Josh – how do you feel? Jessica – I feel like I have one chance to save myself in this game and its do or die right now. No pressure! And I go out there and give it everything I’ve got and what happens was what is meant to happen. Josh – You’re strong. I don’t backdoor. If he wasn’t safe (Cody) I would have put him up too. You have the opportunity to play. That’s just the way I handle things. That’s how I play. Its just a game. Jessica – Yeah I know but this game has the power to separate me from the person I care most about right now for a couple of months.
Tag: Cody Nickson

“Houseguests, Congratulations there will be no have nots this week except for Elena”
Big BRother Spoilers 10:07am Have nots..
Paul – you guys really outdid yourself this time.. (LOL there’s no slop display)
Josh – Houseguests, congratulations there will be no have nots this week expect for Elena.. Elena you will be the only have not this week.
Cody frantically grabs his stuff out of the have nots. They assumed they would be have nots this week. (LOL)
Cody – Thanks Big Brother.. we needed
Cody – I love this HOH..
Jessica – not yet..
Cody – not yet..

Josh – all these people think I’m a dummy but they’re playing themselves..
Big BRother Spoilers 1:55am Josh meatball chat in the Head of household
J – Let’s get on a serious note..
J – where do I start
J – Jess and Cody on a personal note I want both of them out. They gunned for me, They made this game personal, We’ve been gunning for each other for weeks..
J – not that I don’t like Cody, we’re just 2 different people there’s a lot of things about his mannerisms.. There’s things about his character that I don’t respect that i don’t like
J – I want him out, it’s hard to live with Cody.. generally he boils my blood.
J – I like Jessica but when Jessica is with Cody she’s a different person, she targeted me, she has to go.. That’s personal
J – I want Jess and Cody out but also the house wants Jess and Cody out..
J – Jess and Cody are Paul’s targets and the house targets

Nomination Results! “We have the veto tomorrow, who is keeping her awake all night?”
Paul – what the f**k happened up stairs and why am I being tossed in the middle of it. Elena – you’re being tossed in the middle of it because he couldn’t make a decision on his own and he feels like he needs to consult you. That’s the only reason. Paul – I didn’t have a hand in his decision. I only came to get you and Mark because he asked me. If you think I had a hand in it then you can tell me. Elena – I don’t think you had a hand in it, I think multiple people tossing my name around didn’t help. Paul – you shouldn’t have lashed at him. You know he goes weird with sh*t like that. Elena – I’m on the block either way. Paul – why so you think that I would throw you under the bus. Elena – I don’t think that.

Big Brother 19 Week 6 Temptation Competition Results! “This girl is lethal!”
8:23pm The live feeds return. HOH room. Josh and Kevin.
Kevin – real quick you’re putting up Mark and Elena.. Josh – Mark and Elena. Kevin – and then havenots tomorrow? Tell me who havenots are? Josh – I’m putting up Mark and Elena right. Havenots – Matt, Mark and Jessica. Kevin – and for me you’re going to give me. Josh – you’re going to host the veto ceremony (veto comp?) Josh – this week whatever happens, just have my back okay? Kevin – I had your back when you weren’t the HOV (lol). Josh – you’re good. Kevin leaves the room.

MEATBALLS! “I want to Backdoor Elena.. I’m not going to tell Paul anything.”
Big Brother Spoilers 8:18am APSR Xmas and Josh
Xmas – how you doing
josh – Good
Josh – whatever me and you talk about is between me and you not Paul not nobody
Xmas – 100 I swear
Xmas – I trust Paul there’s a group that I trust For sure..
Xmas – Paul has his own motives.. I’m looking out for your interests
Josh – I want Elena out..
Xmas – there’s already people saying there’s 2 HOH’s.. I know he slept up there.. I’m not saying separate yourself..

Jessica “If this veto competition has a temptation with cash in it, I’m going to go for the cash.”
9pm Bedroom. Jessica and Cody.
Jessica – I have to say something.. if this veto competition has a temptation with cash in it, I’m probably going to go for the cash. Cody – absolutely. Hell yeah! If there is anything I’ve learned in this game is that you have to take what you can get, when you can get it. Jessica – MMMmmmHHHmmm. Cody – what if we both have the chance at a Vacation and cash? Do I take the veto to secure my safety so that you don’t have to sit here while the vote me out. Or do we take the vaca? Jessica – I think we should just go for the prizes and f**k the veto.. let the chips fall where they may. Cody – agreed. Jessica – at least if one of us is going for the prize.. then we should both go for the prizes because only one of us is going home.

Paul tells Josh what he’s doing “We’re putting Cody and Jessica up, we send Jessica out”
Big Brother Spoilers 7:17pm Josh, Paul and kevin
Paul says mark and Elena are shitting their pants.. They high five..
Josh – they’re shitting there pants..
Paul tells him what he’s going to do..
Paul – “we’re all playing in the safety competition”
Paul – we’re putting Cody and Jessica up”
Paul – we send Jessica out
Josh and Paul fist pump..

Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 5 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Big Brother Spoilers A Crazy week in the Big Brother 19 house. Started with the entire house in the kitchen and Jess/Cody in that APSR. They started calling Jessica out to “ask you some questions” When she finally showed herself to address what they were saying..
Jessica takes on the house KABOOM
Alex, Josh, Raven, Paul, Christmas were essentially the people that participated in the blow up against Jessica/Cody. They bring up all the lies From the past weeks that have involved Jessica. Jess/Cody have been involved in a lot so everything is is brought up in perfect Big Brother Fashion. Alex and Raven seem hung up on the cat ears. Jessica is hung up on Alex putting her up. Raven completely flies off the handle. Jessica defended herself well and Cody kept quiet the entire time.
Jess and Cody retreat to the Hammock where the entire house follows them. Paul, Raven, Josh, Christmas and Alex continue yelling things at Cody and Jessica.

Paul “Mark is one of those guys that won’t fight but if you could get it out of him.. its scary.”
Paul – Josh – you can’t pay me 5k to fight you. Matt – you out weigh him by 90lbs. Raven – its not the size of the dog it the fight in the dog. Josh calls Mark a meatball. Mark – yeah, I’m a big a$$ meatball! Paul – I feel like Mark is one of those guys that won’t fight but if you could get it out of him.. its scary. Mark says the Josh is like the Kevin Heart act where all he is is talk. Paul – Josh will swing. Josh – I will swing. Paul – He will scrap, he’s knows he’s not that good but he’ll scrap. Josh – I’ll scrap anybody! Like I’ll scrap two of you. Paul – he will lose but he’ll scrap you. Josh – I’ll lose but guess what I’ll be remembered for scrapping two of you.

“This is a strategy MENTAL CRACK MENTAL CRACK.. I’m banging pots and pans” -Paul
Big Brother Spoilers 4:22pm Paul, Matt, Raven, Xmas, Alex
Paul – A it will be WAY more difficult than that.. and you get 1 chance..
Paul says Jessica and Cody are really worried
Matt – they should be
Xmas – she was shaking (When Practicing)
Raven – she was shaking like a dog ..
Xmas – she’s shaking more than you (raven)
Raven says it’s because of her disease.
Xmas – when you talk sh1t.. you have to talk sh1t like Ohh Jessica .. you’re riding on Jessica’s coat tails..
Paul – because she’s going home
Paul – I don’t want to be the only one doing it.. it has to be strategically done by everybody in the club.. I don’t mind taking the heat..
Josh comes up.. “it’s 9 against 2”

Jason – His [Ole] balls weigh 5lbs a piece. he’s kicked me a thousand times.. kicked me, bit me, hooked me
Big Brother Spoilers 12:03pm Alex and Jason
Alex – you want to go to Blizzcon we can go to Blizzcon
Jason – I don’t have a clue what that is
Alex – it’s where they premiere like Video games
Jason – no I do not want to go there
Alex – You’re so lame
Jason – You want to go feed the bulls.. Because that’s not lame.. You can literally die at any second What the f* are you going to do at a “Blizzzzzz-CON”