Going to start by saying this is a great cast, there are a lot of interesting people in the Big Brother 16 House. More importantly there isn’t a single personality that overpowers everyone else. We’re actually able to see a multi dimensional game not just the same two people running the show from the same bed. With that said it’s been a bit quiet for the first week, the polar opposite of BB14 which is known as having the most explosive first week. This can only mean one thing… grenades are coming. (I’m expecting big things this year).
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Devin says I’m thinking about throwing this HOH so I can go home to my daughter!
9:20am Donny is awake and getting ready for the day. Devin wakes up and stands in the living room near the diary room door. Donny comes by and they start talking. Devin tells Donny that one of the big reasons why he told him what he did was because intergrity and honesty is … Big Brother cuts the feeds… when they come back Devin says I would really like to be friends with you outside the house and even come visit you in North Carolina. Donny tells Devin that he appreciates him telling everybody. What did they say? Devin says I’m not sure .. I tried to look everyone in the eyes and just get it out.

Frankie says Devin just said I am A Liar, A Bully and I have No Morals.
12:20pm In the bathroom – Caleb is talking to Jocasta and Frankie about how everyone should be accepted as equals and that love is blind. It makes no difference if you’re gay or straight. Caleb says that he loves that he can lay in bed with Frankie. Caleb talks about how judgemental the world is but that it shouldn’t be like that. Caleb says he’s happy he and Frankie are friends. Frankie says I am happy that I have you as a friend and it goes both ways I didn’t know that I could be as close a friend with you. It goes both ways. Frankie and Caleb hug.

Caleb Back in the Saddle, “You’ve been my best guy friend in the house”
10:58pm Amber and Caleb Beehive
Amber says Devin is making things up, “No names were mentioned.. it wasn’t even about you” Caleb – “I felt like it wasn’t about me” She says her comments were towards all guys not to anyone specifically and she said she didn’t like guys that were all about themselves.
Caleb – everything was going was great
Amber – Ya ya
Caleb – It was so great for it all to fall apart
Amber – Ya.. next time come to me..

Zach “all my energy is going toward ruining Victoria’s Life.. I Hate her with a passion”
8:25pm Zach Beehive
Zach talking to the camera
I kinda want to keep her in the house as long as possible just to keep me entertained all my energy is going toward ruining Victoria’s Life.. I Hate her with a passion.. everytime I turn around she’s f*** staring at me with these ugly disgusting eyes.. I know she talks shit about me thats fine talk shit about me whatever.. She’s as rude as f*** I hate her She acts like she’s so deserving ”

Would you Kiss Cody? Nicole – “Ahh he’s so hot .. Definitely”
5:46pm Beehive Christine and Frankie
He tells her they have to play hard tomorrow. Christine – “I’m here to win”
Frankie – “You ready to hang on for dear life”
Christine – “100%”
They both don’t want it to be questions tomorrow because it’s too unpredictable. Nicole joins them. Frankie – Frankie – “Did you and Zach make out”
Nicole – No
Christine – “If Cody tried to kiss you would you let him”
Nicole – “he’s so hot .. yes”

Caleb – “Maybe deep down inside she really does like me..”
4:40pm Storage room Caleb and Cody
Caleb saying he’s waiting for Amber To apologize to him. He doesn’t think Amber knows he knows that is why.
Caleb – “One night she’s saying I’m super sweet..” Caleb adds the night before that Amber wanted a final 2 deal with him and the day after that she’s telling Devin all he thinks about his himself.

Cody says he was asked to do a crazy fet!sh for a LOT of money from a guy..
12:40pm Out in the backyard – Nicole and Christine are talking. Nicole tells Christine that Hayden is really in with the guys which is good for us. Christine agrees. Cody joins them and they talk about past house guests. Cody says that Rachel Reilly looks like a dinosaur. Christine says I thought she always looked dirty. She then says sorry Rachel I love you. Nicole comments on how Jeff Schroeder is way hotter in person. Cody says I would jump his skin!

Frankie & Hayden joke not wearing a mic is a girl thing.. they’re in the no mic alliance.
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Out in the backyard Amber is suntanning on the couches. Meanwhile inside Frankie is talking to Donny about the amount of sleep that people require. Frankie then jumps and stops the microwave. Brittany had put a coffee cup in the microwave and it was sparking. Devin joins them in the kitchen and talks to Brittany about how she’s only had 4 hours sleep this week. She says she forced herself to got to sleep last night. She says that she really wants to get on track to be ready for the HOH competition tomorrow.

Victoria says I want to shove a pillow in Devin’s mouth so I don’t have to hear him talk.
12:20am – 1:15am In the backyard hammock – Cody and Frankie are talking. Cody says I think Devin is full of sh*t. Frankie says I don’t think anyone likes him. Cody says its not normal for me to not like someone either, it takes a lot for me to not like someone. Frankie says when theres a double eviction we take out Devin and even Caleb will vote with us I guarantee it. Cody says he’s not an idiot. Devin I don’t trust him. Frankie says I am trying so hard to keep him calm and comforted and right now we have the numbers. Frankie says right now we are 5 strong if he blows up. If we get rid of 4 people then he can say anything he wants.

Caleb “The girls on twitter are saying she’s stupid.. No more Flirting no more Floaters”
9:45pm Hammock Caleb and Frankie
Of course the conversation is on Amber.
Caleb – “I’m not going to talk to her at all.. at all”
Caleb – “She still can be in our alliance”
Frankie says Caleb is not liar and not a fake person
Frankie mentions that Amber is moving through people because she use to be BFF with him, Caleb, Devin and now Hayden, “She’s working”
Caleb – “She worked herself into a 8 person alliance that is strong”
Hayden joins them “What’s your thoughts”
Caleb – “game town.. No more flirting no more Floaters”
hayden says he’s completely cut himself off from Nicole

Post Bomb Squad – Zach to Christine “You came out of the candy store with the biggest cookie”
6:14pm Hammock Zach and Christine Talking about Devin
Christine – “I’ve never disliked a person as much as I dislike that man.. when I look at him I get sick to my stomach” Christine adds that Devin reminds her of the people at school that use to be bullies.
Zach – “As long a me, you, Cody, Frankie, or derrick win HOH we can backdoor him”
Christine – “You know what would be awesome if Brittany did it”
Zach agrees, but says they would have to make sure she didn’t put two of them up as the pawns. He’s unsure they have enough influence with her.
Christine is worried about Jocasta has no idea where her head is at