“What I want to do is tell you (Cirie) to shut up right now.. but how about we just play veto”

9:18 am Cameron and COrey
Corey the idea right now of Felicia being on the block makes people be comfortable. they are concerned if Felicia wins or someone else wins they could come off.. that’s the anxiety
Cameron – no one who was happy about the outcome yesterday need to be nervous
Corey – I know..
Corey points out that Jag and America are best buds so that is one benefit with him being close to her.
Cameron asks if Jag would use the veto.
Corey – I don’t think so.
Cameron – Izzy selected him… it’s more evidence about what him and I have been talking about. We’re gladiators.. tools to win competitions for these people.

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Cirie to Izzy “we’re going to be friends forever.. we’re going to be family forever”

midnight Cirie and Izzy
Izzy is sad going on about having stage fright as a child. “I get first rehearsal anxiety.. Even if it’s people I know I get sick before first rehearsal”
Izzy – I want to go to therapy but I have no money.
Feeds flip to corey and America in the bed when we’re back.
Izzy says during casting “they asked me what I loved about survivor and I said Cirie” (OMG)
They laugh
Izzy – people say say don’t meet your heroes
Cirie – why because you’ll be disappointed?

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Cameron “You’re not the target. I’m a man of my word but if anything comes back to me, I will turn that b***h around.”

HOH room – Jag and Cameron
Jag – WOW, WOW … WOW. Cameron – we’re gambling! Jag – wow! Cameron – this is my olive branch. Jag – I recognize that and I will not forget that. Cameron – please don’t. Jag – I won’t. WQW! To be honest I did not know where your head was at throughout that. Cameron – now we begin. Okay. Not a word. Jag – not from me. Jag – what a move. Do you have a target in mind? Do you want noms to stay the same? Cameron – I have an idea of what I want but I want everyone to just play for the veto. Everyone play and we’ll figure it out. Lets have a good time. I mean this might be one that you don’t have to play. That would be cool. Jag – it would be cool to play too. Cameron – You’re good! Just know you’re good. This is one that you can literally sit on the side lines and go.. I get to watch this. You’re not the target this week. But you know as well as I do I am a man of my word.. but if anything comes back to me before Monday afternoon, I will turn that b***h around. Jag – I know. Cameron – this is the olive branch and we’re going to start working from right here. Clean slate. Lets keep our mouths shut and ours ears open.

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Cam to Jag “I really want to put you on the block right next to Blue.. BUT I think you are right” **updated**

11:14 am Jag and Cameron’s One on One
Jag goes over what he had talked about last night. He doesn’t want this to be a thing where they are both taking shots at each other.
Jag – after I leave.. if I leave then what?
Jag – you are safe with me you are not my target I would not put you up I am in position where I don’t have anyone. I’ve already been evicted
Feeds flip to F***ing Bowie Jane chatting it up in the comic room. Seconds after the feeds cut.
Jag – I’m looking long term and what the means for us. I think it will be a tough road unless we cut the bullshit. Look we’re at the bottom of the f***ing barrel if we don’t team up and trust each other and be like Dude I’m not going to go after you.
Jag – I am clearly at the bottom you are clearly things have happened in this house and I’m sure you are just noticing things as well.
Jag – whatever you are considering or whoever you are considering to take a shot at all i know is I am not the head of any snake. I am not the ringleader of anything. I think that is probably pretty apparent to a lot of folks. that needs to be said.

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Izzy about Cam “Everybody hates you no on wants to celebrate you.. stop celebrating you”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Cameron Nominees: POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Everyone except for Cameron is a havenot this week. Everyone is on Slop, Everyone takes cold showers, and they all take turns sleeping in the havenot room. Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Compressed The Situation Sounds […]

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Cameron “Yeah, Jag’s got to go this week .. AGAIN!”

Havenot room – Bowie and Cameron.
Bowie – Cirie and I obviously voted. I walked past her and said it was you and me right? And she said I am so sorry and I said WHAT?! And I f**king stormed past but I’ve since chatted with her and its fine. Cameron – I knew that you were going to say that when you gave me the hug when I won HOH. I was like well looks like you and me were the two votes. You got that right! You got that part right. Bowie – yeah I don’t want people to be scared that we’re teaming up. Cameron – I’m HOH now so we have a reason to be talking. Bowie – we’ve got our bullsh*t team. Cameron – its not bullsh*t, I love the team. That’s my family. I love them. Bowie – I love our team.. Its amazing. Cameron – yeah, Jag’s got to go this week .. AGAIN! Bowie – its amazing how things always change in here. And I am also loving that everyone is Havenot. I can handle being it with the protein.. its the bed that’s not idea. Cameron – you’ve only got to do one night.

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Felicia “Nobody else is going to want to get him [Jag] out.. that’s my next big move, I’m blindsiding his a$$!”

8:31pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Felicia
Cirie – So we’ve got 1/3 gone already .. we just need this one (holds up her middle finger) gone. Felicia – a lot of people are doing our work for us. Now its going to be harder to get out Jag after this. Cirie – MMmmmhmmm. I know. Felicia – Nobody else is going to want to get him out.. and so that is when one of us.. that’s my next big move. I’m blindsiding his a$$! Cirie – YUP! Felicia – because I ain’t giving him no chance to play in the veto. We’re going to blindside Cameron, we’re going to blindside Jag.

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“I need Cirie and Jared I NEED THEM This house would be so lonely” **Updated**

10:30 am Izzy alone
Izzy – am I putting Cirie and Jared above me winning? Not yet I need them I want them. Am I going to lose cause I’m putting them first or something? Page I promise.. baby I promise every step of the way I’m going what’s good for me to win and Also I feel like I am playing the way I want to play that is important to winning.

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Cirie “Ya’ll are savages! Ya’ll had the man cry! Cameron gonna burn the house down with Red gone. Just be ready!”

7:56pm HOH room – Cirie and Jared
Cirie – So I need you to get Matt and Cameron like ya’ll are going to do a thing and keep him off my neck because Felicia is sicking him on me… because she is trying to tell everybody even Bowie Jane at her bed today ..saying I don’t know about that right there. She was basically trying to tell me that Felicia was throwing me under the bus without saying the words because she didn’t want to say it out loud. Jared – yeah she said I don’t really trust everybody that I am working with. She said I trust Cirie and Red .. she mentioned, I don’t trust the superfans. Cirie – yeah she told me that too, she thinks Felicia is a superfan. So Matt wants to tell Felicia to stop talking. That’s what he said and I didn’t say nothing. I was like lets just meet with Jared first. Either way you got to tell him to let her keep digging her own grave. For some reason Matt acts like he wants to work with her. He wants to advise her that he’s been hearing her name. Jared – I think he wants to work with her because he thinks he can beat her at the end.

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