1:50am Caleb and Derrick are playing a game of pool. Over on the backyard couch Victoria, Christine and Cody. Cody says I just want to lay in bed and listen to Papa Roach and get amped up and start head butting walls and sh*t. Christine tells Cody I am pretty sure she (Victoria) would try and marry Derrick if he was single. Cody says oh 100%. Christine says that’s impressive. Christine says I think you and I are in good boats. Cody agrees. I don’t know where Frankie and I are but I think we’re crazy tight! I don’t know what Caleb would do. Christine says the HOH I want the most is the final 5. Cody says if you sent me home, I would pout the rest of time in jury.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Big Brother Spoilers – “This is going to be the longest 4 days of our lives”
9:04pm Living Room Victoria, Caleb, Christine and Derrick
Victoria says she started dating a man whose 40’s he’s beautiful, gorgeous and gentlemen
Caleb says his balls looks like two dried up tatter sacks. .
Victoria says she asked her dad if she should go on a date with him because he was so much older than her
Christine he’s twice your age. .
Derrick says if his daughter was seeing a man so much older he would have a problem with that.
Victoria says he makes very good money has the perfect personality and is stunning.
Caleb – he wants a young girl for one reason
Derrick – that guy has ulterior motives

Big Brother Spoilers – “we’re honestly too beastly to be beat by anybody”
8:19pm Derrick and Caleb FIREROOM
Derrick says worst case scenario is Nicole win HOH during the next double eviction but Derrick heard Frankie saying Nicole will put up Frankie and Christine and they will send Christine home.
Derrick – F*** calzone he’s building himself up.. building himself up quick.. he’s a beastmode and a lady guy what the F**.. he’s a double threat the ladies love him..

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 9 POV Results
POV Holder: Cody Next POV Aug 23rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 25th HOH Winner 1: Cody Next HOH Aug 28th Nominations: Donny & Nicole Have Nots Donny & Nicole POV Players Donny, Nicole, Cody, Frankie, Derrick, Christine CODY Wins POV He also get to watch the new Scorpion movie with Donny and […]

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Veto Time! Caleb – “it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that”
3:51pm HOH Caleb, Derrick and COdy
Caleb – you ready to play..
Derrick – ya
Caleb – I hope so
Cody – the only thing I’m upset about is it’s Christine and not you
Caleb say it could have been worse it could be Victoria.
Caleb adds if it’s puzzles Christine might be stronger than Caleb.
Derrick doesn’t think Christine is very good at competitions.
Derrick leaves.
Caleb mentions how happy Donny was when Caleb wasn’t picked for Veto .
Cody – He wasn’t happy when Frankie was picked.
Caleb – It’s 1 vs 6.. it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that”

Christine asks so if you get picked to play then only 5 people play? Victoria says yes.
2pm Victoria comes back into the house. She says the pain that caused this made me pass out but I didn’t completely pass out because Nicole woke me up. Christine asks did they give you an IV for dehydration? Victoria says yeah for dehydration and for pain medication. That was horrible it was such a disaster. They told me I can’t go to sleep I have to stay up and eat now. Victoria heads to get he clothes. The camera’s follow her as she walks and she says don’t follow me! Christine says I’m surprised you came back so soon. Victoria says yeah it was hell! Christine asks what do you want to eat? Victoria says they said I have to eat something sweet. Like peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I have to drink natural sugar like grape juice.

Caleb says I’m not dumb by any means.. I’m a situational awareness type of guy.
11:15am – 12pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds because Victoria was laying on the bathroom stall floor. Nicole checked on her and noticed she was all sweaty and called for Derrick to help her. When the live feeds came back – Christine, Derrick, Donny, Nicole and Caleb are sitting around the kitchen table chatting about random things. No sign of Victoria, Frankie or Cody. The house guests are talking about drinking and alcohol. Caleb says I have only been drunk out of my mind like 2 or 3 times. Nicole asks if has a big alcohol tolerance. Caleb says I could drink a case and barely have a buzz. He says he stopped drinking before coming in here though. Donny says liquor before beer never fear, beer before liquor never sicker.

Derrick “DONNY’s Going home this week, then the 10K to save him. DONNY!!! Welcome back to the house buddy!”
9:15am – 10:15am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. Donny gets up to eat and goes back to bed. Derrick is called to the diary room but comes out soon after and splashes water on his face. He sits at the kitchen bar. Cody goes in and comes out of the diary room. Derrick says that he went into the diary room and they kicked me out because I looked like I was sleeping. They told him to go wake up and splash water on his face. How do you look so awake, I guess good looking is good looking.

Derrick “You can’t do it with Frankie because every time he tries to put you in a s*xual position.”
1:30am Caleb, Cody and Frankie are in the kitchen talking about the possibiltiy of there being money in the veto competition tomorrow. Caleb says Donny will go for the money. Frankie says No way! There’s no f**king way! He wants 500K, he doesn’t give a sh*t about 10k! Cody says no he will not! Caleb says no it more than what the all american player gets. Like I would literally go home with almost 30K if I took it. That’s almost second place already. Frankie asks 5k + 10K = 30K ? Caleb says plus my stipend. Frankie says the stipend doesn’t count. Frankie says he’s not going to go for 10K.

Cody – I want to send out Donny but if Donny goes down I’m thinking Frankie
8:22pm HOH Derrick and Cody
Livign room Derrick and Cody..
Derrick – “I’m literally going out of my mind.. this downtime.. this is like a Tuesday
Cody goes up to the HOH.
Derrick follows.
Cody – do you think if Donny comes down I could put up A frankie
Derrick – You’re talking a big boy moves.. If you put Frankie up.. yes you could get him out but Nicole and Donny..

Derrick – “our luck there’s Pandora’s it’s a penalty and ‘THEY’ will be safe for a week”
7:01pm living room Victoria, Donny and Derrick
(Caleb is walking around search for Pandora’s box)
Victoria – I just want to shoot naked women all day long
Derrick – me too
Victoria – I Just like to take pictures of them it’s not sl*ty pictures I turn them into art. with the props and where we’re at.
Derrick – you do a lot of nude photos
Victoria – ya but it’s with women..
Victoria says maybe in the future she’ll do pictures of couples

Big Brother Spoilers – Nomination Ceremony Results! “Are you getting Pandora’s box now?”
Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the nomination ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that as head of household Cody did exactly what he had talk doing about prior to the ceremony. He nominated Donny and Nicole for eviction. It now all comes down to the Power of Veto competition that will take place tomorrow.
Donny, Caleb, Christine, Derrick Cody and Victoria are sitting on the living room couches. Nicole is getting things out of her dresser.