2:00 am Feeds return after an hour of pound puppies. Dani and Cody in the HOH everyone else sleeping
They’re talking about if Ian goes up how does it affect them game wise.
Cody – Enzo doesn’t give zero fucks about anything.. it’s not affecting us with him .
Cody doesn’t think anybody will mind
Cody now goes on about how Ian has ‘Opened up” so much now that they’ve made jury hes “Chipper” and Cody is “Liking him a lot more”
Cody – personally it would suck but thinking of it at a game level. IF Da’Vonne uses it and Ian goes up we’ll deal with the pushback we wanted him out we didn’t want him going deep in the game anyways
Dani – I know
Cody – you and I have had this conversation for weeks now personally it might be really tough
Dani – it just sucks because it’s all on me .. I”m going to be the bad guy not you and Nicole
Cody – no
Dani – how