12:45am In the living room – Caleb, Derrick, Cody, and Frankie are talking. They’re talking random things. Caleb starts talking about wanting to do survivor. Frankie says I would only do it if Caleb was on my tribe. Derrich says he was mortified last season when they killed a chicken with his bare hands. Caleb says when they heard I killed that wild hog with a stick they were like… Big Brother blocks the feeds. Caleb says as soon as I get out I’m going to tell them to put me on the next season of survivor. Zach joins them and practices his speech.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Big Brother Spoilers Paranoia blows up The Rationales “I just sh1t my pants “
10:01pm Bathroom Cody and Christine
Derrick – I have to talk to you .. we have to draw the line I will draw the line tonight..
Derrick – Frankie is trying to protect Nicole and Hayden because he thinks they are with him.
Derrick wanted to tell Frankie that Nicole and hayden were planning on backdooring him.
Derrick – you think he’s going to work with them after that.. of course he isn’t
Cody – I just sh1t my pants
Derrick we have to talk tonight and look each other in the eyes and decide what decision we’re going..
Derrick says Nicole was pushing him :”Zach has to go he has to go” .. “Why does he have to go Nicole he’s not putting me and Cody up”

Derrick “I defended you.. If that was my daughter.. I would knock your fuc***g teeth out”
3:23pm Fireroom Derrick and Victoria
Victoria wants to know why he never told her Zach was saying things about here.
Derrick – I just defended you because it was the right thing to do.. it wasn’t game..
Victoria – what did you say
Derrick explains that Zach was asking him something along the lines “why are you close to her” “How can you stand her” (Derrick doesn’t want to reveal too much of the conversation)
Derrick snapped at Zach said “I’m not a scum bag i’m not disrespectful to women”

Hayden says my subject was “Su*k my bl@ck c***” and the message was “Barack Obama is sabotaging me.”
12:55pm – 1:20pm Hayden, Jocasta, Victoria, Donny, Nicole and Christine are out on the backyard couches. They’re talking about random things. Hayden talks about the tattoo suicide girls. Christine says that he husband Tim wants a tattoo of Bill Cosby. Hayden says I was thinking of getting a tattoo of my face somewhere on my body. Nicole says I could see you doing that and I wouldn’t even think twice about it. They continue to talk about tattoos. Hayden says I have 7 tattoos and 3 of them aren’t jokes. Hayden says that his Instagram and Twitter accounts have been reported and suspended a number of times.

Nicole says Caleb has a lot of garbage in his brain. I don’t know how he takes in new stuff.
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Frankie and Nicole are out in the backyard. Nicole says that she’s going to lay out in the sun. Frankie says he wishes they would let him sleep out here. Nicole tells him you just put sunglasses on Frankie! They’ll still call you out though. Frankie heads back to bed in the havenot room. Nicole goes to the HOH room to change. Donny comes out into the backyard and gets on the elliptical. Nicole comes out and lays out on the lounger to suntan.

Caleb says I will get up in Zach’s grill! I don’t think he would be dumb enough to put his hands on me..
12:40am Up in the HOH room Hayden tells Nicole that he has a present for her. Hayden then leans in to kiss her . Nicole tells him No, Hayden!! Hayden then kisses Nicole’s forehead and then tries to kiss her again. Nicole denies him again. Hayden says she acts like it never will happen again. Nicole says it won’t! She tells him it shouldn’t have happened. Nicole tells him that she liked kissing him. Hayden says I love the 2 minutes of cuddling I sneak in with you. Nicole says I’m a good cuddler! Hayden says I’m also a good kisser.

“Frankie is thinking he’s orchestrating the whole thing like Caleb did last week”
10:14pm HOH Hayden and Nicole
Hyden draws the parallels between this week and last week. Caleb thought Amber was going home and he was the mastermind last week and this week Frankie thinks he’s the mastermind but it
Hayden – It’s hilarious He’s the one thinking he’s orchestrating the whole thing like Caleb did last week
Nicole says it makes her feel good that Christine and Frankie don’t know they are working with Derrick and Cody. Hayden thinks Christine suspects something is up.

Big Brother Spoilers “F***g cops as long as they don’t arrest me I’ll be happy” -Derrick
8:35pm HOH Derrick, Cody, Nicole and Christine
Chit chat about what Derrick really does. Derrick mentions that Frankie said he thought he was a cop
Christine – I don’t think you are a cop you’re too cool
Derick – thanks another insult.. cops can be cool
Christine – I have a bitter taste in my mouth
Derrick says he’s gotten more tickets that Christine , Christine says she’s been pulled over 7 times but never got a ticket.

To Contain a Potential ZachAttack The Detonators out the The Detonators
6:07pm Bathroom Cody and Derrick
Derrick says Frankie/Christine are going to tell Nicole that Zach came to them last night and wanted to form an alliance called the detonators. It’s a way to cover them all if Zach blows it up. Derrick wants to make sure they talk to Nicole before CHristine or Frankei can.
Derrick thinks even if they were not down wit this plan Christine and Frankie would have told Nicole anyways.

Big Brother Spoilers Victoria – “It’s boring OK and what has changed.. nothing.
4:46pm Victoria and Frankie
Frankie being sarcastic says being a have nots is so much fun he wants to be one every week. Victoria says everytime she wears her head band into the Diary Room she gets compliments. Frankie says he’s had to take more medicine for his circulation because being in the have nots room is so cold.
Frankie – What is everyone feeling
Victoria – I don’t know
Frankie – what are you feeling
Victoria – Jocasta is there for me
Frankie – people are scared that i’m going to keep him.. people are afraid to talk to me.. i’m playing the game.. i’m going to do what is best for my game.. We’re friends ya but ultimately..

Victoria says my clothes have been taken from me, they’re like 90% of me! My clothes are my identity!
1:15pm In the kitchen – Caleb starts talking about his ex-girlfriend. He talks about how she was in the hospital and he stayed there with her for a week with out leaving or showering. He says that she told him he was the best boyfriend in the world. Then the next day she broke up with me and that was it. Victoria asks Hayden if they can have their talk now.
Hayden and Victoria heads outside. Victoria says I came up with some really good points when I was in the shower. Hayden asks you were thinking about me in the shower? Victoria says no I mean while I was doing my makeup.

Big Brother Spoilers – Hayden says if anyone in this house is dramatic, its you Victoria.
9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Out in the backyard Hayden, Cody, Christine head inside after dancing to the wake up music. Hayden says this is the best morning ever. One of the songs they played was: Disturbed – Down With The Sickness. And Korn – Freak on a Leash. They head inside. In the storage room – Frankie comments to Victoria that he liked Miley Cyrus better. Hayden heads out side and Donny joins him. Donny tells Hayden he’s a freak on a leash. Donny says I hope they play Lynyrd Skynyrd – Free Bird. It’s 9 minutes long.