As you probably know Cody and Jessica from Big Brother 19 won Season 30 of The Amazing Race. It was a pretty popular show so they’ve decided to create an entire season full of Big Brother Alums. Now I know what you are all thinking.. Great! I love Big Brother and I love The Amazing […]
Tag: Corey Brooks

Paul “If you win this comp (HOH Part 1), we’ve won because he’ll throw that next comp to me.”
6:05pm The live feeds return to the final 3 in the kitchen – James – congratulations y’all! Final 3! Nicole – I can’t believe it. James – we all had our strategies on how we got here. I want one of those jury members to say floating as a negative because in case you didn’t know floating is a strategy now. Paul – the longest season and we made it. James – Rich Meehan said this was a tough season and they knew it.

Big Brother 18 Final 4 Eviction episode results
So here we go, with Paul winning the HOH there is some chance of a non-showmance, non vet player making it to the final 2. For me I wanted the vets/showmance’s out from the very moment they started to congeal. With that said there’s a chance James and Nicole make it to the final 2 and along with it the BB community of feed watchers will implode. I called it a KRAKEN season so I would expect nothing less.

Nicole “Sitting next to James is the equivalent to taking Victoria. What has he done?”
10:45pm Bedroom – Nicole asks what do I do from here? If Paul tries to work with me is that something I should do? What do I do? Literally if James makes a deal with you to stay in the game .. just know I am completely okay with it. Paul.. I asked again if he is going to use the veto and he isn’t going to use it. He told me Nicole stop asking me. He said Corey’s a strong competitor, I have to have him go. I was like you need to talk to him then because he deserves to hear this from you.

Feeds back after outage “He wants me to go .. I’m pretty sure” -Corey
POV Holder: Paul POV Competition Done POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Paul Next HOH finale Nominations: Corey AND Nicole 9:00pm Feeds back Paul won the Power of Veto, Corey and Nicole are nominated Corey – I think it’s me ( getting evicted) James rolls by Corey – what up James James says the […]

Big Brother 18 feed outage results
When the feeds went dark Corey had the head of household, Nicole had the Power of Veto, Victor and Paul were nominated for Evictions. Nicole votes to evict Victor James Votes to evict Victor Victor is evicted by a vote of 2-1 Victor – third times a charm the final 4 The HOH competition is […]

36 hour Feed Outage “what the F*** is up with all the arts and crafts we got”
8:54am London room Vic, Paul and james
Victor – ain’t that Bizarre
James- we’re on single digits now
Vic – that’s crazy
Paul – what the f** is up with all the arts and crafts we got
James- because we’re so bored
Paul – really

Vic “James don’t think you’re all high & mighty there’s still a knife in my back with your name on it”
2pm Backyard – Nicole tells James that she gets why he got america’s favourite. You have a heart of gold. Don’t even change. James – I’ve been getting my heart broke a lot this summer. It’s been an emotional summer. Nicole – you put your whole game on pause. Corey and I are in a showmance but didn’t put our game on pause but we’re gamers. James – I just feel like it was me chasing her all summer. Well not chasing her but … Nicole – making sure she was okay.

Vic “Look ya’ll can’t beat Paul! I’ll stay, beat him and then throw all the comps after that.”
12pm Nicole, Paul and Vic are talking. Vic – I can see Nicole ..after coming up to me wanting to apologize for like an hour. Nicole – agghhhhh.. shut up! Are you going to forgive me? Vic – I’ll forgive you but I’ll make fun of you about all the time. Vic – look ya’ll can’t beat Paul.. I’ll stay and beat him and then throw all the comps after that. Look ya’ll can’t beat James .. I stay beat him and then throw all the comps. Vic laughs. Corey joins them. Corey – the worst was being up on the block against Paulie. Paul – AHh.. I heard him say morals like a hundred times.

Paul – I’m just going to go into a I don’t give a f*** mode..
12:36am Paul and Victor
Paul – I feel like goign out fourth is lame..
Victor is pretty positive he’s going home
Paul – bro if one of us win the next one… F*** YOU
Vic – trust me I know
Victor says the round table idea is cool he thinks Natalie is talking James up like crazy and the round table will be a time you can point out James hasn’t done anything in the game.

Power of Veto Results! “You’re a nerd, so I knew you would be able to spot stuff fast!”
6:30pm HOH room – Nicole asks are you mad about your comic? Corey says no. He says that he was watching her on the tv and was listening to music. He says it was Paul, Vic and then you. I was like yeah! LETS GO! You were super fast and you had a good strategy. You’re a nerd too and so I knew you would be able to spot stuff fast too! Nicole says her comic said “This Christmas kiss you A-S-S goodbye because you’re going to miss it.” Nicole – we’ve won 4 of of the last 5 comps! I wish my butt was on the line for that one.

Corey – “you would be crazy to think that was a bad move, best move possible”
Nicole says her dad is going to love James
Nicole – he loves Caleb a lot ..
Nicole adds that he’ll like Corey as well.
Nicole – I don’t think my dad will come this time.. He got sick last time on the airplane.. He does not like to leave Michigan.. He was overwhelmed..
Nicole tells about a story where they were in a rowdy party with her parents after BB16 and her leg got cut. Her dad didn’t handle it well. He also didn’t like everyone “Tugging” at her.
Nicole – I wasn’t in a good state when I came in here..