1:45pm Up in the HOH room – Caleb, Frankie, Cody and Christine are talking about Hayden and Nicole hooking up in Jury. Cody says I love that they hooked up. When she was telling us about it I was like GOSSIP.. YES, I want details. Frankie says I want details like did she suck his P?! Christine says no I don’t think so. Cody says I don’t think anything like that! Cody says I can’t believe they don’t even have camera’s there. Christine says doubt he even copped a good feel. Frankie asks really? Caleb says no, I bet she didn’t. Cody says no chance. Frankie says that’s so crazy that they are like together! Cody says yeah they said they aren’t going to hook up with other people.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Big Brother 16 SHOCKER “I’m not even going to call him out on his lies…” -Cody
12:51AM Cody and the his girls
Cody saying Donny wants him out of the house so putting him up is strictly game.
Cody says Donny started a social game at day 60.
About DOnny attempts to stay in this game, Christine “at this point it’s like C’Mon bro”
Christine says DOnny does nothing but lies.
Cody – I’m not even going to call him out on his lies..

Big Brother Spoilers – Donny “I won’t hold it against you because I know they’ve played you!”
10:34am – 10:45am Donny heads up to the HOH room. Donny says I hate to wake you up. I would like to take to you today at some point. Should I expect to go on the block today. Cody says I think everyone has a chance right now. Donny says I remember a few weeks ago when me, you and Hayden were in the bee hive room and we were talking about how its about time someone else went up and felt the pressure. You have the opportunity! When I’m gone I can’t watch your back. If you put 2 powerful people on their side up.. 1 of them will go home this week. Christine will still go after Nicole. Derrick will still come after me. You will be in the middle as they dwindle down. Just think about it because the other day I had talked to Christine about how Zach had said she was the next to go.

Christine “Julie Chen called me out for throwing a competition?! Seriously, Julie I hate your guts!”
2:10am Up in the HOH room Nicole says I am not going to talk any game or say anything I am not that stupid. Cody says I think its awesome that you came back. I want Donny to go and so if he goes on the block I want him to go. If he stays on the block that’s what I want. That would give you another chance to stay longer. Nicole says keep me safe so that if there’s a double eviction. You’ll know that I won’t put you up. You could easily be someone elses target if the chance presented itself. Keep people around that are going to keep you safe! Anyways thanks for talking to me Cody. Nicole leaves.

Cody’s HOH Room “you are so much cuter now that Hayden and you are together”
12:30AM HOh Nicole, Cody, Christine and Victoria
Nicole says Hayden made her breakfast for her in the mornings.
Nicole says Hayden and her watched the Notebook last night. They want her to keep talking about Hayden, “Do you hold hands, did you get his cuddle points up”
Cody – You made him a pro cuddler
Nicole – he’s a pro.. he went skinny dipping..
Christine – Did you see his stuff
Nicole – No we ran inside
Cody – We
Nicole explains her and the two handlers, hey are always with them.

BB16 HOH Spoiler “At least I have a friend you don’t know how lonely I’ve been”
10:13pm Kitchen Donny and Nicole
Donny says he talked game to Christine figured he had nothing to lose. After he told her he got called into the diary room. When he came back Christine had hauled everyone up in the HOH to tell them.
Nicole and Donny know they are both going to be nominated and one of them is going home.
Donny – At least I have a friend you don’t know how lonely I’ve been
Donny – it’s a insurmountable Obstacle we cannot beat 6 people.. We’re not giving up we just realize it.

Big Brother Spoilers “I need to go after Derrick and Cody those are my two..”
7:42pm Kitchen
talking about usually the player coming back has immunity for one work.
nicole – not this time
7:47pm Nicole and Donny at the kitchen table. alone
Nicole – I got your back.
Donny says Victoria has no clue about nothing why she’s here
Nicole they all know we’re together..
Nicole – I need to go after Derrick and Cody those are my two..

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 8 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results
- Donny and Nicole are on the block, Nicole gets sent to Jury.
- HOH Winners are Frankie and Derrick
- Frankie and Derrick plan is to evict Donny. To do this they need to nominate 3 pawns out of their own alliance.
- Zach is asked to be the pawn who throws the BOB. Zach declines they are forced to draw the nominations using Skittles.
- Christine is picked to be the pawn up against Donny, Cody and Caleb are picked to be the other 2 nominations. Official nominations are Derrick’s Noms (Donny & Christine) Frankie’s Noms (Caleb & Cody)

Frankie says Derrick you’re the new Brittany.. that means you almost have to f**k Cody!
1:37pm – 2:30pm In the kitchen – Caleb is talking to Cody about what he should do in his speech tonight. I know I couldn’t memorize something and if I had told one of you guys I would have asked you what my next line was. Just get up there and speak from your heart. Something will come to your head before tonight. Caleb heads to the bathroom to trim Derrick’s hair. Cody asks Frankie about his speech and Frankie says he just starting thinking of words that rhymed. Frankie says you know what I was thinking .. what if they hire stand in’s for us?

Frankie says Cody needs to start winning. Caleb says he’s pretty but I don’t think he’s that smart.
2am Caleb comes really close to Victoria and says “Mama! MAMA!” Victoria laughs a says it scares her. Frankie says I’m really glad I don’t know how to do that! Caleb then gets up in front of them and tells the about Diamond Dave Ninja School on Jerry Springer. Caleb says type in Diamond Dave Jerry Spring… his brother slept with his sister or something. Zach says Diamond Dave is the man!

Cody – “I’m pissed off I’m over this sh1t I can’t wait to win and call him out… Tomorrow”
8:22pm HOH Caleb, Cody and Frankie
Caleb reports back from listening in on Zach and Donny. (Remember creep mode cowboy above)
Caleb says Donny and Zach were making fun of them for picking skittles but it was mostly them talking about being shunned.
Caleb says Donny doesn’t want to hang out with them after the show because they’ve all been targeting him from day one
Caleb says Zach told Donny everyone is against him but Zach.
Hearing this pisses Cody off says he cannot stand Zach wants to back door Donny, “He’s pissing me off.. he’s been pissing me off for a long time”

Zach says they are all great people left in the house “I might go out Zachattack style”
6:34pm Caleb, Frankie and Zach
Caleb says they are all kinda jealous he gets to go to Jury house. “We’re kinda jealous you can probably call home and we don’t get Caleb says he can chill in the jury house and if there’s a buyback come back rested and ready. Adds that the person coming back is just going to be the target.to experience that.. you know what I mean.. “
Zach – All I keep thinking is 28 days and we’re back with our families
Caleb – you and your bro-skis will be playing golf