Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 8:37pm Alex and Paul Alex – I need you to win HOH cause me and Jason can’t go back on our word yet.. Jillian walks in on the conversation. Paul and alex agree Jillian needs to “pump the breaks” Paul says he’s going to […]
Tag: Cody Nickson

Jessica “If you keep me out of something like this again.. I will put you on the block & kick you out myself”
Elena explains how she has Ramses in her back pocket. Matt – here’s another aspect that we haven’t even talked about yet. Essentially this let the entire house know.. if they didn’t already .. that we had an alliance. Elena – I already brought that up. Matt – Paul went thanks for stabbing me in the back guys. Elena – I share enough with Ramses so that he shares with me. I think that he can be utilized. Jessica joins them. Jessica – I never one pretended that I could control Cody. But I respect that he does what he wants to do.

Jason “So now if Cody says red rover, red rover Christmas come over.. you’re going to go..”
Paul – Christmas is f**king pissed. And we’re in the same boat. Jason – she just yelled out we had an eight person alliance. Paul – yeah she wanted to blow their smoke because she is f**king pissed. Jason – this is bada$$. Paul – yeah you liked my little medallion. Jason – they literally only have them. There’s seven. Paul – not even. Okay maybe, maybe not even Dom. Dom and Elena will not vote Christmas out but the others will. I think Cody is intimidated by her big time. We can use her (Christmas) as a gun. Jason – the next couple days if she can dig in and blow their.. Paul – they’re coming to me big time now.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “Three weeks of safety, f*****g a$$h***s! F*****g bulls**t!”
In the bedroom – Paul talks to Jessica and Dom. Jessica – Last night I told you something was fishy. I did not stab you in the back. Cody and I play different games. I had no idea this was going to happen. Paul – this concept of a playing separate games… I joined a group and I showed my loyalty to the group. Temptation was put there to see if my group would stab me in the back and I just got backdoored. A vet against Jillian … I for sure was going to go home. Were any of you in danger of going home? No! I know what the curse is.

Cody “If you need to use me as a pawn to take her [Christmas] out, I’m down.”
10am Backyard – Jason is working out. Alex comes out to suntan. Alex – Paul came to me last night and asked me if he was the target and I said I honestly don’t know. So now everyone is starting to think it. I think Cody is but he isn’t going to tell me unti 10 seconds before I go. Which is f**king useless. Kevin comes out. Jason asks him if he knows whos going up. Kevin – no one tells me anything. Jason – What’s your gut telling you? Kevin – it ain’t no one in his click. That’s for damn sure. Alex – I don’t think its Jason anymore. Kevin – who would you guess? Alex – I think he’s going to backdoor someone .. I just don’t know who yet.

“You can’t even do a handstand without those bad boys falling out”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here Midnight Cody and Mark Mark is warning him that the house doesn’t like the couples based on questions he got during Dominique’s “talk show”. Dominique joins them. Cody – I’m making deals.. I’m making deals for the couples and Dominique Cody – I’m going […]

Paul “Who has the curse?” Kevin “I’m f***ing cursed! I’m trapped in this house with you guys”
Paul – lets have a quick meeting before we get inturruped. These girls are crazy as t!ts! Mark – its crazy. Paul – its almost too much. And they are smart because they attach onto all of us and we never have a minute alone. Lets take advantage of this time right now and figure out what our next best game move is. They are way too emotional. Mark – I couldn’t agree more brotha! I’m just watching it all day long. The looks, the comments.. Paul – we need to make it through the next 3 weeks. Mark – do you think we can make it through the next 3 weeks? Paul as long as us four win. Because if we’re always in power they will respect our word.

Kevin “He [Josh] better win POV, HOH, HVP, PIMP! Because if he don’t win nothing he’s G-O-N-E!”
Kevin – do you think they’re just trying to trim the fat? Kevin – oh without a doubt bro. Jason – you know what I mean like try and get rid of certain people. Kevin – yeah. They don’t tell me anything. If you go up, I would never vote against you. Jason – I’m just trying to figure out .. did they ask you if you wanted to go out before the jury selection? Kevin – F**K NO! I’m winning this motherf**ker! That’s how I get out. You watch and see! I ain’t part of the plan. I’m winning! You’ll see! Kevin and Jason leave the storage room.

Paul “I never got a care package last season and I was the favorite of the season.”
Paul – so everything is cool? Jessica – yeah. Did he (Cody) talk to you? Paul – about the replacement nom? Jessica – no about how he doesn’t want to talk game for the next few days. He wants to recharge. Paul – oh no he didn’t tell me that. We don’t really talk game that much. I know its hard the first HOH. Jessica – he says he has a plan and to trust him. That’s all he’s given me. Paul – but he wouldn’t put one of us up would he? Jessica – I don’t think so .. but you putting Ramses in his head made him think.

“I’m telling you Christmas has daddy issues she’s all over him (Jason) , all over Kevin and All over Paul”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 11:34am Backyard. Random chit chat. Jessica talking about when the first time the “veto came out” the “guy didn’t know how it worked, he used it on the girl and got voted out” 11:47am Backyard Ramses, Jillian and Jessica Jillian says that Paul told […]

“Kevin.. You’re just going to let your daughter H**P like that “
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 10:21am They get a hot and cold cup from production .

Kevin “Why am I not in their circle? Am I not a circle person? Take a look, I’m a circle.”
Alex – this is going to be a tough tough house to beat. Kevin – to get to the end? Alex – yeah because all of these people have other people to hide behind. Kevin – why won’t I make it to the end? Why am I not in their circle? Am I not a circle person? Take a look I’m a circle. Alex – he says he has a plan and I should trust him … but I don’t trust him any more. Kevin – why did he put you up then? Alex – that’s just it I didn’t think I was going up. I prepared Jason for it and then I saw my face up there. He wants me to bow down to the queen.