POV Holder: Victoria Next POV July 19th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 26th HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2: Cody Battle of the Block Winner Jocasta/Amber Next HOH/ Next BOB July 24/July 25 Original Nominations: Brittany/Victoria(Cody) Jocasta/Amber (Frankie) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots ? POV Players Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach 7:52pm Christine., […]
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Big Brother Spoilers “It’s good i’m going up as a pawn for my game” – Amber
7:00pm HOH Amber, Frankie and Cody
Amber saying she’s in a worse spot than the guys in the alliance. Frankie tells her he felts vulnerable to when Debvin won HOH he was in real danger. Frankie leaves.
She asks Cody what is wrong. He feels like she doubts him a lot.
Amber wants to be on good terms if Brittnay stays or leaves.
Amber says yesterday she was told she is working to get the guys out she doesn’t know where this questioning is coming from.

Brittany – “I never had a glass of wine.. oh never mind someone gave me the bottle”
3:51pm Hayden give a Dan gosling motivational speech to Brittany
Brittnay .. You’ve been out of here since 8 o’clock last night.. and you have kicked almost 22 hundred goals.. Did anyone think you can do it. .. NO”
Donny – “NO”
Hayden – “Even you didn’t think you could do it”.. I had my doubts but you know what you are almost at 22 hundred”

Brittany – “I would much rather be in labour right now this sh1t is no joke”
1:56pm Backyard Brittany, Christine and Donny
Brittany – “I would much rather be in labour right now this sh1t is no joke”
Brittany wonders if the live feeders see her playing the game. Christine says they do but they have to piece together what is going on. Brittany says everytime she hits the ball it hurts.
Brittany goes and grabs some candy “ C’mon sugar rush give me a frickin spike give me a sugar buzz”

Brittany says this is so F**king pointless! If I ever come back I’m going to sleep & do nothing.
8:15am – 9:35am Big Brother tells Brittany 12 hours to go! Brittany wakes up. Donny joins her and she asks him to get her boots. He can’t find them but gives her his shoes to wear. She starts kicking the ball again. She’s at 1010. She is kicking and missing lots. The whistle blows and Cody comes down to kick is butt. Donny tells Brittany that she shouldn’t be drop kicking the ball. Brittany says it’s the only way it feels okay, without it feeling like every bone is going to break. Cody asks if shes tried kicking with the bottom of her foot? Brittany says that she has tried every possible way and she only misses when she does that. Brittany kicks the ball and misses.

Nicole says I feel like I know a lot about you that I don’t want to know. It can only get better from here.
3am Out on the backyard couch – Derrick, Brittany, Christine, Hayden and Nicole are talking. Derrick says that he is going to get his balls snipped after having 2 kids. He says that the daycare is what kills you. He pays a $1000 a month in daycare costs. Derrick tells Hayden about how life is so simple when you’re in college without a family. Nicole tells Derrick not to scare him. Derrick says obviously I would never trade my life now. Frankie and Zach finish their pool game and join them on the couch. Victoria comes out and sits on the couch.

Hayden – “I want Caleb to go home so f*** bad.I had a straightener in my hand and I wanted to f** burn him”
10:38pm Storage room Hayden and Cody
Hayden saying Zach has been pissing him the f** off sometimes. Cody mentions how the way Zach is acting he’s going to lose Donny’s respect.
Hayden – “He brings us all down”
Cody thinks if he’s ever on the block with Zach he’s not going home Zach will be sent packing. Thats one reason to keep Zach around.
Hayden – “we still need to get Brittnay out and Amber out”

Big Brother Spoilers Cody “How much more of a Snake is (Amber) than Frankie
9:44pm Kitchen Cody and Zach
Cody says Frankie is throwing his name under the bus to people outside of their 5. Cody adds Amber did say to him she didn’t mind going up as a pawn. points out that Frankie put AMber not Cody he’s trying to put the blame on COdy.
Zach can’t stand Amber calls her a Snake.
Cody “How much more of a Snake is she than Frankie.. like in that situation how much more of a snake”
Zach doesn’t think Frankie did it on purpose.
Cody – Oh my God Zach.. c’mon don’t try to play.. he smart he’s not stupid.. he’s so smart he knows exactly what he’s doing”
Cosy – “He’s trying to playing it like he’s Mr Goodguy”

Frankie tells Zach you’re the biggest a$$hole here, go up and make yourself comfortable!
6pm Up in the HOH room – Derrick, Brittany and Cody are hanging out. Frankie joins them. Derrick and Cody tell Brittany that they will be out there with her when she’s kicking her 2400 goals. Brittany says I would die if I had to walk out the door in a Germ-itard outfit! I would have walked out the backdoor. Frankie says he was excited to see Nicole’s Germ-itard outfit but now that she isn’t getting it till later he might just go to sleep. Brittany complains that she stayed up all night and only got 30 minutes sleep this morning. Frankie says oh my god! Frankie asks her if she’s a good kicker? Brittany says no. Frankie complains that his thigh hurts. Brittany says that she knows some one who gives good elbow jobs. Frankie says over the pants accidental elbow jobs.

Big Brother Power Of Veto Results “Dude that changes everything”
Victoria Wins the Power of Veto
Nicole has to wear the Germatard
Caleb won money (5thousand)
Zach won a trip to Germany. When asked if he’ll take his brother he said no way my brother can’t drink.. followed by i’m giving it to my parents)
Brittany has a 24 hour punishment in the backyard where she has to kick 2400 goals
Cody gets kicked in the a$$ every hour

Big Brother Spoilers – Players Picked for the Power of Veto Competition!
10:55am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to pick players for the power of veto competition. When the live feeds return – Cody, Caleb and Derrick are in the kitchen talking about how if nothing happens when they come back inside after the Veto this week will definitely be a double eviction because of how Julie stressed something would happen this week. Caleb talks to Cody in the living room about his conversation with Amber last night about her stepping all over him. Cody says that every time you walk in .. I can’t stress it enough that it is not like that. Calbe tells Cody about he told Amber that she is walking around like she had Cody in her back pocket like a baby and its pacifier. Caleb says that was not good to say to her. Cody laughs.

Brittany says Zach is the male version of Victoria. He just sleeps & she plays dress up.
5:50am Brittany and Amber are still awake and in the kitchen talking. Amber says that she asked Zach what his reason for being here was and he couldn’t tell me. Brittany says for me the game doesn’t start until you get rid of the Zach’s and the Victoria’s because that is when you start making the crazy alliances and going against each other. Brittany says that Caleb said that I am up because people don’t understand where I stand? Are you kidding me?! Brittany says for me I don’t know how to go to people. Outside of here I don’t show weakness… Amber says I like to help you as much as I can because I am close to Cody. If you were still here who would you want out. Brittany says don’t say anything to anyone but Zach and Nicole. Also Frankie because he lied to my face.