said I should go up” Cass “Me?! Should I get a house meeting?!!”
1:55pm Bathroom – Phil and Cassandar are talking in the bathroom. Cassandra asks what more is there to talk about. If she’s HOH she wants everything to be LOVEITAS! Guess what that’s not how it goes. People don’t say where they’re standing, they’re a SUSS! Cassandra asks who are you voting for? Phil says I don’t know at this point. I’m worried about myself at this point. People are throwing my name out. Cassandra asks who? Phil says people said you. Cassandra says I didn’t say that?! Phil says people said that you said I should go up.

Tim “I don’t like self righteous people. You can’t go around saying you don’t play dirty & then play dirty”
10:30am In the bedroom – Cassandra says the doctors told her she has a sprained ankle. Cassandra says that she went and talked to Loveita and asked who her target was. Loveita said she wasn’t going to say but said she was pretty clear in her speech. Cassandra says so your target is me. She says Loveita said yes. Tim says I just don’t like self righteous people. You can’t go around saying you don’t play dirty and then play dirty. Cassandra asks do you think I should be worried? Tim says she has it over Dallas. How is Dallas letting her rule her.

Power of Veto Competition Results! “Girls are becoming extinct in this house”
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live outside of […]

Loveita wants Cassandra evicted “I don’t even care if Christine is gunning for me”
POV Holder: ? Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Use the Hide My Ass VPN and watch the live feeds on your mobile […]

Power Of Veto Players Picked! Christine “I wish we had voted that b***h out last week!”
8am HOH room – Raul is talking to Loveita. Loveita says I don’t care if I leave this game loyal to my word. I hope Kelsey knows. Raul says Kelsey isn’t mad. She’s just sad that her friend went on the block. We know we can trust you now because you didn’t put us up. Raul leaves when Joel joins them. Loveita says she still doesn’t trust Christine. Apparently everyone else is suspicious and thinks I was cutting deals. Joel asks do you trust Christine more than Cassandra? Loveita says nope but she’s a vote.

Big Brother Canada 4 – Nomination Ceremony Results!
POV Holder: ? Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Use the Hide My Ass VPN and watch the live feeds on your mobile […]