12:40am Hayden tells Zach and Cody that he and Nicole were laying down in the rock room with Caleb and literally all we talked about was Amber. The whole time, it was so funny! Nicole comes out and Zach calls her a Vixen. Nicole asks what’s a Vixen? Zach says AKA a sl*t. Nicole asks what?? Zach says you’re a beautiful woman. Nicole says I am honestly glad I just talked mad crap about you in the DR! Zach tells Nicole if his girlfriend was half as perfect as you, I would be married in three months. And that’s if I was a divorce lawyer, so that basically I would be doing my own divorce.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Derrick – Zach is going home this week and we’re saving face with Detonators and Nicole
8:26pm Derrick and Cody Bathroom
Derrick brings up his conversation with Frankie, “Dude it was a perfect conversation”
Derick says Zach has been playing all of them and it just came out. Zach told Frankie about LTA trying to keep Frankie against Derrick and Cody. Derrick says everything is cool with him Frankie is going to come talk Cody and clear things up. Zach is going home this week we’re saving face with Detonators and Nicole.

Donny – There’s two kinds of tobaccer chewers in this world the Swallowers and the Spitters.
6:05pm Backyard
Donny say she would share his chewing tobacco if he had more but he’s on his last pack.
Donny – I’m going to put enough to just choke a squirrel down”
Zach smells the chewing tobacco says it smells good. Donny – It’s peach
Cody – That does smell good
Frankie wants to try it he’s never done it before. Zach and Donny tell him he’ll throw up .
Donny – There’s two kinds of tobaccer chewers in this world the the Swallowers and the Spitters.

Hayden’s telling Frankie Christine flipped the house ‘Technically it’s what she’s doing’
3:17pm Donny and Hayden
Hayden saying that Christine is trying to pull him and Nicole apart. Brings up Christine saying Hayden is making out with Victoria.
“Nicole and I are completely fine.. she knows it’s fake it’s a rumor.. I wonder why Christine would say that”
Donny says Frankie’s goal was to put him up and get him out.

Big Brother Spoilers – Victoria starts crying “Not knowing how you’re being portrayed is the worst.”
1pm In the kitchen – Caleb tells Victoria just 10 more days and then we’re off slop. Caleb says I will probably be down to 160 lbs and I haven’t weighed that since middle school. Victoria says I can’t believe I was going to join the army. Caleb says you wouldn’t have made it. Airforce or Navy you could but not the Army, no way. Victoria says that Israeli army.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “Now they’re done! They can’t f**k with us!”
11am – 11:40am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto meeting to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that as the veto holder Christine decided NOT to use it and as a result the nominations stay the same. Either Jocasta or Zach will be evicted from the big brother house during Thursday’s Live Eviction.

Nicole tells Christine you’re my replacement nominee! Oh shoot I can’t!
9:30am – 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the earth room – Zach and Caleb are talking about how hot Miley Cyrus is. Meanwhile out in the Frankie and Nicole are talking about how Big Brother played 3 Miley Cyrus songs this morning to wake them up. Nicole is talking to herself .. big brother interrupts her to lower the awnings. Donny comes out and Nicole asks him to help her lower the awnings. Donny asks if Christine is using the veto? Nicole says that Christine said she isn’t going to use it, so I would be surprised if she does. I already know what I will do though if she does use it.

Nicole says Hayden has shown his we!ner so many times but her eyes have never met it
9:35pm poolside VIctoria, Hayden, Jocasta, Christine.
Victoria says Caleb was so mean to her in the Diary room.
9:46pm Donny and Cody have joined them.
Nicole says Hayden has shown his weiner so many times but her eye have never met it.
Hayden says if they haven’t met allow him to introduce it to her.
They start talking about BB11, Christine says Jeff was HOT. DOnny mentions that Jeff went toe to toe with the “wrestling

Derrick “once Zach goes we cripple Frankie.. We got to keep chipping away at both side”
8:30pm Poolside Derrick and Cody
Derrick agrees what Zach has to go home but he isn’t completely sold on who is trying to burn then Christine/Frankie or Nicole/Hayden.
Derrick thinks boths sides are stringing them along.
Cody – I Don’t think Hayden is..
Cody adds Frankie told Nicole it’s Frankie,CHristine, Hayden, Nicole and Donny against Derrick, Cody, Victoria, Zach and Caleb.

Derrick tells Cody Mathematically they Don’t Need Zach in the game, “I hate that f** kid”
5:20pm Bathroom Cody and Derrick
Cody goes over his conversation with Christine
Cody – Zach comes to me on the reg about Frankie and Frankie comes to me about Zach”
They briefly talk about there being backdoor plan to get rid of one of them. Paranoia at it’s best.
Derrick – Christine has no clue Frankie wasi the back door target” Derrick wonders if Nicole is trying to get Christine to use the POV so she can put Frankie up.

Big Brother Spoilers Christine — “I’m going to be like HEY not using it.. see ya”
3:44pm Hammock Christine and Derrick
Derrick – you and Nicole have your talk yet..
Christine – Got to get her alone
Derrick – Good luck
Christine- I talked to Jocasta..
Derrick says it’s good that she came to you shows it’s not obvious where you are in the game. For her to think she has a chance to get your to use the POV.

Nicole says I’ll let Christine come to me and it will be in her hands if Frankie goes up.
1:15pm – 1:25pm Nicole comes out to join Donny on the backyard couch. Donny asks what’s going on? Nicole says not much, I have no idea what Christine is going to do with the veto? IF she does use it I will not put you up. Donny asks what about the other plan? Nicole says to tell Christine that I am putting you up but then put up Frankie. That’s a lot of blood Donny! Donny says I would be okay with that if you did it. Nicole says okay I’ll think about it. Donny says you could leave it in her ball court. Nicole says I don’t even want to talk to her about it. Donny says let her come to you. Nicole says I am secretly hoping that she thinks I think she won’t use it and then she uses it .. I would then put up Frankie.