Jessica – Julie is going to give me the hymen when I get out. I’m not shaking her hand, I’m hugging her. When you see Jess give her the hymen. Cody – the hymen? You mean the heisman. One’s a lady part and the other is a trophy. Jess – what’s a hymen? Cody – oh gosh I don’t want to explain that because I’m going to do it wrong. (Google it if you’re also unsure what it is) Cody – Ask Elena. Jess – point to it. You said its a lady part. Tell me! Tell me! Cody – no, the more you ask me the less I’m going to do it. Cody points to her Jess – would Mark know the answer to this? Hey Mark when you’ve got a second can you come here?
Tag: Cody Nickson

“I don’t know how he passed the Psych exams, violent piece of sh1t”
6:24pm HOH Christmas and Paul
Christmas says Elena and Mark are still playing both side.
Christmas about Elena – She’s playing a double double
Xmas says Elena is not crazy romantic towards mark.
Xmas is really suspicious of Elena and Mark working with Jessica and Cody
paul – they are setting up just in case
Xmas asks if anyone else has thrown her name out or was it just Mark
paul – just Mark to me

“That is her (Jessica) biggest challenge she cannot separate personal and game” – Christmas
3:09pm Big Brother Spoilers Xmas, Matt and Raven
Xmas – there has to be something negative with the Hex .. the curse has had a positive to it.. no other curse has had a positive
xmas – Coming from a neutral person like yourself.. Hey i’m not asking you not to use it i’m just saying if you do think about the potential you are facing..
Xmas – I know that you and Cody are strong game players but those other two probably won’t use it to save you (Mark elena?) They’ll throw it to keep in graces.. you can play dumb
Matt says she uses the Hex and if they don’t win HOH next week Jessica is going home.
Matt – for some reason Cody doesn’t come at me.. I don’t know why but he doesn’t
Xmas – he doesn’t come at me anymore
They start watching the spy screen at the conversation between Elena and Jessica (Shown below)
Raven – ohh looks like Jessica is getting aggressive

“They really think this show is all about each one of them.. no one else but them” – Kevin
Big Brother Spoilers 12:10pm Jason and Kevin Backyard walking laps the occasional benchpress
Kevin tells Jason they have to lay in the sun from 3 until 4:30.
Jason says his home town high school plays 8 man football now because there’s fewer kids.
Kevin says if you add up how everyone has done in the competitions Josh is probably in the bottom..
Kevin says “they” sleep all day long.. “I don’t know how they compete” (some players are still in bed.. Elena, Mark)

Kevin “These motherf**kers complain about how many Instagram followers they have. F**K OFF!”
Kevin tells Jason that his house was taken from him in 2008. He and his wife had saved for 25 years for it and it was taken from them. Josh – why? Kevin – my father went to prison and I was indited. They seized it from me. I had neighbors bidding on it. I went outside with a bat and called the police. Jason – that is horse sh*t. Kevin – my father went to prison and I had to get money to pay for his lawyers. Me and my kids had to leave the neighborhood they grew up in. They had to leave all their friends and move to a new town. Then we rented for 7 years until 2016. Then I bought my house where we live now.

“I’m excited for you to use the hex.. they’re scared shitless.. they really want jury that bad.. they crave it that bad “
Big Brother Spoilers 5:03pm Jessica fighting with Alex..
Paul – Jess you want to come out and answer some questions.. Ohh you actually want to come out and play the game.
Alex – we saved you
Jess – how did you save me ..
Alex – everyone wanted you out
Jessica – Alex you nominated me.. How am I supposed to trust someone …
Alex – it was 10 to zero
Jess – because dom had a meltdown..
Alex – no no, I told you you were safe..
Jess – me being on the block is safe.. OK
Alex – everyone here wanted you to go home

Jessica – “I’m going to use the temptation.. .. this is the only person I trust in this house”
Big Brother Spoilers 4:11pm Paul is asking Jessica why Chaos has erupted..
Paul thought Cody was being aggressive and Raven was crying because of that.
Jessica – that’s funny..
Paul – everyone is uncomfortable with him..
Jessica- he had zero part in it.
Cody comes in.
Jessica tells him the line has been crossed with what is going on with the house against them.
Paul says that is the game.

Paul – Hey Jess.. why not put a muzzle on your f*ing dog because all he does is bark
Big Brother Spoilers 1:54pm HOH Matt, Paul and Raven
Paul doesn’t care if she doesn’t use the Hex, he’s certain that Jessica is using the Hex.
Paul wants to make Cody blow up again. He’s thinking that is the only way they can get Jessica to not use the Hex.
Paul calls Cody a piece of sh1t and he’s going to get a rise out of him, “Use coward.. you’re not a man.. and Jason wants to question his military.. why are you covering up your dog tags if you are not proud”
Matt doesn’t sound convinced this is the best thing to do.
Paul goes on about how he’s got the power this week.

Big Brother Spoilers Veto Ceremony results “They don’t grovel”
Big Brother Spoilers 12:05pm Paul used the Power of Veto on Jason
Paul is trashing Cody for not giving a speech during the veto ceremony.
Josh – part of this show is giving a speech.. you don’t give a speech you don’t participate and you don’t get personality than what are you doing here
Paul =- that’s what I’ve been asking
Paul – you’ve got more chances than everyone..

“I thought about a good way for you to repay me… Just get me a really pretty ring..”
Big Brother Spoilers 9:08pm Hammock Jessica and Cody
Cody – people in that small town are going to be intimidated by you
Jessica – I don’t want them to feel that way..
Jessica – you know how yesterday, you said I gave up 500 thousand dollars for you and you’ll find a way to repay me.. .I thought about it and I thought about a good way for you t6o repay me
Cody – how
Jessica – Just get me a really pretty ring..
Cody – OK
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Jessica “Stop it! You’re severely overreacting! F***ing child! God I didn’t sign up to be a f***ing babysitter!”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 11:55am Backyard. Cody and Jessica. Jessica – is my mom going to love you or hate you? Cody – I don’t know, I don’t know your mom. Why do you ask? Jessica – I just wish I could know. Cody – she is probably going to hate […]

Paul “What do you want?” Jessica “Safe for two evictions & I want whoever wins HOH to take out Alex.”
Paul – who do you trust indefinitely? Who would never vote you out? Kevin – me. Paul – that’s one. Who else? Jason – Alex. Paul – that’s two. Who else? Blob? Kevin – yup. Paul – three. Who else? Jason – you don’t get a vote. Paul – What about Matt and Raven? Jason – I don’t know man. Kevin – Christmas right? Jason – no. Paul – I don’t know about Christmas. Think about this… so Jessica’s temptation is that she can either save a nominee or if she is on it, it can obsolete the thing. Or something like that. So if I pull her off, she is safe right. But if I pull her off with someone she is friends with. Jason – who is she friends with?