12:25am – 1:55am Derrick and Caleb are playing a game of pool while Frankie and Cody watch. Cody then plays Frankie. They finish up their games and head inside. Caleb and Cody make quesadilla’s. Derrick showers in the bathroom and Victoria joins him. Victoria asks does Frankie think he’s staying? Derrick nods yes. Victoria asks even if he doesn’t get the veto used. Derrick nods yes. Victoria asks is everyone telling him he’s good. Derrick says yes, gentleman’s agreement just like last week. You have to just trust me! Victoria says I do trust you I just want to know where he is standing.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

Big Brother Spoilers “We’re 99.99 percent Final 3..I’m not pushing no buttons”
10:32pm HOH Caleb and Derrick
Caleb says he’s feeling pretty good. Derrick point out if Cody hadn’t won one of them would they were focused.
Caleb – I’m not pushing no buttons.. nothing.. ..
Derrick – in my heart the finale is Sunday not this Sunday next Sunday.. there’s a double eviction Wednesday.. there is nothing left just play it out let it happen. if there was a Pandora’s box there I don’t know if I would you are screwing with your chances at ½ a million
Caleb – I won’t open it”

Big Brother Spoilers Final 5 Power of Veto results “call the family.. call them up”
Cody wins the POV
8:58pm Cody – hopes they get beers and the backyard soon, “Oh my god I can’t believe it”
Caleb to Cody – if you didn’t beat him Derrick would .. it’s crazy how much better everyone did
Claeb – It’s cray.. call the family.. call them up”
Caleb – I guaranteed us to the final 4 you guaranteed us to the final 3..
Cody – that’s huge bro.. biggest wins of the game so far..

Big Brother 16 Spoilers “I hate that Wall”
5:25pm THE WALL Derrick and Cody
Derrick says he crushed the morph in six minutes without ever looking at this wall.. it’s not a matter if I do it faster I will do it faster.
Cody says Frankie got a nose job so it doesn’t curve around it just ends.. reminds Cody of a dragon. Caleb’s nose reminds him of jeepers creepers.
Derrick says Caleb is not going to wiun he’s up int he hOH planning his country album Derrick feels good that Cody is “Crushing it” because if Derrick can’t win Cody winning is second best.
Frankie joins them “You guys are ridiculous” grabs a pillow and lays beside them.

Derrick “They want us to go together. Go win Big Brother and one of you can win an extra 50K!”
1pm Frankie is awake eating breakfast in front of the memory wall studying the faces for the upcoming face morph power of veto competition. Victoria is in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Victoria joins Frankie in front of the memory wall. Frankie comments about when she went to sleep and how he didn’t hear Derrick come to bed. Victoria says that she sat by him last night and he moved his chair away. So I got pissed and just walked away. Derrick walks by and goes to the bathroom. Frankie joins him and hugs him. Derrick says its unbelievable. Frankie says they love us. Derrick says it doesn’t change anything we still have got to get there.

Frankie says its morons versus geniuses. Cody says I am not by any means a genius.
1:15am Victoria says that jury is so bitter. So bitter! Caleb says oh I know! VIctoria says it’s kind of scary! Caleb asks What did we do? I mean I understand them trashing the house, flipping beds, throwing pillows. But literally like throwing all the clean dishes in the sink, pouring honey all over them. Victoria says dumping the trash. Is disgusting! Caleb says dumping the trash is the biggest one for me. I was like really, you think there’s a chip in the bottom of the trash?! Victoria says they would never do that. Maybe they would put it in the bottom of the thing. Caleb says under the trash bag.

Derrick – I keep telling him you’re safe you’re safe.. if I win that Veto you’re going home
7:08pm Derrick and Victoria Fire Room
Derrick – I keep telling him you’re safe you’re safe you’re save if I win that Veto you are going home
Derrick tells her Cody wants Frankie gone to so as longs long as one of them three win the POV Victoria isn’t going home.
Victoria says she cannot stand Frankie when he’s so paranoid
Derrick – lets see how he does in this game when he’s on the block.. he’s super smart though.. super smart.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Final 5 nominations “I knew we should have listened to Derrick”
POV Holder: ? POV Used ? HOH Winner Caleb Nominations: Frankie and Victoria Caleb gives the vacuum a kiss. #BB16 4:08pm Cody, Caleb and Derrick Studying.. 5:15pm Frankie and Victoria nominated Cody, Caleb and Derrick milling around the kitchen. Caleb’s speech used chess pieces he gave the pawn to Frankie. Derrick stressing that they need […]

Victoria WINS the luxury competition – “Big Brother please call me to the diary room because I am pissed!”
1pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the luxury competition. Victoria is in the living room talking about how she is pissed!! They better get me a new necklace!! The broke my necklace big brother!! They took my clothes now I don’t have my necklace! Victoria says these f**kers! F**king A! Yeah Hayden I F**KING WON! That was my favorite necklace! They better get me a new one! I was going to wear that to the finale! I won and they’re going to get me a new necklace! AND its going to come out of their pockets!! Victoria says I never expected them to dump garbage on the floor! That’s disgusting. That is a bitter bitter bitter jury!!

“It’s Time for a LUXURY competition!” – Maybe a big old diesel truck will come through that door full of money!
10:45am Big Brother displays “IT’S TIME FOR A LUXURY COMPETITION!” on the living room tv screen. All the house guests except Victoria are still sleeping. Big Brother starts playing the Holla messages over and over again to wake up the house guests. Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return Frankie, Derrick and Cody head into the living room. Frankie yells Oh My GOD! Derrick screams yes! Yes! That’s what I’m talking about!! They get Caleb to come down from the HOH room and show him the tv screen. Frankie says maybe a big old diesel truck will come through that door full of money

Derrick says its just too much of a risk, if Frankie doesn’t go up he could ruin one of our games.
12:30am Up in the HOH room – Caleb is talking about his Dad to Frankie and Cody. Caleb says his Dad is a bad dude. He lived it rough for a while and has some tattoos he’s not proud of. Caleb talks about his brothers and how his brother Damon has a different Dad but that his Dad was there when he was born and is basically his Dad. Caleb says his Dad is a smart as Einstein and he didn’t even finish high school. Victoria joins them. Derrick joins them not long after. Derrick looks at Caleb’s photo and says this doesn’t even look like him. Furthest thing from a cowboy right here.

Caleb – “I’m Hoping Derrick will say Dude put me up I haven’t been put up yet”
7:21pm Cody, Caleb and Derrick in the Kitchen, Caleb is making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. THey are talking about getting some alone time in the HOH soon to talk about who they will nominate. Derrick doesn’t think Frankie will give them any time alone. Caleb doesn’t want