Matt – its frustrating to me .. I’m not complaining but it seems like bad game play is being rewarded here. And that’s really frustrating. (LOL that’s ironic coming from Matt) Paul – we stay up all night and look what happens. I’m going to enforce it. I am going to make him crack and cause a rise out of him. And I need everyone to stand up for the greater good and be .. make it seem like he is singled out and the only one. He might just convince her to not use it. The veto is going to be hug. And the conversation is coming first to lay the pathway and the veto is lock and load.
Tag: Cody Nickson

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “Sticking to my tommy guns and calling your bluff!”
Cody – they put me in the storage room. I ate like 4000 calories in snacks. (Thet all competed in the POV comp individually.) Kevin – you did good. And you didn’t even study. You did 15 right? Cody – that’s what Jessica said afterwards.. how the hell did you get that?! Jessica – well you had a 25% chance .. there were only 4 answers. Kevin leaves the room. Jessica and Cody laugh at how they slept all night and did well. They head to the bedroom. Jessica – I just want to get through one more eviction… I want it! I want it so bad. That comp was so much fun and the solitude for 3 hours was so much fun.

“Bunch of dishonorable, disloyal f**ks! You can’t tell me they’re not like this in their outside lives!” – Cody
Jessica – well babe, he took a shot at us again and lost again. Technically on his two HOH he has accomplished nothing. He might have won two HOH’s but he has evicted zero people from this house. Cody and Jess laugh. Cody – and me I have evicted like 4 people now. technically. Jess – if you want to put him in checkmate you better go for the gold and get HOH. Cody – please let it be a physical comp. Jess – well production hates me now and so it will probably be a mental one. They want me to re-live this like right now. I can’t. Cody – they’re under tight deadlines. Jess – everyone was trying to convince me to not use the hex.

Havenots and POV players picked! “ME F*** FACE”
Big Brother Spoilers Havenots = Alex, Christmas and Elena
Mark is also a have not as he went for the have not temptation and picked the wrong door cursing him a Have not for 2 weeks
Paul – as head of household I must choose 3 have nots for the week
Paul – which three haven’t been havenots yet
zmas – me.. f*face
Paul – you three beautiful ladies are now have nots
Paul adds that mark is also a Have not having gone for the have not temptation but picking the wrong door.
Paul – the have not temptation is back in play only the first persons to claim the key in the Diary room can accept the temptation Mark because you received the have not temptation last week you are not eligible this week

Big Brother Storm watch “this is what Big Brother is all about”
Big Brother Spoilers 5:52am BB Storm update.. “Fast changing weather conditions are breaking out in the immediate BB area”
Kevin grumbles because it’s his first night out of the have nots bed and he doesn’t even get a chance to sleep in it.
Paul – I believe this should be the last one
Christmas – when do we get this thing started
Alex – probably 8
BB storm Ramses has created a trough causing a severe downpour of costumes and comic book. the downpour is expected to end within 24 hours
BB storm Ramses and strata cumulus cloud returning to it’s low lying nature

Josh starts banging chairs on the floor and banging pots and pans together again – HEY MEATBALL, I WANT TO PLAY!!!!!! LETS F**KING PLAY!!! Paul tells Josh to ask Cody – why are you crying?! Josh – HEY CODY WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?! YOU’RE 32 YEARS OLD, YOU BABY!! Alex – chaos! I love it!! Josh – DA DA DADADDADA … MEATBALL I WANT TO PLAY!! WE’RE ALL AGGRESSIVE LETS PLAY! WE TRY TO BE NICE, WE TRY TO BE COOL BUT YOU GUYS WANT TO PLAY DIRTY… WELCOME TO HELL! I don’t like bullies. I saw my cousins get bullied. I don’t like bullies. You suck! YOU CAME INTO THIS HOUSE AND BOUGHT A PERSONALITY OFF OF AMAZON .. RETURN THAT SH*T!

“Another grab a$$ week.. sucking.. pulling d1*k.. tootoos on”
Feed subscription lets you go back and re-watch everything we post here CBS All Access Live Feeds with a FREE 7 DAY trial. 4:44pm Paul and Mark (Kevin listening to music Alex in the bathroom) Paul tells him he trusts Cody more than Jessica right now. Cody is trying to play a different game and […]

“If I go home I get to see me mom and my dog.. You’re safe though. that’s good.”
Big BRother Spoilers 3:55pm Paul, Elena and mark
Paul – If you are my P Josh goes home..
Sounds like Jason lost the Temptation Challenge he’s on the block
Paul leaves..
Mark wonders why he doesn’t use Raven as a Pawn.
Elena says she had a talk with Paul last night and he guarantees her safety.
Elena – if I go home I get to see me mom and my dog.. You’re safe though that’s good.

“lick my face I will smash your head up against the wall, if this is real world” – Elena
Big Brother Spoilers 11:46am Mark and Elena
Mark is bringing up talking to Matt about why is she so pissed off at him
Elena says he can come to her to talk
Mark – he’s going to
Elena – maybe he can come to that conclusion himself and not have it spoon feed by you.. i’m not saying I’m mad at you i’m just saying
Mark brings up that he told Matt that Elena has been heated.
Elena – In what way have I acted Heated?
Mark – Ok maybe I didn’t say heated
Elena – again not mad at you

“The meatballs are still going to be meatballs” – Josh
Big Brother Spoilers 10:05pm Josh meatball talk
Josh – What’s to tell his family that he’s doing great.
Josh – Feels really good that people are seeing that I am loyal that I keep my word that I will have their back.
Josh – Quite frankly they had my back this week
Josh – Moving forward.. Umm.. I gotta a lotta love for Paul and Christmas they’ve had my back, they’ve looked out for me, at the same time I look out for them.
Josh – I have their back when they need me I’m always going to be there
Josh – Jason’s the F*ing man.. Kevin is Kevin..
Josh – whatever Paul’s got planned I’ll go to bat for him.. I know he’s got my back and he’ll do what we need to do to get a huge target out this week.
Josh – I’m just in a good place, I just want to dance, listen to music.
Josh – The meatballs are still going to be meatballs I still don’t like them. The girls hopefully they stay out of it.

Jessica “I want to punch Raven in the face for the way she lied to me today!”
Cody – are you prepared to be a havenot this week? Jessica – I know I was already thinking about it. Cody – you notice how Paul makes a justification for every dig that he makes. Jessica – what’s his justification here? He made me a havenot already. Cody – that f**King idiot. Always saying its just a game. Then saying it was personal. Jessica – it doesn’t make sense. You don’t know what I’m going to do. Don’t tell people what you think I’m going to do. How am I personally attacking you right now. Enjoy fighting amongst yourselves because Cody and I are safe. Jessica – I want to punch Raven in the face for the way she lied to me today. Literally just want to cold cock her. She is someone I am 100,000% not being friends with outside this house

“I get why he [JOSH] was cast he’s the BIG MEECH” – Paul
Big Brother Spoilers 7:03pm Paul, Jessica and Cody
Paul is trying to justify why Ramses was gone..
Paul goes on about how Ramses was on everyone’s radar.
Jessica says Josh is being a douche bag and Ramses was actually playing the game.
Cody is telling him they are safe so they have to be part of Paul’s HOH
Jessica – 7 people lied to my face