strong>4:53pm Have nots Nicole, Zach and Donny
Donny and Zach move into the have nots room.
Donny – this must be cody’s it smells like a girl
Zach is happy that at least they get Peanut butter this week
Donny agrees warns that peanut butter constipates if they are not careful. say they can put the peanut butter in with the slop. Donny propses they make peanut butter oatmeal cookies..
Zach thinks he’s been gaining a lot of weight so maybe being a have nots is going to help him lose it.
THey are guessing the POV will have some punishments because theres only 2 have nots.
Zach mentions how the BOB was the one competition where working in a pair makes it hard than by yourself. Caleb sitting out actually helped Frankie win it.
Nicole – it’s like it’s staged
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