5:20pm HOH room. Enzo and Kevin.
Enzo – I am sorry that you’re up there but I’ve got to nominate two people. You know what I mean. You’re safe, just do what you do! That’s it! Trust me! Even if he wins the POV, you’re safe trust me! You’ve got my word on that. That’s all. I’m sorry. Kevin – I trust you. Ezno – you’re safe. There are too many people I like in this house. I’ve got to put someone up there and no one is coming after you. That’s why you’re up there. That’s it. I hate to say pawn but that’s what it is right now. There are too many f**king people in this house. I don’t trust anybody. Everyone is a flip flopper. Its good that you came up here. Kevin – is that true about the game talk? Enzo – no that wasn’t about you. That was about him. He hasn’t talked game to me all season and now today he comes up here and is all gungho. I’m like BRO where was this.