12:22pm – 12:50pm Bathroom – Jag, Cameron and Matt.
Cameron – what we have is a three person alliance with layers. So we have the three of us and Blue and she feels like she is super connected. Do you remember the Brigade? Jag – I didn’t watch that season. Cam – it was Matt, the meow meow .. it was a solid group of 4 dudes and then Brittany. Because she felt she was in a 5 person alliance but she was the last person to leave the four person alliance. So where the layer would be here is it is just us three and we know that but Blue feels very connected because of our beginning together. She feels like she has a lot more say in the four person alliance than she really does… and we will keep her as long as we need to. I do love her but we both know she is selfish and will pick herself every time.