Such an action packed All Star season. Not sure where to begin with this week so much unpredictable game play going on. Ian was evicted with the only votes to stay being David, Da’Vonne and Kevin. Nicole voted to evicted Ian but was able to convince Da’Vonne it was David that flipped. Memphis went on to win the Head of Household. His target was David but to prevent some sort of upset he puts Kevin and Da’Vonne up. Tells the veto players: Dani, Nicole, Tyler his plan to get David out and says best for them to throw the veto to him or one of the nominees to minimize the blood. He said he didn’t mind getting David’s blood on his hands. Tyler is not keen on this idea as he’s tight with David. Cody isn’t either, he wants Da’Vonne out. The girls want to win it to save Da’Vonne their new fake ally.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Kevin “What did you expect him to say?” Day “THE TRUTH! So guess what.. No vote for you F**KER!”
8:25pm Hot Tub. Kevin and Day.
Day is whispering (Can’t hear her because she’s whispering too quietly and isn’t wearing a mic). Day – And he was like I don’t know I wish I could tell you something. And I was like Okay BYE! Kevin – what did you expect him to say? Day – THE TRUTH! So I said the truth .. why am I on the block!? So guess what .. No vote for you F**KER! Day says at the finale she will go eeny meeny miny moe to choose the winner. Kevin – I think they’re going to keep you. Day continues to whisper. Day – I know that you’re going to stay because she told me that. I asked her to tell me straight up .. and she told me. Kevin – if its not me this week..

“[CBS] don’t want me doing interviews because of the stuff they don’t want me to talk about”
3:50 pm Backyard ..
David talking about how CBS has to approve his interviews post show he asks them why he wasn’t getting any interviews. They told him “it just didn’t happen.. I wasn’t gettign that many interview requests.. either they [CBS] don’t want me doing interviews because of the stuff they don’t want me to talk about or something”
David – when TMZ called me I was like f*** it if they don’t want me to say anything I’m going to say something to TMZ.. I gave TMZ something and they got mad
Enzo – they wouldn’t let me talk to TMZ

Enzo “I’m going to be like.. you’ll find out Thursday if you’re here or not.”
Backyard. Nicole and Christmas.
Nicole – I feel bad but it was a game move and it worked. Christmas – it worked. it did what we needed it to do. Nicole – but he is telling everyone that it was me. I guess.. that is what Dani said. Dani and DaVonne are telling me that he is telling everyone that I flipped. Christmas – well he knows it wasn’t him. Nicole – exactly, but how does he know it wasn’t Kevin or Day .. you know what I mean. IF he puts me up I will be so mad. Christmas – I don’t know if I would pin point you. Nicole – because I am the only other one.

Power of Veto Ceremony results “These boys want me out”
11:05 am Nicole and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne – these boys want me out
Nicole – why though
Da’Vonne – there’s something with David and Tyler. these boys want me out
N – doesn’t make sense to me at all.. like.. I would think they want Kevin out and not you. I’m going to talk to them and i’ll let you know.
N – ohh my gosh.. so stressful. We’ll have fun this week regardless..
Da’Vonne – I’m going to have lotsa lotsa fun ..

Kevin “He’s [David] a slave to his masters.” Day “Don’t say that ..that isn’t nice!”
Head of Household Winner – Memphis Have nots – Cody, Christmas Nominations – Kevin & DaVonne Power of Veto Players are – Kevin, Tyler, Dani, Da’Vonne, Memphis, Nicole POV Host: – Cody Power of Veto holder – Tyler Power of Veto Ceremony – Powers – Christmas, Dani, David Live feeds —-> Grab your Live feeds […]

Tyler “I can tell that Memphis is annoyed that one I won it and two I am not doing what he wants.”
Tyler and Dani.
Dani – I promise you I was not trying my hardest. I was not not trying but I wasn’t trying my hardest. If noms stay the same what do you want to do? Tyler – I want to do what everyone else does. We almost have to work to drive David on to an island by himself. Like why are we not splitting up Kevin and Day!? Dani – but also do you not realize that Kevin and David are a lot closer than DaVonne and David right?! Tyler – no. Dani – They are .. I promise especially after the vote .. DaVonne hates him. Tyler – Kevin is the same way. I want Day out personally but I will do whatever the group wants. But either way it doesn’t matter .. whatever we do this week we will do the same thing next week. Dani – I know I agree.

“We’ll get rid of Day and we’ll move on.. if it’s a double. The 2 remaining people go up”
12:01 pm Memphis and Christmas
M – this stays between me and you
Christmas – yes sir
M – the whole Nicole, Dani,. Da’Vonne something something. Last night I gave Da’Vonne a little nibble and sure enough it came right back.
Christmas – what was the nibble.
M – I was just talking … you know this game’s crazy.. I feel like everyone knows my plan at this point.. dadda dadda dadda
Memphis says he’s trying to protect his relationship with Da’Vonne.

Day “I want to spill a lot of tea to you! Brace yourself! You’re going to be on fire!”
Bedroom. Dani and Nicole.
Dani – I think Memphis is mad at all of us. Nicole – Why? Dani – because he wanted all of us to super throw it I guess. Nicole – he told me I could go for it because I suck at comps anyway. Dani – I said Tyler didn’t throw it .. and he goes NONE OF YOU DID! I said Memphis I swear to you I did not try my hardest .. I did not. I just didn’t want them to think I threw it. I went decently quickly. Nicole – you did it really fast for not… like I tried my hardest and that was my time.

Power Of Veto Winner Results! Day “BULLSH*T BULLSH*T! I am not kissing nobody’s a$$ Kevin!”
Bedroom. Day, Kevin and Memphis.
Memphis – well they definitely didn’t throw it like they said they would. But I am still planning to do this thing. Day – are you sure? Memphis – Am I sure? Well I have to talk to Tyler to make sure but .. It has nothing to do with .. like I made a deal .. you guys are safe but David is who I want to see go.. so unless you want to see yourself up on the block you’ve got to do this for me. There is no reason for him to keep David.. not that I am aware of. Memphis leaves. Day – BULLSH*T BULLSH*T! I am not kissing nobody’s a$$ Kevin! I don’t have it in me .. I can’t do it. I know him.. as soon as his name got pulled up I was like something isn’t right.

“If I win POV then I send David home myself.. he’s gotta go.. he’s gotta”
8:50 am Memphis and Tyler
Memphis – People talk to much man. I was still contemplating weather I was going to ask you guys to throw it..
Memphis – I was thinking F*** if I put David up he’s going to fight so hard to stay.. he’s going to do everything he possibly can.
Tyler- why didn’t they pick him?
Memphis – I don’t know. They sealed his fate literally
Tyler – theirs a rift between those two and him right now. Do we want to get him out he’s sitting on an Island.
Memphis – he’s gotta go.. he’s gotta
Tyler- I’m just saying those two (Kevin and Day) are linked.. and the girls are linked to Da’Vonne..
Memphis doesn’t think so.
Tyler – they have something I catch them all the time.

Nomination Results! Memphis “You got the benefit & now you get the wrath.”
Memphis – Its a game and you’ve got a week. And as much as like .. to be blatantly honest with you I was thinking of keeping you last week and then she used the power on you which I totally understand you would much rather be safe over anyones word to say and not take it if she is willing to give it to you. But for me its an easy excuse in a game right now .. where I just need some excuse. Kevin – Hmm. Memphis – does that make sense? Kevin – MMmhhmmm. Memphis – instead of putting up Tyler because he’s a big threat… which then its game on! It was an easy out for me.. you understand!? It sucks but.. Know what I mean?! So hopefully you can see it from that angle. Kevin – Mmmhhmmm. Memphis – right now I had to have some excuse. Kevin – I am still trying to play the game and get as far as I can get and if this is the furthest I can get then its within my own destiny.