Third Big Brother 13 Commercial tells us about as much as the last 2 Videos (Craziest Twist and season premiere , BB13 starts July 7th, It’ll have “the craziest twist ever” and Julie Chen is hosting it for the zillionth year. The only new parts is “Crash My Party” and “Wildest Summer” maybe crash my party has something to do with a possible twist..
Tag: Commercial

Second Big Brother 13 Commercial – It’s the “Craziest Twist Ever”
This second Big Brother 13 commercial show a lot more than the last one. This time around we learn that Big Brother 2011 will have the “CRAZIEST TWIST EVER!!!!” OMG.. I wonder what could be crazier than last year Big Brother Twist where they had a saboteur placing chirping noise makers out of sight in nooks and crannies.

First Big Brother 13 Commercial on Global
A bit early but the first commercial for Big Brother 2011 is out! Unfortunately it doesn’t give up any hints about what the possible BB13 Twists may be. None the less BB13 is almost here and we couldn’t be more excited. Start date is July 7th, and this year promises to be wicked for us LIVE FEED fans with major improvements from Real and OBB. You Tube Link
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: New Big Brother 12 Commercial!!
See what they can’t show you on TV!! When you sign-up for the Live Feeds, you will be able to watch the entire season of Big Brother 12 for ONLY $29.99!! That’s $10 OFF the regular price! LIMITED TIME OFFER Expires July 7th!!! Click here for you Early Bird Discount: Big Brother 12 Live Feeds!
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Promo Videos and commercials with the CAST of Big Brother 11!!
Your ONLY opportunity to see 24/7 live feed video of the house guests is through signing up for the RealPlayer Live Feeds. SIGN UP TODAY for the no strings attached trial! Sign up now to get 25% OFF the regular price. Hurry, this is a limited time offer. Not sure, try it FREE!! FREE for […]