1am Cody and Zach are talking in the HOH room. Cody says that he is worried Frankie is controlling him (Zack). Cody asks Zach if Frankie asked you to, would you put me up? Zack says no way Bro! Cody questions Zach and Frankie’s relationship. Zack tells Cody that you are my closest ally. Cody says I just don’t know what you say to other people. Cody tells Zack to watch what he says to Christine because she talks a lot. She is an idiot. Cody tells Zach that he doesn’t want Zach to blow up but Christine told Donny that Zack is telling people that you and him are tight. Zach wonders if he should confront Christine about to see if she lies to him. She is the worst liar.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Big Brother Spoilers “It would help my game to tell him she’s going home” ZachAttack
9:07pm HOH Frankie Zach and Cody
Frankie says he’s talked to Caleb so he would stop bothering Nicole, Frankie brings up his conversation with Caleb where Caleb told him if Amber goes home he’s on his own in this game.
Cody isn’t down with Caleb threatening them.. he’s not down with it
Frankie says the only two options are Blindside him or keep her. If they tell Caleb he will drag every person into the Beehive and go through all this again. Frankie stresses that Caleb Is blinded by Amber he’ll fight harder than ever to

Caleb Campaigns for Amber “at the end of the day.. she would eat a banana”
6:28pm Caleb and Zach Hammock
Caleb saying Amber never brew up the bombsquad she told them the girls need to stick together that was it, “That is what she is supposed to do.. you know damage control.. I’m not working with the Zach he’s a d1ck”
Caleb says he cares about her, he just has a big heart.
Zach you care about her too much bro.. but that’s your feelings you can’t do anything about it
I never promised her to take her to the end I promised her i would carry her to the jury along with 7 other people that will help do it with me.

Big Brother Spoilers “I don’t think we want Caleb out, honestly we can use him dude”
5:05pm Cody and Derrick
Cody says Frnakie went to Hayden to work with them. Frankie is trying to make an alliance with Christine, Zach, Hayden and Nicole. “They are making the target easy.. don’t tell me you are doing this to protect us ”
Derrick – they can Eat a d1ck”
Cody says Caleb will stick close to them and Hayden and go after Frankie/Zach
Cody – If she goes he’s going to want Zach’s blood and Frankie is going to get caught up in it
Derrick – “I don’t think we want Caleb out honestly. we can use him dude he’s going after everybody else” Derrick explains as long as Caleb is “Cool and collected” they can use him he’ll be loyal to them.

Caleb says I did my goodbye message to Amber and I was bawling. I felt like such a big baby.
12:25am Christine and Caleb are on the backyard couch. He asks if she and Nicole have decided who you want to keep. Christine says we hashed things out in the bee hive room yesterday. Caleb asks so you feel pretty confident she will vote to keep Amber? Christine says yeah, yeah, yeah. Caleb says I am thinking of offering Victoria a deal to vote to keep Amber. Christine says I think she will be okay. Caleb says I did my goodbye message to Amber and I was balling. I felt like such a big baby. Its just I have done everything to keep her safe and then now with me having a hand in her going up just kills me. Caleb says I don’t know some thing is just really awkward.

Nicole says this twist screws over the girls. Amber “I want it to flip where the girls are in power”
10am – 10:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Nicole, Christine and Amber are in the bathroom. Amber says that she had a feeling if the veto was used she could have seen it being used on Victoria. Its just nerve racking being on the block. Christine comments on how Donny was ripping Cody apart again for not being on the block. Nicole says he’s not the only one Derrick, Frankie.. Nicole says this twist really screws over the girls.

Caleb says for one I feel bad, I feel a lot like I literally want to go hang myself because..
1am – 1:45am Nicole, Caleb, Hayden, Zach are sitting out in the backyard talking. Hayden is talking with his mouth closed pretending to be “Larry” and “Carter” the little people in Hayden’s mouth. Victoria stops him after awhile and says I thought these were real people. Caleb and Nicole laugh. Caleb leaves and says that just told me something about you. Victoria laughs and says oh my god! I thought we were going to meet these people. Hayden says after this week we will have 1 person per bed. Zach asks what their favorite competition was Hayden says “Miami Lice”. Victoria talks about the apartment she rents in Miami to use for clients on the weekends for makeup for her photo shoots.

Donny says Final 2 It will be impossible to beat Frankie/Derrick.. everyone else beatable
9:48pm Hammock Hayden and Donny
Donny was talking to Nicole near the swimming pool and she mentioned Christine is receptive to talk to her. Donny says Christine and nicole are really nervous iof Zach wins the HOH
Donny suggests hayden tells the girls now right now they have nothing to worry about when it comes to zach
Hayden – be very careful with zach.. i’m getting more nervous about him every single day even christine mention that Zach was saying he’s in an alliance with DOnny. cody that means he’s walking
hayden isn’t talking to Zach anymore.
hayden if it’s double eviction Caleb has to go home

Derrick – Amber is going to let Caleb run around and do all her dirty work for her again
6:18pm kitchen derrick and Cody
Derrick says Amber is going to let Caleb run around and do all her dirty work for her again.
Cody We gotta vote her out
Derrick – it’s a no brainer for me and you
Cody – we lost her trust
6:56pm Caleb and Christine
Caleb campaigning for amber “At the end of the day ____________ ” X 35 = what he says

Derrick to Caleb “you are going to feel like a f**g fool.. honestly .. thats me talking to you man to man”
4:56pm FIREROOM Caleb and Derrick Caleb trying to get the votes to keep Amber thinks Jocasta won’t do anything to their alliance. Caleb at the end of the day it wasn’t supposed to go down this way… Amber is a vote for us Jocasta isn’t. Caleb believes that the house will vote to keep Amber only Zach will vote to evict her.
Derrick says he might be coming out of here looking like a fool he needs to talk to Zach and find out what she really was saying. She might be makign him look lilke a fool in fron tof his family.
Derrick – You are going to see it outside this house and you are going to feel like a f***g fool.. honesty .. thats me talking to you man to man”

Amber asks where has all the dirty work I’ve done gotten me? I am done playing everyone else’s game!
In the fire room – Frankie says I love how Amber is hunkered down with Christine and Nicole right now … They HATE HER! THEY HATE HER! Victoria says I can’t stand her. Frankie goes up to the HOH room and says that Amber is starting up the girls alliance again with Christine and Nicole. Zach says let me go down there and blow it up!! Frankie says no. Zach says put me in a cage and throw away the key because that is the only way you can restrain me. Cody and Hayden head down to the hive room. Hayden says if I won HOH I would actually backdoor Zach. He is putting a bigger target on us. He said he was actually thinking of putting me up.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! BOOM-BOTS Zach-ATTACK!
11:16am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. The plan is for Hayden to use the veto on Victoria, removing her from the block. As head of household Frankie will then nominate Amber as the replacement nominee. Following the veto ceremony before it ends Zach will then give his “Zach-Attack” speech taking aim at Amber. This is all part of the Team America mission – “Play the role of puppet master and get two Houseguests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.” According to the rules only 1 house guest has to attack another for a certain amount of time for the mission to be successful.