9:15am – 9:40am Hayden and Frankie are awake. They’re trying to warm up again before going into the havenot room. Frankie is drinking hot water. Hayden finds Cody’sweatpants to put on. They notice the backyard just opened up and they run out and lay on the grass to warm up. Frankie says once I’m sweating I might attempt to go back into the havenot room. Frankie says so how do we convince Nicole to want to keep Zach!? Hayden says that’s a hard one .. that’s the question! I don’t know. Frankie says me neither. Frankie says waking up to no blood flow in my body is the worst.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Zach says I’m not going home! I will eat a banana, I’ll eat 20 bananas! I’ll suck your d**k!
1am In the living room – Cody, Christine, Derrick and Frankie are in the living room talking. Cody says after this is all over I would like to stay here in LA for a while. Christine says Amber has a place here. Cody says I don’t think Amber would be that mad at me. They’re all sitting around talking about random things and about their lives outside the house.
Victoria, Caleb, Zach, Jocasta, Frankie, Cody, Christine, Hayden and Derrick are talking about dating. Victoria talks about dating. She says when guys come over her Mom has coffee, tea, cake, etc,

Big Brother Spoilers Week 6 POV Results, Zach – “I blew it”
Summary of events:
- Amber is voted out by a vote of 9-0
- Nicole and Donny win the HOH, Donny nominates Beastmode and Victoria, Nicole nominates ZachATTACK and Jocasta
- Battle of the Block commences Beastmode and Victoria win however they get a punishment turning them into Beastmode Adam and Princes Eve
- Donny is dethroned Nicole promoted to week long HOH she forms an alliance with Hayden, Derrick, Cody called the Rationales
- POV players are picked Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, ZachAttack, Caleb, Victoria,
- The target is either Frankie or Zach but preferable Frankie.
- Derrick and Cody get hit with some paranoia and start thinking they should stick with the detonators..
- Christine tells Nicole a bunch of sh1t about Hayden loving Victoria.. Nicole knows this is a lie and is furious

Big Brother Spoilers “We’re Being Stroked bro.. We lose Frankie/Zach we lose a number”
3:58pm Derrick and Cody FIREROOM
Derrick says they only have each other in this game just like he told him day 2.
Derick has caught Nicole in 3 lies, he is certain Donny and Nicole are working together, “That’s my opinion I don’t know if that is true”
Cody – What do you think of Frankie”
Derrick doesn’t know says Nicole is changing her story, “Play the numbers we vote out Frankie/Zach we lose a number”
Derrick – Would Zach put us up.. never.. would Frankie and Christine … maybe but I don’t think he’s saying things to the amount they’re saying he is.

Frankie -“it’s too early to drop the bomb on Cody/Derrick about the info we have on Zach”
11:10pm Frankie and Christine HOH
Talking about Nicole wanting Zach out. Frankie can’t believe she thinks she has the votes.
Christine – She thinks everyone wants zach out
Frankie – If Zach doesn’t win POV we’re going to have to show our cards
Christine says zach isn’t worth showing her cards for Zach. She wonders if they can have the votes turn out a way so Nicole doesn’t know what happened.
Frankie about Zach – he’s so volatile he’s playing both sides so hard
Christine says they could blame a vote on Hayden.
Frankie doesn’t know.
Nicole thinks derrick and C

Big Brother Spoilers “This is horrible being attached to him.. HORRIBLE.. “
9am – 9:20am In the earth room – Caleb is complaining that he can’t sleep with the leaves. The leaves are poking my nuts and my @nus. Cody says I had a s*x dream last night and now I’m pissed. Zach asks why? Did you j!zz your pants? Cody says no, because I woke up without a girl around me. I had two dudes beside me. Caleb says yeah and one hald n@ked dressed in leaves. Cody tells Victoria that she was letting them rip last night. Lady farts. Zach says disgusting. Zach, Cody and Caleb are goofing around. They try impersonating characters from Family Guy. Zach brings up how she is the voice of Meg Griffin. Zach says can you imagine having s*x with Mila Kunis?!

Quad Squad is Formed “I said last week I would love to back door Frankie”
9:38pm Cody and Derrick
Cody – I’m so beyond sketched out with Frankie.. he went to Hayden and Nicole to link up with them
Derrick has been sketched for awhile.
Cody says they have to make up a name so Nicole gets excited about it.(Hayden, Nicole, Derrick and Cody alliance)
Derrick says they got lucky with Hayden if he wasn’t there bro they would be the ones going up this week.
Nicole comes up

Beastmode Adam and Princess Eve – “guys have to get together you have to procreate”
(They have to wear this for 48 hours. Originally Victoria wanted to wear her wedges but they said said she couldn’t. Caleb was giving her a hard time with this saying “You think MOses wore nikes”)
Caleb My name is Beastmode Adam
Victoria – I’m princess eve
Frankie keeps saying how hot they look
Hayden – you guys have to get together you have to procreate
Christine – its in the fine print.
Victoria says it doesn’t matter if they shower together as long as they wear their bathing suits underneath.

Big Brother Spoilers Zach – “I’m sweating bullets right now… it costs to be the boss”
4:17pm Rockrom Zach and Caleb
Zach say worst case is if Donny wins the POV and pulls Jocasta down. That means someone from their alliance has to go up. I’m sweating bullets right now”
Caleb says the sacrifices he made for winning the BOB, Shave his head eat slop for 2 weeks.
Being attaches to VIctoria isn’t that bad. Caleb says when he has to go to bed he’s going to bed, “SImple as that”
Zach says it’s going to suck when she wakes you up at night saying she has to go to the toilet
Zach what happens when you have to take a sh1t

Big Brother Spoilers Week 5 Battle on the The Block Results “I blew it Donny”
POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 2nd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 4th HOH Winner 1: Donny HOH Winner 2: Nicole Battle of the Block Winner Caleb/Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB Aug 8/Aug 1 Original Nominations: Donny’s Noms (Victoria & Caleb) Nicole’s Noms (Zach & Jocasta) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots ? POV Players ? […]

Nomination Ceremony Results! “You want to play cat & mouse? I’m coming for you Nicole!!”
The live feeds return – In the bathroom Derrick tells Nicole that her speech was good. Nicole asks it wasn’t bad was it? Derrick says no, you took an innuendo from his book and used it on him. It’s not bad that I said it was a strategic move to nominate her (Jocasta) is it. It’s what it is. Frankie joins them and tells her she did good!
In the kitchen – Zach says she wants to play cat and mouse.. well she looks like a mouse and I’m as swift as a cat and I’ll bite your head off. I’m coming for you Nicole!! Zach ask Frankie do you think they (Nicole & Donny) worked together to do that. Frankie says I don’t know, does it matter.

Nicole “I’m just trying to figure out what to say.” Donny “Say Froot Loop, say CoCo Pebbles!
>8:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. UP in the HOH room – Nicole, Christine and Donny are waking up. Donny is looking at his HOH photos. He comments on what the world he was thinking in one of the photos. Christine leaves the HOH room. Donny asks Nicole if everything is still copasetic? Nicole says yeah… I am just trying to figure out what to say. Donny says say froot loops… say Coco Pebbles, it don’t matter. Donny looks at his photo and says I look so fat …goodness. Donny says it would be nice if you’re people dethroned me.