6:28pm HOH room – Cameron and Matt.
Matt – I think Jag is still worried about it. Cam – he is not worried about it, he has something going on. That’s how I feel. Matt – yeah.. he also did bring up a good point I would agree on is.. you take this shot.. Cameron – Cory was talking to the whole group about me last night. Matt – what group? Cameron – the whole group down there last night .. he had to have said something. What did he say? Matt – I am trying to remember. Cory is obviously worried about you. I haven’t been around Cory that much yesterday or today but I know he is f**king nervous. He is nervous that you, me and Jag are getting close and that me and Jag are getting close to you. I still need to talk to him. Cameron – he has got to go! Matt – yeah. Cameron – he has got to go at some point and we’ve got him in the crosshairs right now. Lets pull the trigger. The only thing holding us back right now is if Jag has some sort of a deal with him. Jag is working angles. He is a smart guy. That is why we want to play with him. I would do the same if I were Jag. Matt – he (Jag) was saying if you take that shot, that everyone in the house is going to be mad and they’re all going to gun for you next week.