8:40am – 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Frankie, Donny, Victoria and Jocasta are awake. Victoria has been up since 7am and she’s still getting ready in the bathroom. Frankie is up in the HOH room he climbs into the bed and starts dancing with hands to the music. Victoria comes up and says that the diary room needs the props from the photo booth. Frankie gets called the diary room but asks if he should get ready first. BB blocks the feeds and when they come back Frankie is getting into the shower and checks out his crotch burn in the mirror.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Nicole says I can’t believe you didn’t tell me I was going up!? WHO THE F ARE YOU?!
12:50am Out in the backyard – Caleb and Christine are in the hammock talking. Christine says tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. Caleb says it sure is, it sure is. Its going to be nuts because anything can happen. As far as I know smooth sailing because we already know who’s going home but you never know what people have up their sleeve because jury is just around the corner. Caleb says we just can’t be the 6th person gone. Victoria goes home and then the next person goes to jury. So as long as none of us go up and go home we should be fine.

“We’re getting out all the people that don’t know how to play this game I love it” -Frankie
8:19pm HOH Hayden, Zach and Frankie
Hayden says it’s Caleb’s idea now as far as he’s concerned everyone is on board. He’s been telling people that he’s not using the veto. Hayden thinks he will tell beast mode he’s used the Veto on Victoria because it would look suspicious if he used it on Jocasta. He’ll make sure Caleb thinks the plan is still to scare Amber and as long as she doesn’t blow up the alliance she’s safe.
Frankie is going to tell people he didn’t think Hayden was going to use it. Frankie is going to blame it all on Caleb.

Big Brother Spoilers Amber’s game is at beast modes fingertips
Zach cruises in Cody leaves. Zach gives him tomorrow’s speech for Amber (another version Posted here) Zach has made some changes to the original speech
“I think you are the fakest person in the house you lie through your teeth every single time you open your mouth. beast mode cowboy has had your back since day one”
Caleb – And he made it known to everyone in the world that watches this show
zach – “and you spit back in his face he put himself on the block risked 500 thousand dollars for you , when you’re a have not he gave you all his blankets froze his butt off you woke up the next morning talking about how well you slept and you couldn’t even thank him ..

Tomorrow they are taking the leash off Zach “You’re a character.. you gotta own it”
4:12pm HOH Cody and Zach
Cody tells him he guarantees that Frankie and caleb have a deal. Zach say Frankie has a final 3 with Caleb.
Zach says Caleb told Frankie he doesn’t trust him. Cody thinks now that they have DOnny and Jocasta they don’t need Caleb. Cody wants Caleb gone next week.
Zach brings up the things Amber told him about Caleb.
Zach told Caleb – She has no feelings for you she doesn’t like you and she only went on that date with you so she wouldn’t hurt your feelings
Zach – last night.. he was crying in the hammock all night

Donny says Zach was on Caleb yesterday, he almost pushed him over the edge.
1pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the feeds return. Derrick, Victoria and Zach are awake. UP in the HOH room – Zach asks so Caleb doesn’t believe what I said is true? Frankie says like we think he would do, he has convinced himself that what you said is false. Zach says right. Frankie says because you’re not the most trustworthy person to him and he wants to believe that Amber isn’t capable of any of that. Zach says right ..well I feel bad for him. Frankie says yeah I mean I would just stick with him when he is awake today and then… Zach says he just needs to get over himself. That’s what it is. Get over yourself.

Frankie says Amber will always overshadow everything in his mind. He’s an idiot.
9am – 9:35am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Caleb and Frankie are out in the backyard by the pool table. Caleb wants to talk to Cody to confirm what Zach said about Amber. Frankie says that no one can tip her off. You can talk all about it on Monday with Cody. I know its about your personal life with Amber. That conversation would make my life very difficult if you did that. I would just rather you didn’t have that conversation because then she would be freaking out all day long. There are plenty of other people that can confirm that. Zach and her are really close so its only going to blow up in you confront him today. Everything can come out and we can talk about it on Monday.

Amber “I’ve been in less awkward situations in 5 year relationships than I’ve had with this kid.”
2:30am Out on the backyard couches Nicole and Cody are talking. Nicole says I trust you, Derrick and Hayden. She says I wish I would have found him (Hayden) sooner because I can trust his opinion. She says that he isn’t trying to manipulate me at all. Cody says a lot of stuff I say, I base it off of Hayden. I don’t think anyone knows about us either. If you guys are on the block next to each other. It doesn’t matter who they put up, we will control the votes. Next week you only need 5 votes to stay. If I got put up next to zach I’ll be fine. I don’t want to be close to you and Christine because they may put us up together.

Big Brother Spoilers When Amber gets nominated “she’s going to crawl back to me for safety”
9:56pm Kitchen Frankie and Zach
Frankie says Amber is freaking out. Zach – “really I thought she had no idea’
Frankie – She’s just up my a$$hole
Zach brings up Amber saying Caleb is blowing everything up out of proportion.
Derrick rolls in “Caleb brought up he might want Amber up on the block to send her a message”
Zach – “I’m a genius.. i convinced him that.. I convinced him”
Derrick – That’s a pure stroke of genius Zach Rance

Big Brother Spoilers – “getting Amber out will be by far the biggest move of the game” Frankie
8:35pm Frankie and Christine
He tells her the plan to get Amber out. Christine is happy says she 100% agrees with that. Christine really doesn’t want Amber in the house. Frankie stresses that Caleb has to be cool with this decision.
Frankie says getting Amber out will be by far the biggest move of the game and the hardest sell to caleb.
Frankie says he’s going to be completely blunt.. If you honest to god telling me you want to take someone to the end of this game that is sh1tting all over you on natoinaly television and laughing at you in the DR I don’t want to work with you and you are going on the block. .

Zach’s theatrics “I WANT YOU GONE.. Beast mode Cowboy my f***ing A$$.. for real”
4:54pm HOH Christine, Frankie, Caleb and Zach
(THey are doing a fake fight)
Caleb – Backdoor me I don’t care.. iit’s hard for me to keep a straight face
Frankie – It’s hard for me to keep a straight anything.
Zach screams I WANT YOU GONE .. I WANT YOU GONE.. Beast mode Cowboy myu f***ing A$$ .. For Real get the f*** out of here” BEat mode peaice of sh1t
BEast mode pu$$y.. for real what the f**
Caleb – try to back door me watch what happens
Zach laughs “I will “
Cody runs upstairs thinking there was an actual fight

Power Of Veto Results – I’m going to use it on Victoria.. she picked me to play in the Veto
Summary of Events
- Brittany is evicted from the Big BRother house Zach and Frankie win the Head of Household Competition
- Doesn’t take long for #WILDCARD to come out Here, Here and Here
- Big Moves are planned as Zach decides to break free from the norm and put up Christine
- Nominations Ceremony Sees Frankie putting up Jocasta and Victoria with ZachATTACK putting up Nicole and Christine