7:14pm HOH room – Matt and Cirie
Matt – everyone knows that Cam is the main target but.. Cirie – what if he gets picked and wins the veto. Matt – that’s what I’m saying then they (Cory and America) have to campaign. Who would you pick? I don’t even know. Cirie – that’s a toss up. Matt – I think America is scarier than Cory. Cirie – yeah .. but I think Cory would be out for revenge.. Matt – Oh he will.. but America will the same way though. Cirie – right. Matt – and we didn’t put them on the block. If America goes Cory will definitely come for revenge. Cirie – yeah you’re right. Matt – but he hasn’t won anything so.. Cirie – I think for the votes Bowie Jane would probably evict America. Jag would keep America. She would have Jag and Blue. Matt – I feel like Meme doesn’t have a preference. I never see those two talking. Cirie – oh I do. And then that would leave me, you and Felicia. Matt – I think they’re just sneaking by. What is scaring me is that America thought it would be jury so she was like I am ready to make a big move..