Let’s for a moment look at this from her point of view. The entire house is against the same people, Janelle/Kaysar. She’s with J/K and has a final 3 with Kevin/Da’Vonne. Everyone (including Da and especially Kevin) is filling her head with brain worms soaked in Kraken that are against J/K. It’s one boiling pot of messy gameplay and interlocking cowardly alliances that are focused against J/K. The main delusion – J/K’s plan was to get NicA out of the house because the only game they know how to play is a house divided and a split vote would create a house divided. There’s more to it, but pretty much crazy pants. It’ll go down in BB history and for someone who has a podcast in the Big Brother community, it might be weird. Of Course, she’ll rationalize it away. Would you? David is pretty much stumbling around.
Tag: Cody Calafiore

NicoleA “So I am done! That’s it! Damn!” Day “You’re literally a casualty to someone else’s game.”
1:25pm Lounge room. NicoleA, Kevin, Janelle, Kaysar
Nicole pulls people into the room. Kevin – should I get Bay? Janelle – I would NOT get Bay .. she is so upset right now.. she is PMS’ing right now. Nicole – should I just ask her? Janelle – no! I would not! Nicole – but this is it.. if she doesn’t come in here. Janelle – she just freaked out on me.. Kaysar – why? Janelle – she wouldn’t tell me but I think its NicoleF.. she said Nicole is after me .. are you after me now and now she is scared that she is in Nicole’s position too. She is pissed off at the situation. Nicole – I’m going to go see where she is at? Janelle – I WOULD NOT DO THAT! I would really not do that! Kaysar – just talk to her tomorrow. Nicole – I am f**ked then! They don’t seem willing …they would have come in here..

Memphis laughs “like come on .. did you really think you (NicoleA) were going to win!?”
7:27pm Bedroom. Memphis, Chrsitmas and Dani.
Memphis – she’s (NicoleA) in there cry.. I went in there and Janelle was like (throws her hands up) this girl. She (NicoleA) was covered up. Dani – she is covered up .. like her whole head? Memphis – yeah. And Janelle is like this f**king girl!? Because I think she was crying or whatever the f**k she was doing. Christmas – I don’t know .. at some point its going to happen to all of us but one. Memphis – yeah.. no sh*t! Exactly! That’s my point exactly! It is what it is. Sorry! Christmas – later a$$holes! Memphis – and whoever wins I will congratulate them. Dani – there might be some we might not congratulate. Memphis – I will. Ain’t no hard feelings here. But I don’t like it when people take it that.. like come on ..

“why are people not scared of me it’s like I’m a f***ing joke, it’s embarrassing”
2:43 pm NicA and Cody
NicA retell is, of course, making Janelle out to be a monster.
Cody tells her if she stays it won’t be because of Janelle.
Cody – their whole thing it to split the house
Nica – she wants the house split
NicA delusions continue
Cody – they’re[J/K] scrambling and creating something that isn’t there. (LOL)
Cody – if you call a house meeting
Nic – they’ll be like we planed this..
NicA – it’s my Hail Mary to call a house meeting
Cody warns her that house meetings don’t always work out for the person that calls them.
NicA – I know what she’ll say how dare you. I’m campaigning for votes .. how dare you
NiCA – when I review the tapes I’ll be like OHH my GOSH.. they created this we have to split the vote we have to split the two side

“I’ve been going person to person saying they’re [J/K] my targets and they’re my only two votes”
11:20 am Kevin and NicA
NicA – I was thinking about everything last night then again this morning
Nic – you know how I am
NiCA explain that last season she has Cliff and this season it’s Kevin “Meaning what you say and Final 2 actually means something.. You stick by me and advocate for me”
NicA – if I go out tomorrow you are the one person that’s my friend for life
NicA – I have to talk to Da’Vonne like really talk to her because that’s something I’m really struggling with I git it I do. I am right there standing shoulder to shoulder. However when I make a final 3 It means something. It’s week two and you’re already throwing the alliance out

NicoleF “How many alliances do you have, 15?!” Cody “This is the season of a million alliances.”
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Hammock. Cody and NicoleF.
Nicole – who the hell are you going to go after? You’re best friends with everyone after the two (Janelle & Kaysar) are gone. I’m going to have to do all the dirty work. Cody – Its okay with me .. I had to do if for Derrick. Nicole – laughs. Cody – no we’ll find people to do that dirty work. I’ve been sprinkling stuff to Memphis so he can do it when the time is right. Nicole – do what? Cody – what do you f**king think!? You know what our name is on the other one? What to know it? Nicole – its dumb! Eight for what!? Nicole – how many alliances do you have .

“I feel really stupid..they [J/K] want me to stay. OK I’ll take your vote. they’re my targets”
4:55 pm NicA and Tyler
NicA campaigns says she felt Burned by Janelle and Kaysar.
nicA – I was used and I’m aware of it I feel really stupid about this.. right now they want me to stay Ok I’ll take your vote.
NIcA – they’re my targets.
feeds being blocked every 2 seconds. NicA campaigning saying she’s her own player she’s not working with Kaysar and Janelle.

“If anybody has any empathy it’s hard not to feel like maybe David didn’t get to really play I’m nice, I’m genuine, I’m helping, I clean”
10:43 am Kevin and David
David – I’m sorry you are stuck in the middle with two people you care about
Kevin – you have it worse than me because you are on have-nots and up against someone you care about I didn’t have that situation.
David starts talking about his ethnicity and how he identifies with people of the same ethnicity.
David says he identifies with Kevin and Kasyar because they are both minority men.
David about Kaysar – I don’t know how far he played or how good he is.
David – now he’s campaigning against me and wants me out.. well not wanting me out .. it just hurts. especially this early
Kevin – I think there is a strategy to exaggerate things on their part I don’t know if there’s even a campaign there’s just 3 people
David – they are making up stuff and get it out there

David “I think Cody is bringing information up to Memphis which is getting to Kaysar.”
8:55pm Storage room. David and Tyler.
Tyler – I am telling you Day and Bay are in an alliance with Janelle and Kaysar. I think it might come down to a 6 – 6 vote. So I need to be talking to Memphis about that because he breaks the tie. And if he breaks the tie and keeps Nicole .. he is with them. I am going to tell him that he shouldn’t play his cards for something like that. David – I don’t think Day and Bay will turn on you. Tyler – dude I see them sneaking into rooms the whole time. David – because they’re not good right now. Kaysar is trying to rattle them to get information. I think Cody is bringing information up to Memphis which is getting to Kaysar.

“I just feel so bad for her.. NicA was seriously second-guessing our friendship”
3:06 pm Janelle and Kaysar
Janelle – I should have protected her
Kaysar – he didn’t listen to us and we had no idea what he was doing. and when we try to dave her we can’t get people to vote for her. we literally have no say
Janelle – NicA was seriously second-guessing our friendship. She asked me if everything I told her was true. That makes me so sad..
Janelle cries, “I just feel so bad for her”
Kaysar says when he found out Bayleigh and Da’vonne weren’t going to vote their way it kinda sucks.. A punch to the gut
Kaysar wanted to work with NicA from watching her season
Janelle was the same.
Janelle – so Bayleigh said she wouldn’t vote for her to stay
Kaysar – I didn’t hear it from Bayleigh.
Kaysar – the reason why she was crying yesterday because Da’Vonne told her.

“Cody, Tyler, Dani, NicF are locked in that’s four right there. I would have to get everybody else. “
1:50 pm NicA Da’Vonne
NicA points out there are usually more people on the fence for eviction the fact they’re not means to her there’s a group working together.
Da’Vonne – I’m not part of it
NicA – that’s very scary
NicA asks is David part of that alliance or is it a separate alliance that is saying they want to keep David.
Da’Vonne – if we save you this week we can pull them in
NicA – I told you my Core. I know my Core if and when I win HOH that will be proven.
NicA – Cody, Tyler, Dani, NicF, and maybe EnZo I think right there ..
Da’Vonne – I believe When it comes to Enzo I think they let him believe that he is part of it.
NicA – makes sense.
Da’Vonne – makes sense.

“Have you seen her season ..They called her the snake, god she’s super dangerous”
8:51 am Memphis and Janelle
They complain about how messy people are.
Janelle – they’ve told NicA she’s going home
Memphis – who has ..
J – she won’t tell me but three people
Memphis – at this point she probably should say
Janelle says Da’vonen won’t vote David out of this house..
Feeds cut..
When we’re back we have Janelle saying she’s worried David is working with those four.
Memphis – David seems more like a wildcard and a threat than NicA..
Memphis is annoyed that NicA won’t say who is telling her she’s going home.
J – she doesn’t want to be seen as the rat..